Against my better judjement I went ahead and contacted Sorenson Techincal support via email and asked them the question regarding LDAP and the ports needed for the VP. Here is the response.qwerty123 said:opps dennis you wrong pasted from Soresnon netwrok paper ask soresnon techincle support for user guide page 79
Thank you for contacting Sorenson Support. In answer to your question, we only can tell you that LDAP is outbound port 389. See below:
Inbound Ports:
Port 1720 (TCP)
Ports 15328-15333 (TCP & UDP)
Port 80 (HTTP)
Outbound Ports:
Ports 1024-65535 (TCP & UDP)
Port 389 (LDAP)
Port 80 (HTTP)
So now I have current docuementation, the box the VP came in and Sorenson tech support all telling me the same thing. But then there is qwerty123 telling me otherwise but with nothing to back it up... Hmmmmmm.... who should I believe???? And by the way... I also looked into CORE. CORE is a service that is used to alert you of missed calls.. Not a replacement for LDAP. Just because your VP still works without LDAP doesn't mean that it's not needed for some of the features.