I am hearing and my wife is deaf. We habe been married over 10 years and habe 2 beautiful children. I feel as if i missing out on a better quality marriage. With thay said , all the deaf people reading this will hate me now. Im just tired of having to take caee of someone.who uses being deaf as an excuse.to be lazy. Im tired of all the misunderstandings, im tired of repeating myself, im tired of sign language. our.kids.spend all.day with my wife and she ignores them since she is unable to.communicate with them. She did not teach them.asl. my wife plays candy crush all day, the house is a mess. She takes responsibility for nothing, she has never had a job and i take care of paying the bills fillijg out all paper work phone calls etc. I need a partner, not another kid. If zhe was hearing would this all be different? I dont haabe the patience to.communicate with her anymore. Its like she is.from another planet..Im just tired......