Ditch Blockbuster.

VamPyroX said:
Hey! Don't say that about Blockbuster! It was probably just your local store. You can call that Blockbuster and ask for the phone number to the district manager. (They should have the phone number listed on the backboard behind the cash registers/computers in the store.) If you still have problems, call headquarters. They're very understanding.

I have friends who work/worked at Blockbuster. One of them has CI and can speak orally. She can't use the phone though. Another one is hard-of-hearing and can understand clearly. She rarely uses the phone and usually lets another employee answer the phone. Another is deaf but can lip-read very well. They all worked at different times and for almost a year each. They quit due to school and other personal issues. However, they all got the job and it was great. Even now, there's a gal working at my local Blockbuster who knows how to sign. She has high respect for deaf customers too.

Now, let's move on to me...

I've been saying "local video store" for about two years here in AllDeaf. I was saying that to avoid revealing too much detail about myself. To tell you the truth, that "local video store" that I worked at... was Blockbuster Video. No, it wasn't just a Blockbuster Video location. I worked at over 10 different locations. I earned a "star" badge for working there for over 2 years. I worked from June 1995 part-time until the end of summer 1995 when I started working full-time. I got promoted to manager by 1996. I continued working until November 1999 and left due to coming to RIT. I did go back to work for them for 3 months during the summer of 2001. While working at my location, I would be called to cover shifts at many other locations. After getting promoted to manager, I was called out more often to cover other shifts because they knew they could depend on me. I was transfered 3 times. I was transfered from one store to another store that was 5 miles south. I was then transfered to another store that was 20 miles north from my second store. I was then transfered back to the second store later. I also covered shifts at over 10 other locations. I even helped with opening 4 stores, including the location at headquarters.

This is becoming like the Target issue. A deaf person has a bad experience with one store and every other deaf person decides to avoid that store. They should stop blaming the whole thing and focus on that one store.

I think Malfy was talking only about her local BB. Didnt get an idea of it being in general. I do think being discriminated in business that is in a certain area is still a disappointment regardless of how you feel about the corporation. She just needed to get it off her chest, unless I'm mistakened. Her feelings are still valid. :D Thats cool you had good experiences with BB.
Liebling:-))) said:
Malyoisch, I know an exactly how you feeling & also your pain, too. It's terrible to see you being hurt by them. :cry:

I'm total surprised when I read all of threads over decriminalize for a first time because I always thought America is the best than Europe over disability rights.

Hehe... some people will always have their opinions of how things work everywhere, right? There'll be always people who are nervous about trusting deaf peeps because they were raised that way by their parents and grandparents and so on..... sort of sad, but hey, we're here to bust that old system right? :thumb:
Liza said:
Looks like it was definitely discrimination in your case, and you just needed to rant here. Ouch, sorry about that BallBuster in your area!

Oh, no problem. They'll just eventually find and have to clean off the wadded-up gum I left under the "New Releases" shelves. :::snicker:::
Liza said:
Hehe... some people will always have their opinions of how things work everywhere, right? There'll be always people who are nervous about trusting deaf peeps because they were raised that way by their parents and grandparents and so on..... sort of sad, but hey, we're here to bust that old system right? :thumb:

Yeah, I know :thumb:
Malfoyish said:
Oh, no problem. They'll just eventually find and have to clean off the wadded-up gum I left under the "New Releases" shelves. :::snicker:::

I’ve got a better idea. First, go rent Dr. Seuss on VHS. Then record over it with hard core porn, starting at a point a few minutes into the movie. Then cap off the end of the porno segment with a brief plug for your favorite ambulance chasing lawyer. Drive around to other stores and do this a few more times. Kick back and watch the results. :twisted:
Levonian said:
I’ve got a better idea. First, go rent Dr. Seuss on VHS. Then record over it with hard core porn, starting at a point a few minutes into the movie. Then cap off the end of the porno segment with a brief plug for your favorite ambulance chasing lawyer. Drive around to other stores and do this a few more times. Kick back and watch the results. :twisted:

Oh, Levonian! I absolutely love how your primate-brain works!!!! OMG!!! That is definitely worth a shot...costly, but hmmm...I'd make headlines! LOL.
Liza said:
I think Malfy was talking only about her local BB. Didnt get an idea of it being in general. I do think being discriminated in business that is in a certain area is still a disappointment regardless of how you feel about the corporation. She just needed to get it off her chest, unless I'm mistakened. Her feelings are still valid. :D Thats cool you had good experiences with BB.
I was referring to everyone else's posts saying that they were gonna "fuck Blockbuster" because of what Malfoyish said. It's the same thing with Target. One person has a problem with one Target, and everyone decides to boycott all Targets. :crazy:
If you can get those stores closed, can I have those DVDs so I can watch the movies for free? :fingersx:
kuifje75 said:
:werd: I am tired of deaf people trying to find scapegoats to blame for their inablity to find jobs. They need to readjust their attitude and perhaps they would be more cheerful and friendly, and have a better chance to be hired for their attitude readjustment!

It's Easier said than done , for example: Imagine how many deaf people's attitudes is growing thin and being discouraged after going from one employment to another seeking work...knowing fully well the underlying reasons for not being considered or hired simply because of not being able to hear...time again and again, whether they maintain a cheerful and friendly appearance/attitude or doing other things to show that they're more than capable of doing a specific job and fulfilling it's quota of the job description...being turned away constantly is exceedingly a hard thing to deal with such issues as discrimination even if there are 'laws' in this aspect...

Malfoyish has every right to feel however she feels in the situation with Blockbuster...She did NOT say you shouldn't go to blockbuster anymore because of the discrimination she had experience....All She was doing is getting it off her chest!...

I sympathize with Malfoyish for what she gone thru.....I understand how you feels... :ily: *hugs*
I worked at a grocery store for 5 years and I had this store manager that managed like 2 or 3 stores at one time. He left to go on to become one of the higher ranks at the coroprate offices, I'm not sure which position he's holding right now, but they promoted him to a higher rank, obviously based on his hard working activities at the two or three stores.

Vampyrox, it is possible to manage more than one store at one time, as I have told you about this guy who was my store manager.

I interviewed this guy, who's the store manager of McDonalds, in Rochester and he told me that he is currently managing 6 different McDonalds at that time. He said it's very hard but once you get the hang of it, it's kinda easy.
PyrollisAhFiros said:
I worked at a grocery store for 5 years and I had this store manager that managed like 2 or 3 stores at one time. He left to go on to become one of the higher ranks at the coroprate offices, I'm not sure which position he's holding right now, but they promoted him to a higher rank, obviously based on his hard working activities at the two or three stores.

Vampyrox, it is possible to manage more than one store at one time, as I have told you about this guy who was my store manager.

I interviewed this guy, who's the store manager of McDonalds, in Rochester and he told me that he is currently managing 6 different McDonalds at that time. He said it's very hard but once you get the hang of it, it's kinda easy.
Yes, it is possible. However, it depends on the business. For Blockbuster, you are expected to work at one store for at least 50 hours. That would be only one store. However, the district manager does mange over 10 stores in the district. Perhaps, your friend has a different label as mine does. :dunno:
Damn, he's no rose-y for sure! If I'm ever in your area I'll leave him a present. *snicker*
Katzie said:
Damn, he's no rose-y for sure! If I'm ever in your area I'll leave him a present. *snicker*

Mucho appreciated, Katzie. ;) I am pretty sure your present won't smell anything like roses. ;)

Love ya, girlie!!!
Malfoyish said:
Mucho appreciated, Katzie. ;) I am pretty sure your present won't smell anything like roses. ;)

Love ya, girlie!!!
Exactly sweetheart :ily:
Malfy, I feel for ya. :hug:

My sister works in Hollywood Videos Headquarters (btw, they are located here) for many years. Many of my deaf friends asked me to ask her if she could help speak up for them getting jobs at local Hollywood Videos stores. Shes been helpful in advocating for getting jobs for people w/disabilities.

Sometimes having connections help. Shitty system, indeed.
oh man, they werent educated about deaf and they still treat deaf unfairly. I wouldnt go to that place again if they treat me like a shitznit...I would just call the blockbuster headquarter and explain the situation. You seem fine and have no problem gettin a job there. i dont understand them. I used to work at Video Wiz for a year as sales person/manager asst. I have NO PROBLEM with thoses. DEAF can work at any video stores.
Meg said:
Malfy, I feel for ya. :hug:

My sister works in Hollywood Videos Headquarters (btw, they are located here) for many years. Many of my deaf friends asked me to ask her if she could help speak up for them getting jobs at local Hollywood Videos stores. Shes been helpful in advocating for getting jobs for people w/disabilities.

Sometimes having connections help. Shitty system, indeed.

Thanks, Meggers. :) :hug: I think it's wonderful what your sister is doing. I have NO idea why I wasn't hired. Perhaps it's because I'm incapable of using the telephone or walkie-talkies for in-store communications. However, I AM perfectly capable of doing any and everything else. It was an insult and a slap in the face to be told that I didn't meet requirements. They had a sixteen-year-old behind the counter whose biggest problem at the moment was her nails. :dunno: Anyway. I never went there again. I did open up membership at Hollywood Video and we use them for renting videos.

They treat their customers better, too. AND they're cheaper.
ro said:
oh man, they werent educated about deaf and they still treat deaf unfairly. I wouldnt go to that place again if they treat me like a shitznit...I would just call the blockbuster headquarter and explain the situation. You seem fine and have no problem gettin a job there. i dont understand them. I used to work at Video Wiz for a year as sales person/manager asst. I have NO PROBLEM with thoses. DEAF can work at any video stores.

You're right - one who is deaf should be able to work just about any job with the exception of the ones that are telephone oriented, i.e. telemarketing or receptionist or secretary.

No biggie, though. I now have TWO jobs that I do very well at. I'm not complaining and my employers have no complaints about me, either.