ok this is the survey it is quite long for a forum but please do your best with it! thank you so much!!
Communication and Interaction between deaf and hearing communities
Age : (please circle) 20-29
30-39 40-49 50+
Sex: Male/
Have you been Deaf since birth?
If no could you please state the circumstances?
Are you a member of any deaf clubs? NO
Do you use Sign Language? YES/
NO (getting there though)
Do you Lip read? YES/NO I can't answer any of it. I can only speechread. So I need hearing aids, lip read, AND body language to understand someone. Without one of those, I have a difficult time understanding.
I will often avoid situations where I think I will not be understood.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
I am happy to repeat myself when people genuinely don’t understand what I’m saying.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral
Agree Strongly Agree <--- I am fine with repeating, but afterwhile I get frustrated if I can't make myself clear. The other person get frustrated with me too.
I get frustrated or annoyed when I am not understood.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
I mostly communicate with deaf people or hearing people who can sign.
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I often have to write things down to communicate with hearing people who do not sign.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree or people who can't understand me, or I can't understand them.
I would prefer to be able to communicate with people without any difficulty at all.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
I get frustrated when people treat me differently from hearing people.
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neutral Agree Strongly Agree <---depend on the situation.
It upsets me when people talk directly to an interpreter rather than talking to me.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral
Agree Strongly Agree <---- even though I don't usually have an interpreter, this does apply to Relay Service (telephone) for the deaf for me.
I would prefer if people would ask if I understand rather than assuming I do.
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I do not find that my deafness hinders me, and I am proud to be a member of the deaf community.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
I am often ignored by doctors/nurses when interpreters are present.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
<---- They do that with my parent or husband.
I find that shop assistants try their best to help me if I am struggling in a shop.
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neutral Agree Strongly Agree <---- I avoid them
I often find that communication is generally hard with hearing people
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
I feel more comfortable in situations where I do not require an interpreter to make myself understood.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
I am mostly able to make myself understood without too much trouble.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
What is your preferred method of communication? ASL as first language, and spoken as second language.
In what ways do you think the deaf community are expected to conform to a hearing world?
It should be the other way around.
Given that more than 10% of the UK population is considered deaf or hard of hearing how do you think mainstream media should cater for this? captioning.
Do you think people such as Doctors and other health professionals should be trained to communicate with the deaf community? Yes. or at least be updated with technologies to work with them.
In what ways do you think the hearing community should reach out to include the deaf community? They should start with learning about their culture, history, etc.
Are there any aspects of the hearing world that you think the deaf community will never be fully included? To have full hearing like them? I think alot of things are possible for the deaf if the technology is right, and hearing people are willing to work as a team with deaf people without complaining and without discrimining.
In what ways do you think current provisions for the deaf community (such as subtitles) can be improved to make them more effective?
I would love to see transcripts online so I can be more educated with literacy, and not be watered down with subtitles. And I would love it because I have hearing children.. They can hear what being said on TV but I can't.
In what ways do you think that the internet has improved communication between deaf and hearing populations? Yes
How frequently do you come into contact with hearing people who don’t sign? All the time.
Do you find that most people who are unable to sign make an effort to make themselves understood?
If yes in what ways do they do this? yes, unfortunately they talk in a child-like manner too.
In the last year have you had any negative experiences when trying to communicate with hearing people?
If yes can you describe what happened? With my family, they don't let me know what is going on because I can't hear on the phone. And hearing people tend to avoid me when they know i'm deaf. I could go on but I don't think I need to.
In the last year have you had any positive experiences when trying to communicate with hearing people?
If yes can you describe what happened? When I ask for help, they help me.
I find it less helpful when people can sign but only have a limited knowledge. Yes/
If so how can you explain this? because I don't know sign either.. I need to take it slow.
Do you find that people are always understanding as why communication may be hard for the deaf community? Not always. They often say we only communicate well when we want to if we use spoken language.
Are there certain situations you would avoid going to alone if you knew it would be difficult to be understood?
If so what would these circumstances be? Resturants, family gathering, or any type of events, clubs, etc.
In what circumstance would you prepare for by arranging for a family member to come with you so that communication is easier? court and anything that have to do with bills.
Can you give some examples of situations you find yourself in daily where communication is difficult? Resturants, family, telephone
In what ways do you think that communication between deaf and hearing people can be improved? ASL and technology... plus some understanding
Can you say that most of your friends are deaf or signing? YES/
If no in what ways do you communicate?