Disgraced pastor Haggard admits second relationship with man

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And don't forget the entertaining on television, stage, and all the decorating shows.....
I can see Jillio in tears when she sees how seriously hijacked her thread is! :lol:
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

For the great day of wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

I agree. There is nothing wrong with being gay.

All this shows is that gays come from all walks of life.

I second that. One problem, I hate it when I was/am accused as a homophoia when they misunderstood/misunderstand me after I tried to explain why religious people don't support an idea but support gay people... I remembered one person said to religious people, "If you don't support gay rights or marriage, you are a bad (religion kind). If you support them, you are a good (religion kind). Which do you want to be?" Sighs. =/

Sure, it's nothing wrong with being homosexual, bisexual, and etc etc. I agreed totally... Oh, well...
I agree. There is nothing wrong with being gay.

All this shows is that gays come from all walks of life.

And that hypocrites and liars hold themselves up as religious leaders and men of high moral standards.:roll:
I agree..nothing wrong with being gay but there is something wrong when someone preaches that being gay is sinful or morally wrong but yet engages in the same behavior...has to practice what he preaches..that's the moral of the story.

Exactly! Its a shame that people are so blinded that they can't see the hypocricy of this man.
I second that. One problem, I hate it when I was/am accused as a homophoia when they misunderstood/misunderstand me after I tried to explain why religious people don't support an idea but support gay people... I remembered one person said to religious people, "If you don't support gay rights or marriage, you are a bad (religion kind). If you support them, you are a good (religion kind). Which do you want to be?" Sighs. =/

Sure, it's nothing wrong with being homosexual, bisexual, and etc etc. I agreed totally... Oh, well...

Then why did this guy lie about his homosexual relationships and cheat on his wife in order to engage in them?

I agree. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. There is, however, something terribly wrong with preaching to others that it is wrong while you are engaging in a homosexual relationship yourself.
Haggard is a disgusting man whom I've never held in high regard.

People who put their pastors on pedestals are wrong; that is not biblical.

Are pastor always warned us against doing that, and to keep him accountable.

Any preacher who falls into sin should be prohibited forever from any future position of preaching, teaching, or leadership. If he's truly repentant, he can be forgiven but he still must never be allowed in a spiritual leadership role again.

I don't see any humor in this situation. It's disgusting and shameful.
Haggard is a disgusting man whom I've never held in high regard.

People who put their pastors on pedestals are wrong; that is not biblical.

Are pastor always warned us against doing that, and to keep him accountable.

Any preacher who falls into sin should be prohibited forever from any future position of preaching, teaching, or leadership. If he's truly repentant, he can be forgiven but he still must never be allowed in a spiritual leadership role again.

I don't see any humor in this situation. It's disgusting and shameful.

It is absolutely disgusting and shameful. The injected humor had nothing to do with that.
Then why did this guy lie about his homosexual relationships and cheat on his wife in order to engage in them?

Yeah, I thought so, too. And it's a such common thing, but is his wife not good enough for him? =/ Oh, boy..

I agree. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. There is, however, something terribly wrong with preaching to others that it is wrong while you are engaging in a homosexual relationship yourself.

Haggard is a disgusting man whom I've never held in high regard.

People who put their pastors on pedestals are wrong; that is not biblical.

Are pastor always warned us against doing that, and to keep him accountable.

Any preacher who falls into sin should be prohibited forever from any future position of preaching, teaching, or leadership. If he's truly repentant, he can be forgiven but he still must never be allowed in a spiritual leadership role again.

I don't see any humor in this situation. It's disgusting and shameful.

What's more shameful is how he felt pressured to LIE about who he is in the first place.
. . . I feel perfectly justified in "casting the stone" as you put it, on this one. You do not find me preaching one standard to others and living another myself.

I am not defending what any of these people did, as that's between them and God alone.

Reba said mainly the same thing I did.

I don't go around preaching either. We all have our own faults.
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