I have been thrus that before with the fast food. I refused to work with fast food as part time position. They almost never give me the day off. I am responible to do the stupid pizza dough, wash dish or pan, and clean the table.
However, I don't feel that ADA is educational or aware of what happen. In my option, I don't think that they do their job as purpose to follow the promise. Oh heck, freedom doesn't only count but the freedom is limited. If that settle as freedom and who will control that people? So, the people responible have plently of leash to pull the people down until behave. Seem they are run out of leash to pull the people down to behave and have some respect other.
In addition, I read some of you talking about the people have no job and etc. In my option, the true is they are afriad that customer is not pleases to see deaf employer to work the business, or whatever their favorite store. In behalf that part, I agree with one that say hearing is toward to close mind.
One of my friend told me and wish there never happen with voice over the wire that hearing can depend on it. So, we can remove the sound or voice over the wire. It easier for all communicate at once thru the data. It will be nice, eh?
Other than that data, job and one part. They don't want us to live. I am tired to tell my family. I couldn't get job because "I am deaf." I know that sound pity but matter facts are true that they don't want to hire due communicate into lack of those. In meantime, I feel that we need to take an action to count together. I am not saying about sue. We should set as bill of right. Bill of Right is different than ADA. ADA is provider or access-able. It doesn't say about sign language? Do you recall that sign language is disability? I doublt .
I don't know how many people among of deaf people know the bill of right and ada?