
Closed captioning. I live in a single family home but if we turn up our tv and the neighbors are able to hear it, we will get fined.
Not to be rude but vibrations do not always mean someone is being loud anyways. I lived in a bottom floor apartment and I could feel people walk around from certain areas. They weren't being loud.
I'm guessing you wear a hearing aid. All you need is an FM system that can plug into the headphone jack of the TV and direct the sound to your hearing aid. This way, the only person who hears the TV is you. Talk to your audiologist about it.

Using captions with the FM system is also a good idea.

I am not sure you are talking to but , I have trouble understanding what is being said a lot and headphone would me help out there. I wonder if the OP has this problem too. I guess you can't buy those machines anymore you took up to the TV to have CC. I can't think of the correct name of it.
Closed captioning. I live in a single family home but if we turn up our tv and the neighbors are able to hear it, we will get fined.

If you're hoh or deaf how would know it was too loud and your neighbors would be able to hear it? I asked my neighbors b/c I have no idea what is loud to them . I think your neighbors should tell your TV is too loud before calling the cops on you.
If you're hoh or deaf how would know it was too loud and your neighbors would be able to hear it? I asked my neighbors b/c I have no idea what is loud to them . I think your neighbors should tell your TV is too loud before calling the cops on you.

There are numbers for volume when you adjust it on the tv screen. It is a visual display.

My stepmother drew that to my attention, to make sure if it was on it should be at 30 or less or it can hurt the dog's ears and cause them distress.
There are numbers for volume when you adjust it on the tv screen. It is a visual display.

My stepmother drew that to my attention, to make sure if it was on it should be at 30 or less or it can hurt the dog's ears and cause them distress.

I was also told be sure to not let my hearing aid feed back when I take it out when I got Finlay. The trainer said the would hurt his ears . Mine is higher than 30 , I will made it lower , I had lived in my condo for 30 years now and not one person complained about my TV being too loud .
I was also told be sure to not let my hearing aid feed back when I take it out when I got Finlay. The trainer said the would hurt his ears . Mine is higher than 30 , I will made it lower , I had lived in my condo for 30 years now and not one person complained about my TV being too loud .
Maybe you have sound-proof walls.
If you're hoh or deaf how would know it was too loud and your neighbors would be able to hear it? I asked my neighbors b/c I have no idea what is loud to them . I think your neighbors should tell your TV is too loud before calling the cops on you.

Number 1, Most T.V. must have close captioned devices in all new T.V.s. I think the OP just wanted to turn up the sound loud so the OP can hear it but it is better to just read the close captioned programs so it would be easier not to disturb the neighbors.

Number 2, For the hearing neighbors whether inside the apartment or next door or wherever they live close by are very sensitive to noises. Yes, they would call the cops if they complained about noises too loud. You would disturb them with that kind of loud noises anyway. :P
If you're hoh or deaf how would know it was too loud and your neighbors would be able to hear it? I asked my neighbors b/c I have no idea what is loud to them . I think your neighbors should tell your TV is too loud before calling the cops on you.

If I start feeling the vibrations on the floor from the surround sound, then I know it is becoming too loud. Besides, it is well known that a volume setting of 30 or above starts hurting the pet's ears.
:shock: Wow! 30 is too loud for me. The lowest number volume I can handle is 12, that's good enuff for me. Compared to my hearing son avg is #10, much quieter at bedtime. But I prefer nbr 15-18, just right for me.
Do you have Closed captioning on your TV ? I have been lucky , no one complain about my TV being too loud.


The National Fair Housing Alliance may be able to help you , this story about deaf and hoh people having a hard finding apartments to rent.

That article is about discrimination preventing people from renting apartments.

The OP is already living in an apartment. The issue is a noise complaint, not discrimination.

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
So I have to put up with the loud vibrations from them running around and slamming doors but can't have my TV up just a Lil louder than them.

Then you need to bring up that issue with the apartment manager.

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was actually about discrimination. :P
Going off-topic a bit here, do you consider it discrimination that deaf people have an earnings cap (with their disability money) of $1080 while the blind have the cap of $1800?
deaf clubs can be noisy I seen it make hearing people feel ill...
you are one person why should everyone else do what one person wants unless you being bullied if that the case then move
How is that discrimination? You represent all the deaf and HOH.

Or move to a townhouse or house

So I want to be able to turn up my TV in my apartment where Ican hear it. My landlord says iIam not allowed to because it will bother other neighbors. If iI have it at a volume that the neighbors want it at Iccan't hear it. What do I do?
So I have to put up with the loud vibrations from them running around and slamming doors but can't have my TV up just a Lil louder than them.
I understand that it bothers you as well. ESPECIALLY children live next door (or upstairs). Usually apt policy doesn't allow noise after 10 pm. If you are pissed off by excessive noise before 10pm, complain to the manager. If you hear screaming/yelling that bothers you 24/7, call 911 since it may be domestic violence happening right there.

I never forget the moment when I was living in an apt with my deaf girlfriend before we got married. The apt manager showed up at my door around 2 pm and asked if everything is ok. I said yes and asked why. The tenants called her and complained that there was someone yelling in my apt. So I asked my girlfriend if she was yelling. She said yes. WTF? I told her that the tenants complained about it. I learned that she yelled when she lost the card games we played. I asked her why she yelled since we are profoundly deaf. She said she grew up that way (it's her habit). Un-freaking-believable!
Thanks to all for replying. According to the ADA people themselves, the apartment has toake reasonable accommodations for each person. I do use closed captioning and have hearings aid. The apartmentanager was making claims of me being to loud before I even moved in. The apartment manager also sent to all the neighbors and told them Iccan'thear and to expect me to be noisy. I was able to get to the bottom of this. My neighbors are oOK with me having my TV a Lil higher than normal except after 10 which is reasonable. They are okay with my fire pager going off in the middle of the night because I'm a volunteer firefighter. My neighbors and I came to an agreement. The only person who had a problem with me being HOH is the apartment manager.
The apartment manager was trying to call the cops on me for my phone and pager. When the police arrived some of whom are my fellow firefighters they told her that Iwas not in the wrong and that by being a public servant that if me needing my phone and pager turned up that she was ggoing to have to accept it. I felt a Lilsmug. All in all, my neighbors and I found out the apartment manager doesn't like people with disabilities who don't let her have control.
That article is about discrimination preventing people from renting apartments.

The OP is already living in an apartment. The issue is a noise complaint, not discrimination.

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

I posted that link to show the OP they could try calling 'The National Fair Housing Alliance ' which is in the article . I am aware of the OP situation .
I am not sure you are talking to but , I have trouble understanding what is being said a lot and headphone would me help out there. I wonder if the OP has this problem too. I guess you can't buy those machines anymore you took up to the TV to have CC. I can't think of the correct name of it.

My mom has a wireless headphone setup on the TV because she watches shows like The Voice, and she likes to hear things like that and didn't want to bother neighbors (plus music show captions royally suck half the time, but yeah). It was her Christmas present. It's set up all fancy like so you can still hear the actual television volume (I think it's set up through a surround configuration cord thing), but when it's just her and me, I tend to leave the TV volume off because her headphones are loud enough for me to hear! :giggle:

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