1 888 cocktail ga i mean
NG 888 262
(HUNG UP) GA (opr here can u pls repeat nbr with area code thank u ) ga
the number is 1 888 262 5824 ga
DIALING 888 262 5824 PLS HD RING 1 2 3 4 (beep beep beep the line disconnected ) ga
585 279 8850 ga
DIALING 585 279 8850 PLS HD RING 1 2 (F) (sounds pleasant) (opr here person hung up ) ga
call back and tell them this is a potentional customer the first thing u say pls ga
DIALING 585 279 8850 PLS HD RING 1 2 3 4 (ANS MACH) (F) (sounds pleasant) (collecting info pls hd ) thk u for calling abc bar tending school no one is available to take ur call right pls leave ur name and phone nbr and someone will get back to asap (beep msg finished lv msg qq ) ga (opr here are u there qq ) ga (opr here are u there qq ) ga (opr here nbr to dial pls)ga
pls dial the 888 number again ga
DIALING 888 262 5824 PLS HD RING 1 2 3 (F) (sounds pleasant) this is abc bar tending school how may i help u ga
hello my name is robb and i would like to know why you are keeping on hanging up and discriminating against me? ga
i have no idea what ur talking about ga
the other person who answered the phone told me that deaf people cant work in a bar i simply wanted to know how much the courses are and there IS a bar looking for a deaf bartender so that is why i am feeling offended. ga he
not me who u spoke to i m the only one who ans the phone the course offered are 399 dollars we don t offer courses for the death um ur are more than welcome to come into the school and talk to us ga
allright did u say that you dont offer courses for the deaf? ga
yes we have one hour of lecture a day which is spoken as well as drinks called out by voice ga
could u provide interpreter for this course? ga
no ga
why? This is an educational institute right? ga
correct we do not have th resources nor the extra money to train one student ga
alright thank you wait what's your name? for recording reasons ga
kim ur welcome ga
thank you bye sksk