what do you mean by "failed to work?" were emma and zoe able to hear environmental sounds with their ci?
I think so, but that was about it.
what do you mean by "failed to work?" were emma and zoe able to hear environmental sounds with their ci?
nika said he saw the program. perhaps he can tell us how many of them have implants.
I did see it but it was a long time ago so I'm going to need a recap. I remember that one of them had CI's but I don't remember about the other two. I also remember not liking it cause they kept framing deafblindness as a tragedy. "Their worlds end where their hands can reach...they have no way of understanding the world beyond their reach..."
I already set DVR at 11 so I will be in bed by then. I will watch it tomorrow or Friday or whenever when I am in a boredom world!![]()
i'm curious. are you able to watch recorded programs on dvr over and over again? i'd love to have dvr myself, but can't because i'm totally blind and have no way of scrolling through the menus. my vcr isn't hooked up to my tv either since i don't have room for it, the digital cable box and my dvd player on the shelf of my tv stand.
LOL! I hate to miss the show...but for my son yes..he watch it over and over! Sometimes I do but not always watch the same show twice or three times.![]()
oh, brother. <eyeroll> did the narrator of the documentary actually say something like that?
hi everyone,
well i watched the documentary and thought it was very good for the most part.
the one thing i had *major* problems with was how the mother described her daughters as being in a dark, silent world. the narrator used this phrase as well.
i'm sorry, but i don't live in a dark, silent world. saying things like that only make the general public think that those who are totally blind see nothing but black.
i also didn't like how it was incinuated that sophie was better off than either zoe or emma because she had some residual vision. if truth be told, sometimes it can be far more difficult to be legally blind than it is to be totally blind.
one final thing i didn't like was how the doctor said that he expected sophie to have unlimited potential unlike zoe and emma.
quite frankly, some parts of this documentary really angered and insulted me as a totally deafblind person. <very, very mad
I guess I did remember that correctly. The whole attitude that more sensory perception equals more success really annoyed me too.
I don't live in a world of darkness either.
We have a ways to go in terms of awareness, folks.
Well before the discovery story, I commented on how these girls are NOT an example of well brought up deafblind children. This is one overwhelmed mother who does not have all the tools, support, and most importantly the MINDSET of raising three deafblind girls.
Saying that the girl with more sight would be the most successful is a self-fulfilling prophecy. More interventions are had for the child with 'potential' and thus the expectations for her are raised.
That doesn't mean she's actually more capable. It just means that the other two aren't getting everything- including, and you cannot imagine how important this part is- parents that EXPECT you to be great. Parents that go against what 'professionals' think you're capable of doing and instead assessing their OWN children, who they live with 24/7, and knowing that they have more potential than understanding 'only the world in hands reach.'
Not parents that turn their own children into some pity show for every media outlet that will listen.