I love this. I really want to implement this when my son is older.

Unfortunately, my 13 month is is going though these tantrums lately. It wasn't so bad at first, I basically knew what he wanted so he would calm down right away, there was always a reason before. But now...... Yesterday, my son and I were at the grandparents and my son just started going nuts out of nowhere. He did not want to sit and play with his toys so I tried taking a walk with him (he hasn't mastered it just yet, so i hold his hands and we go together), that was not it. He threw himself, or tried to, on the floor. I was horrified! Checked his diaper, gave him juice, tried a cookie, milk, held him, got out some different toys....nothing worked. When he pulls this at home, I put him to bed for time out. I'm a patient woman but at some point I think he needs to sit down and chill. I check on him after and once he has calmed down, I'll pick him up again. At his grandmother's there is no crib so it was a lot more difficult to satisfy him. He wasn't tired he had just woke up from a 2 hour nap...
He hasn't mastered any signs so communication between us is based on face expressions which works well, when he wants to get something across...most of the time. He's a good boy most of the time. This literally just started happening about two weeks ago. I'm a bit flustered.
Is this a new stage? Should I give him a light spanking on his rump? I've only ever lightly smacked his hand when he tried to smack after being kissed. He dislikes kisses. -__- Any advice.