
I knew this woman, my daighter and her daughter were buddies, I talked to her all the time. Well I tried to she has a really strong southern accent, most of the time she sounded like Boomhauser to me. Yes there are people that are overweight due to medical conditions.....she is not one of them. She's the more run of the mill type of overweight......overeating and inactivity. There's a vicious cycle there.

See when you're less active your cells don't have as many mitochondria as someon who is active. Your body isn't going to bother making new ones if the person doesn't need them, bodies don't like waste. Mitochondria is like a cells energy mill. It takes glucose and changes it to ATP, energy, to make your muscles move. An athlete has loads of mitochondria, because they move so much and use so much energy. The amount of mitochondria that a body has directly relates to metabolsim. High amounts of mitochondria makes for a high metabolism, low amounts of mitochondria make for slow metabolism. This means that even if a person with lots of mitochondria ate the exact same food as some with low mitochondria the person with high amounts of mitochondria would burn through more calories.....even if that day they were less active than the person with low amounts. Have this slow metabolism incurs more weight gain. More gain makes it harder to move around, which makes the metabolism slower, which induces more weight gain, even if they're not eating much. They simply don't have enough mitochondria to process the glucose. Then the medical problems start, not before the weight gain, but after.

Anyway, I was very glad to see her getting that gastric bypass, which made it impossible for her to overeat. She started doing aquatics, has your friend looked into that? It's wonderful. I don't have a problem with overweight people, one of my best friends is over 300 pounds. What burned my butt about her collecting disability is.......this wasn't something she was born with, it was something completely within her control, it was something that she allowed to happen. I hate the abuse of programs such as disability and welfare......and I'm a liberal. If I wanted to I could collect disability, I don't want to though, I want to take care of myself by myself. I wish more people did. So like I said, I was very glad to see her doing things to lose weight, and she did, she lost A LOT of weight. Last time I saw her, she moved to NC, she was doing very well. She was walking around just fine, no more scotter. So
hopefully she has joined the workforce.

NO, my friend could not do aquatics...she barely is able to get around...at age 51, no medical insurance and has a number of other medical conditions....even being severely depressed about her health at such a young age....And the funny thing about it is...she used to weigh 250 lbs., (she showed me a pix of her at that weight)....now she is about 5'4 and 100 lbs.....

She looked more healthy at 250 lbs. than she does at 100 lbs.... what with solid white hair, and looking to be around 70 years old....

I'm helping her file for disability, she sure deserves it...and soon as Medicaid kicks in, am hoping she can get better care. She is also a diabetic...and I'm also planning to give her a "day of beauty" this week...and puting a color on her hair, along with a little make-up to cheer her up.....and I'm always joking with her to "get her ass in gear"...So showing some empathy and compassion towards others will go a long way....We can't judge a book by it's cover...some people have deeper problems than what we know.
different thing altogether,...but i hope you gave little sh1ts who bullied you something they can remember you by,any luck they take with them through life that not everyone a victim
different thing altogether,...but i hope you gave little sh1ts who bullied you something they can remember you by,any luck they take with them through life that not everyone a victim

Yes I did, I earned a nickname in highschool and to this day it is remembered, I ran into an old Foe just a few weeks back and he called me by the nickname, he didnt know my real name. Funny how we get old and all the sudden everyone is friendly...lol
Yes I did, I earned a nickname in highschool and to this day it is remembered, I ran into an old Foe just a few weeks back and he called me by the nickname, he didnt know my real name. Funny how we get old and all the sudden everyone is friendly...lol

very true...my daughter is brain damaged and she was getting bullied but what those little shits did not know she was also blue belt karti..they only bullied her once
very true...my daughter is brain damaged and she was getting bullied but what those little shits did not know she was also blue belt karti..they only bullied her once

Haha nice, My daughter is 19 and out of college now but while in her first year of highschool some kids started bullying her, it was a group of girls of the Miss High Society class...lol Well, my daughter is tomboyish since I raised her alone since she was 3, What they didnt know soon enough was she holds a 3rd Degree Blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do, Oh it was so funny as she had one girl beating the other girls with her... ( she also know some Akido ) and wants to get into Nijistu as well. Ill post a few pics soon probly in the photo thread.
please i like to see them...i love it when the victim is not a victim but the bullies are...i looked at freinds united sometime back,these girls were looking for me painting a different school life than one i remembered,lets say i did not bother getting in touch
Yeah it is funny how they now act like you were always friends...lol
Back when I was bullied I was really thin, 120 pounds at 5'8" but I packed a punch and now I am down to 188 from 240 but can still put a hurting on someone just getting a hold of them as I was into weights and worked at the gym awhile in my younger years, but mainly I am just a really mellow and friendly guy.
NO, my friend could not do aquatics...she barely is able to get around...at age 51, no medical insurance and has a number of other medical conditions....even being severely depressed about her health at such a young age....And the funny thing about it is...she used to weigh 250 lbs., (she showed me a pix of her at that weight)....now she is about 5'4 and 100 lbs.....

She looked more healthy at 250 lbs. than she does at 100 lbs.... what with solid white hair, and looking to be around 70 years old....

I'm helping her file for disability, she sure deserves it...and soon as Medicaid kicks in, am hoping she can get better care. She is also a diabetic...and I'm also planning to give her a "day of beauty" this week...and puting a color on her hair, along with a little make-up to cheer her up.....and I'm always joking with her to "get her ass in gear"...So showing some empathy and compassion towards others will go a long way....We can't judge a book by it's cover...some people have deeper problems than what we know.
That's wicked nice of you!! Like I said, I DID know this woman, I wasn't judging a book by it's cover.

I mentioned aquatics because I was talking about someone who was on disability for being overweight and you started talking about a friend that can't move around and eats like bird......so naturally I figured there must be a correlation there and she's overweight too and can't lose it.......guess not. She probably could do aqua aerobics, it's in the water very very easy on the body. She'd probably love it, she'd be able to move around for the first time in awhile. It could be very theraputic. If she gets medicaid they'd probably pay for it, they did for my neighbor.
in uk it is a contensious subject many people say they disabled in fact nothing the matter it excuse to get disability money and other perks..i get so angery they getting money they dont desever which makes it hard on the genuin people
in uk it is a contensious subject many people say they disabled in fact nothing the matter it excuse to get disability money and other perks..i get so angery they getting money they dont desever which makes it hard on the genuin people

I know what you mean, took me over a year of fighting for mine and I had 2 spinal surgeries, lawyers are expensive and now its been 3 years fighting for workers comp and wrongful termination.
in uk it is a contensious subject many people say they disabled in fact nothing the matter it excuse to get disability money and other perks..i get so angery they getting money they dont desever which makes it hard on the genuin people

Not just in the UK, pretty much everyone in this country can get disability and have nothing wrong with them. One of many areas where we need to reform the system...welfare is the other. I've seen folks receiving welfare driving better cars than people holding management level jobs.

Here in Missouri, they hired 300 additional Judges just for the fact of Fraud Cases, just because the economy is bad and no one can find a job, they figured... "Oh, I broke a toe once, Im gonna get disability" and yeah, people tried to file disability over a splinter....wow ! Just Wow.
during the war deaf were made to be steralized in many eropean countries disabled are being targeted as costing tax payer to much they being treated less than human and getting attacked this going to get worse,,we have to preemt this
so if they are doing it to the deaf, what about others with disabilities or able-bodied challenged?
Found another in my files to share


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Hey girl...ever thought that the lady might have a lot more medical problems than just being overweight?...Have a friend that eats like a bird...she had problems with her legs (blood clots)...we can't judge someone unless we know the full story....Even those with a thyroid condition.....
I agree! I'm in the same situation I do not work anymore because I have many problems with health issues. I used to work long time ago. I can't work because something always come up with new health issues.
Wirelessly posted

I am on a disability pension due to my medical condition. It is hard, especially when a lot of disabilities, such as in my case, are largely not visible. It is so difficult to prove that that you are genuine due to all the fakers out there. Also, you may need to give some thought to - if the person is out and about, it is most likely one of their 'good' days. The majority of us who are genuine like to keep our struggles with our conditions private - inside our home. Just sayin'.
Wirelessly posted

I am on a disability pension due to my medical condition. It is hard, especially when a lot of disabilities, such as in my case, are largely not visible. It is so difficult to prove that that you are genuine due to all the fakers out there. Also, you may need to give some thought to - if the person is out and about, it is most likely one of their 'good' days. The majority of us who are genuine like to keep our struggles with our conditions private - inside our home. Just sayin'.

Same with me, Im on disability, can see it but I feel it (spinal injuries) I have handicapped plates as I cant carry heavy items far and so on, but I get people looking at me like Im taking a handicapped space using someone elses car or something, as I look strong as a Bull. I even had a few handicapped people that supposedly thought I was an able bodied soul come and vent at me... well they more than got an earful back ( depending on the attitude they had towards me ) I usually take a standard space close so the elderly can have the handicapped spaces, or I take a space further back so they have the closer ones ( depending on if Im getting alot of stuff ) so I am very considerate of them, not making judgement that they are 90 and walking like they are 20 and hop on a moble scooter inside the store???? Hell, I could use the scooter too but I dont even when my back is giving out and hurts like a MoFo at times. And all this when I am 44... not like Im some young punk being ignorant as I have seen Kids driving and parking in the handicapped spaces... yes, able bodied kids and the cops dont do anything. They get out laughing, piggy back riding eachother, jumping and running around in the lot to the store... yeah, they are not handicapped.