

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Thought I would share this.....


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I can agree with that, but it just depends on the way its looked at.... We are just different, thats all.
I like it...should be posted at colleges and schools everywhere. On a side note, really glad educator John Silber has recently passed: "A learning disability is a politically correct term for what used be called stupidity." Can't say I'll miss him - nor will anyone in special education for that matter.

Yeah i don't agree that deaf is considered as disabilities but i totally agree with ignorance part. However SS government see deaf as disabilities because they think deaf can't work in hearing environment.
I'm becoming fairly convinced that ignorance is contagious.

This lady that used to live across the street from was on disablity because she was overweight. That always kind of burned my butt. I'm profoundly deaf and I don't collect SSDI, don't even want to, avoiding it like a mo'fo. She had medicaid too, they paid for her to get a gastric bypass, she lost a lot of weight, like maybe a person or two worth of weight. Hope she has a job now!!
I'm becoming fairly convinced that ignorance is contagious.

This lady that used to live across the street from was on disablity because she was overweight. That always kind of burned my butt. I'm profoundly deaf and I don't collect SSDI, don't even want to, avoiding it like a mo'fo. She had medicaid too, they paid for her to get a gastric bypass, she lost a lot of weight, like maybe a person or two worth of weight. Hope she has a job now!!

Not with her conditions. She had her reasons as she was not able to work. When her time come to feel better and not have to worry about being sick, then she will be lucky to find a job that her company can accept her as she was. The company would have ignore her if she was not allowed to work. That is what ignorance mean. We don't like have anyone ignore us as the hearing people think we are not able do the job or not able to do anything for ourselves. This is not true. There is lots of discrimination and ignorance. It must be the same for you if you were ignore and discriminate. **sigh**
I'm becoming fairly convinced that ignorance is contagious.

This lady that used to live across the street from was on disablity because she was overweight. That always kind of burned my butt. I'm profoundly deaf and I don't collect SSDI, don't even want to, avoiding it like a mo'fo. She had medicaid too, they paid for her to get a gastric bypass, she lost a lot of weight, like maybe a person or two worth of weight. Hope she has a job now!!

Hey girl...ever thought that the lady might have a lot more medical problems than just being overweight?...Have a friend that eats like a bird...she had problems with her legs (blood clots)...we can't judge someone unless we know the full story....Even those with a thyroid condition.....
Not with her conditions. She had her reasons as she was not able to work. When her time come to feel better and not have to worry about being sick, then she will be lucky to find a job that her company can accept her as she was. The company would have ignore her if she was not allowed to work. That is what ignorance mean. We don't like have anyone ignore us as the hearing people think we are not able do the job or not able to do anything for ourselves. This is not true. There is lots of discrimination and ignorance. It must be the same for you if you were ignore and discriminate. **sigh**

You don't know the first thing about this person, making assumptions like you are is ignorant. She wasn't sick, she was overweight. She didn't work not because she wasn't allowed, she didn't work because she could not walk around and support her own weight. She got a gastric bypass, do you know what one is? She got it to lose weight, and she did. Last time I saw her she could walk around fine so yes, I hope she got a job and off disablity.
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sparrow, overall I like the idea behind the poster. But I do not think of deaf as a disability either. But I was also glad that learning disability is included in that poster....Lau, what that person you quoted, said- wow:(
sparrow, overall I like the idea behind the poster. But I do not think of deaf as a disability either. But I was also glad that learning disability is included in that poster....Lau, what that person you quoted, said- wow:(

Looking back at what I wrote, as a Catholic, I shouldn't have stated that I was glad the man's dead. However he was very controversial and probably insulted every disabled group, and every ethnic group, in his lifetime. For the impact his policies had in my state, I really hated what he represented because he made the educational lives of students with special needs difficult. It's like we had to prove every day that we weren't crying wolf and that we deserved the right to sit in a classroom with everyone else. No child should have to endure a daily fight with the administration just to receive an education and be accommodated.

Hey girl...ever thought that the lady might have a lot more medical problems than just being overweight?...Have a friend that eats like a bird...she had problems with her legs (blood clots)...we can't judge someone unless we know the full story....Even those with a thyroid condition.....

I knew this woman, my daighter and her daughter were buddies, I talked to her all the time. Well I tried to she has a really strong southern accent, most of the time she sounded like Boomhauser to me. Yes there are people that are overweight due to medical conditions.....she is not one of them. She's the more run of the mill type of overweight......overeating and inactivity. There's a vicious cycle there.

See when you're less active your cells don't have as many mitochondria as someon who is active. Your body isn't going to bother making new ones if the person doesn't need them, bodies don't like waste. Mitochondria is like a cells energy mill. It takes glucose and changes it to ATP, energy, to make your muscles move. An athlete has loads of mitochondria, because they move so much and use so much energy. The amount of mitochondria that a body has directly relates to metabolsim. High amounts of mitochondria makes for a high metabolism, low amounts of mitochondria make for slow metabolism. This means that even if a person with lots of mitochondria ate the exact same food as some with low mitochondria the person with high amounts of mitochondria would burn through more calories.....even if that day they were less active than the person with low amounts. Have this slow metabolism incurs more weight gain. More gain makes it harder to move around, which makes the metabolism slower, which induces more weight gain, even if they're not eating much. They simply don't have enough mitochondria to process the glucose. Then the medical problems start, not before the weight gain, but after.

Anyway, I was very glad to see her getting that gastric bypass, which made it impossible for her to overeat. She started doing aquatics, has your friend looked into that? It's wonderful. I don't have a problem with overweight people, one of my best friends is over 300 pounds. What burned my butt about her collecting disability is.......this wasn't something she was born with, it was something completely within her control, it was something that she allowed to happen. I hate the abuse of programs such as disability and welfare......and I'm a liberal. If I wanted to I could collect disability, I don't want to though, I want to take care of myself by myself. I wish more people did. So like I said, I was very glad to see her doing things to lose weight, and she did, she lost A LOT of weight. Last time I saw her, she moved to NC, she was doing very well. She was walking around just fine, no more scotter. So
hopefully she has joined the workforce.
However SS government see deaf as disabilities because they think deaf can't work in hearing environment.

I think that with alot of forms of disability (or things that get classified as disability), that's a big part of the issue. It's not that there's something wrong with the person, not that they are inferior (as some people might interpret based on the word "disability") - they may be different in some way from the majority of people, but that's not the same as being inferior. I think that often there's a combination of things going on: something about the person and something about the world around them aren't a perfect fit. So adjustments need to be made so that the person can function, so that those differences don't stop the person from bringing all they have to offer into the world.

If those adjustments aren't made, I think that's often more of a failure on society's part than it is about the "disabled" person. So when I hear the word, I don't imagine a person who is less than other people. I think of someone who is in a bad situation that could possibly be improved if the rest of us would get our heads on straight. I imagine a person who probably has a right to a better deal than the one they're getting.

And I get really frustrated when I think about that. I know everyone is different, every situation can be unique. But that's my general sense.
all depends if you allow disability to define you, i encoperate it into my life it what makes me who i am but it not what i am...e.g.that deaf epileptic woman or the lady who happens to be deaf and has seziours...Aslong as that lady not thowing pity parties everyday...the fact she getting a stomach band and other stuff on the backs of tax payers is totally different argument to being classed as being disabled....now lets hope she gets back on her feet and gives back to society what she needed in the first place
I was always bullied as a kid, fought some mean fights and now I laugh at myself as I embraced it, I make jokes of myself and more, but It is who I am, cant hurt my feelings anymore, tough as nails...lol