Did you go to speech therapy as a kid?

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Did you go to speech therapy as a kid? How many times per week did you take speech therapy?
How did you feel about going to speech therapy when you were a kid? Were it fun? Were it boring? were it tiring?

Do you have any good speech therapy memories? Or Bad speech therapy memories?

Do you plan to send your kids to speech therapy, just like what you did as a kid? Any suggestions for this improvement of speech therapy methods for kids?

too many questions at once
as for me, i had done lots when little it consumed probably 75% of my time in early education...
Did you go to speech therapy as a kid?
Yes, from the time I was 3 to 17
How many times per week did you take speech therapy?
2x a week for 3 hours a session... way too long for a 3 year old if you ask me
How did you feel about going to speech therapy when you were a kid? Were it fun? Were it boring? were it tiring?
I hated it... I had 4 different speech therapists, and i hated each and every one of them. It was not fun, it was very boring, and I left feeling like I was worthless. I remember being told at 3 years old... "no that is wrong, you are wrong, stop doing it wrong"

Do you have any good speech therapy memories? Or Bad speech therapy memories?
I mostly have bad memories, I remember being told I was doing things wrong over and over again, I remember having to feel the way a word was said... and try and do it... then being told no... I remember feeling worthless because I wasn't learning things like the other kids. I also remember my parents being told that I couldn't use my hands to talk, at all... I use to make up my own signs at home because I wanted my parents to understand me... and I remember having to sit on my hands and if i moved them at all when I talked I would have to stare at a corner for what seemed like hours...

Do you plan to send your kids to speech therapy, just like what you did as a kid?
I think it would depend on the speech therapist, but I am not going to force my children into it, If they like it they can keep going, if they don't like it then they can stop... it isn't necessary to speak.

Any suggestions for this improvement of speech therapy methods for kids?
I think making it more into a game, and not saying no all the time would be best. find out what the child is interested in and work around that!


There ya go, let me know if you have questions!!
Thank you Ash345!!!!

I will share mine later. I can't think right now, later. LOL
I took speech therapy from the time I was like 2 years old till ten grade. I don't really have any great memories of speech therapy. I do have a few bad ones. This was in mainstream. My speech teacher was very emotional and intense so she would get mad at me if I didn't practice speech therapy and I asked my 4th grade teacher to come with me so I wouldn't have to face her alone.
Did you go to speech therapy as a kid? How many times per week did you take speech therapy?
How did you feel about going to speech therapy when you were a kid? Were it fun? Were it boring? were it tiring?

Do you have any good speech therapy memories? Or Bad speech therapy memories?

Do you plan to send your kids to speech therapy, just like what you did as a kid? Any suggestions for this improvement of speech therapy methods for kids?


Eh, doesn't all Deaf Schools like Millneck in USA have speech therapy class?
Eh, doesn't all Deaf Schools like Millneck in USA have speech therapy class?

yes, most if not all of them have speech therapy... but it isn't required, parents can opt out of the speech therapy class.
Did you go to speech therapy as a kid? How many times per week did you take speech therapy?
How did you feel about going to speech therapy when you were a kid? Were it fun? Were it boring? were it tiring?

Do you have any good speech therapy memories? Or Bad speech therapy memories?

Do you plan to send your kids to speech therapy, just like what you did as a kid? Any suggestions for this improvement of speech therapy methods for kids?


Yes I did. Twice a week in school. And constantly at home. My father sat at the dining table working with me daily. And it was miserable, as I could not get it to please him. I did get slapped, sadly.

My younger daughter had speech therapy once a week in school, but she is hearing. Her speech just suffered, I think because we lived far from family and she had no live model.
Omg...impossible! I will ask my friends who graduated from Millneck in 90s and 00s about speech therapy class at MNM or not. I thought they have it. Some of them Millneck alumnis use voice well right in words and sentences and mouth moving as when they are using ASL. I don't get it..
Omg...impossible! I will ask my friends who graduated from Millneck in 90s and 00s about speech therapy class at MNM or not. I thought they have it. Some of them Millneck alumnis use voice and mouth moving as when they are using ASL. I don't get it..

Yeah i think MNM have one you may be right because i saw the yearbook that there is speech therapist. Guess parents' options of sending kids to there??

Most teachers at MNM made us to use our voice and sign at the same time. It was crazy. lol
I had speech therapy until 5th grade. I thought it was a part of school (I didn't even know I was hard of hearing until after I moved out of the house), and I remember working really really hard to do well. I wanted good grades--I've always been a perfectionist when it comes to school. I do remember being frustrated a lot, but the therapist I had was really nice, and I think she tried to make it more of a game.

When I was little, I thought speech therapy was something all kids did.

I'm told my son may have speech problems... if it turns out he does need speech therapy, I will do my best to find someone who will be kind, and make it as fun as possible. I will never shame him or punish him, and I will not allow someone else to do that either.
Yeah i think MNM have one you may be right because i saw the yearbook that there is speech therapist. Guess parents' options of sending kids to there??

Most teachers at MNM made us to use our voice and sign at the same time. It was crazy. lol

Yeah, that's what I was thinking...i saw all of the MNM yearbooks in 90s and 00's there have a several of speech therapists. I was like, impossible to what you said that they didn't have one. ha
Yeah, that's what I was thinking...i saw all of the MNM yearbooks in 90s and 00's there have a several of speech therapists. I was like, impossible to what you said that they didn't have one. ha

yeah I used to go, clearly, not MNM. Apparently its for elementary only or something. I remember that my classmates and I didnt go to speech during our middle school year. But teachers forced us to speak and sign anyway.
I had speech therapy from about age 2 to 17. The last couple of years (ages 15-17 or so) it got to be rare, more like "brush up" therapy. I didn't mind it. Got me out of band class or foreign language class, neither of which I was interested in. Can't hear music well enough or foreign languages.
I had speech therapy from when I was 3 until I was 18. Once a week or once every two weeks for 1 hour. I had speech therapist #1 from 3-5 years old. She was unorthodox because she barely worked on my speech, but rather simulated my mind. She played only games, but the games went something like this:
"This red block is a house. This blue block is a school. This green block is a chair. Which one does not belong?"
The only "speech" thing about it was that she talked to me. She did somewhat correct my speech if it was too unintelligible (like if I dropped out a syllable, but she didn't really care if I didn't say every single consonant. Ex. If I said "preet" instead of pretty, she corrects me, but if I said "kool" instead of school, she lets it go.). Since I had her when I was so young, sometimes halfway I'd get tired and just wanna go to sleep. haha. She was great but too far and too expensive, so my mom decided to try out the speech therapist from the local district since I was doing well with speech therapy anyway.

Speech therapist #2 did not have much experience with deaf children before, but we actually ended up being really good friends (to this very day). She was more of a speech corrector, but still tried to make games out of it. I went to her classroom after school once a week (with other kids who were actually hearing but with speech problems), from when I was 5 till 10-ish. Then we started seeing her privately in my house. She often taught me idioms. Those were a blast to learn. The private sessions became less frequent as I got older (~once or twice a month) and I used those sessions as an opportunity to write essays for her (and sometimes for school) and read them out loud. She'd proofread them in return.

I actually enjoyed my speech therapy lessons and thought they were very valuable, not just for my speech skills but also my writing, conversational skills, and so on. We've had some good, hilarious memories that we still laugh about to this day.
I went speech therapy two times per week from kindergarten through grade...4? Maybe? I remember I hate it. I had brand new therapist who dont know how teach phonemes to deaf person. His name Peter, he spend one hour on Tuesday and one on Friday making mouth shapes at me*, looking at me expectantly, then frown. he much better suited for kids with stutter.

*in hindsight, sure he was try teach letter sounds to me, but as a stone deaf child, I think he just make funny faces.
I should change the title from 'as a kid" to either you or hearing parents of Deaf kids. Hearing parents of Deaf kids are welcome to post it here too. Id like to see how different from the old times to now. thanks!