Did anyone see Zidane's headbutt at the World Cup Final?


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Wonder what was said to him that pissed him off. Consequently, he got a red flag for it.

See video below:
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6o2UDltZ4vk"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6o2UDltZ4vk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
No I didn't. :-/
When did it happen? (early during game, during OT, or...?)

That is the same guy who got his shoulder injured but stayed playing the game?
I did saw that one, pretty crazy! Btw, its red card, not flag, ha
Yeah, I saw....unheard act. France ZZ might be tick off by Italy player's talked him like personal stuff? Not pretty sight cuz it was his final game, red card for headbutt, and his team lost.

I thought England's Rooney was worst for stepped onto the Portugese player' groin then shoved other player then end up got red card before ZZ's not so bright acted.

I won't be susprise on ZZ's act will end up in World Cup's worst moments.

Good for Italy to win World Cup to keep quite of Italian League's fix betting that has 13 - 15 players on Italy World Cup team. Even Italy got away with good act "dive" that helped to beat Australia via penatly shot.
Yea, I saw it. It was of the most classless acts I've seen in a long time. Glad to see he got the red card! I would nominate him as the "Thug of the Year!"
My heart is broken. Who knew how such one act of split-second aggression would seal a famous soccer player's fate? Only Zidane knows what was going through his mind right before he headbutted Materazzi. Only both knew what Materazzi said to Zidane that provoked him to explode. The headbutt was in no way justified, but the insults were rumored to be about his mother. Or his Algerian background and its affiliation with terrorism.

France still loves him, though.
And Zidane won Golden Award (MVP)? I highly disagreed with this!!!!!
I saw that on College Humor earlier today. Boy... that was a though one! Heh!
I just replaced the video. Should be working now.
i saw it live, silly thing to do, but must have to ponder what went through his head , was the last game for his soccer career, why end it with this? really wondered though
he was one of the oldest member of the team, and was a well respected captain, does make you wonder eh?
me_punctured said:
BC Radio Five Live asked for help from a deaf lip reader, Jessica Rees, who read the words phonetically to an Italian translator.

She deciphered the insult as being "you're the son of a terrorist whore" - a translation also carried by many national newspapers in Britain on Tuesday.


If true, I would agree that is just as classless as Zidane's head bump. But remember, these guys jaw each other all the time especally at that level. Zidane should have been long used to it by now. Either you are focused on the game or not and apparently Zidane let his opponents distract him and they won the round as ugly as it was. Never any excuse for losing control...
one of the comments at that site said:

"i read that they brought in a deaf forensic lip reader and the person said that materazzi said "Hold on, wait, that one's not for a n***** like you." zizou ignored it and began joggin away which is when materazzi said "We all know you are the son of a terrorist whore so just fuck off." then he got his shit rocked. and the lip reader said materazzi referred to zidanes sister as a prostitute twice."