Did anyone had hearing when young and lost it around 40?


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Jan 20, 2012
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I cant say it was my fault though,,My Doc warned me when i was young i might not have it when i get old. I was wearning a hearing aid heard well enjoyed music,,But then i had what you called sudden deafness. My Hearing was 60 DBs Now its 96 DBs. No hearing aid can help you on that level. My doc told me heraing aids will work up to 70 DBs. Doc wanted me attend Deaf school when i was young try to learn sign. I didnt want to go,,I choose to stay in high school cause i wanted be around my friends. I guess its my fault for that.
I am a late-deafened adult. My hearing is down around the 80 - 90 db range, and hearing aids work very well for me. I am currently using the Phonak Savia Artes. They are a few years old and have since been discontinued by Phonak, but the new Naidas also work down to that range.

I don't know why your doctor would tell you that hearing aids are only helpful down to the 70 db range. That is not true. Although of course it might be true for you specifically, depending on what type of loss you have, but it's not true across the board.
There's quite a few of us here. Did you check out the late deaf thread?
Oh, and welcome!
im 44 and lost my hearing at which is at the shipyard im a welder and through time and ear problems its going, but the aids seems not to be working get confuse of the sound since im not use to i get alittle upset but ive learned to deal with it,but now luv deaf culture and all that it gives i practise everyday even when there is now school..
Actually Steve, we have at least one regular member who was HOH as a kid, and has gone deaf. It's not true that hearing aids won't help... I know many profound and severe/profounders who wearing hearing aids. You're not late deafened.....you're HOH and progressively deafened....and damn, we really do need more parents of HOH kids to make sure their kids have ASL, so that if they lose hearing, they can function well....sigh......history so fucking repeating itself.
I was hoh from birth until age 42. It slowly went from mild/moderate to being profound. On my son's birthday which was before my 43rd birthday, I lost it all. I had calcium deposits in both ears from birth that spread and now I am total deaf with no ear drums, no cochlea and no bones in the ear. Most people even with a severe to profound loss do benefit from hearing aids. I am one of the few who will not benefit from hearing aids, CI's or anything.

It has been 5 1/2 years and has been a journey of ultimate proportions. I have had my ups and downs through it all, but I can and will say this. AllDeaf has helped me more than words can say through it all. I have gotten so much support and learned a lot. I have had a few battles, but I think it was more my inability to totally understand or comprehend what was said. I am 48 now and doing well. I am still working on learning ASL, but I am more PSE since my family is not learning like I would like.
Glad you found the thread!!!!! Damn again.....we need to push a full toolbox of options!
I am in my 40's. Went to bed with perfect hearing, woke up completely deaf. Serious illness. Hearing test on both ears was NO RESPONSE. So HA are not an option for me. It has been difficult at times. Mostly since all my family and friends are hearing. Finding a way to keep communicating along this journey is tough. Can't expect all of them to learn ASL. I am just learning, but no one I know is deaf or can sign. This site has helped me so much. Great people and great information.
And I REALLY wish that they would stop lumping in HOH with progressive loss with late deafened people. The two populations are totally different. Yes, HOH folks have hearing, but it's not hearing person hearing. It's Deaf person hearing.
Im not 40 but 30 i have profound loss in my left ear that was there all my life. never really had problems with the progressive loss, the loss in my right ear was mild when i was a child no hearing aids .....its worse now at severe -profound loss with no speech discrimination but thats fine with me..i guess..
I have a sever profound loss with some of my loss in the 105 dB range and I get somewhat of a benefit from has..I hear mostly noise tho speech kinsa sorta ..I didn't start losing my hearing until I was 16 tho so if I miss something I can usually guess what I missed ..but your Audi doesn't seem to know new technology if he's telling ou hearing aids won't work past 70 dB ..that's horse doodoo. I wear phonak naidas and they are meant for sever to profound losses
I got the impression that he may be talking about his dr from back when he was a kid/teen. Back then HAs may have only been beneficial up to 70db.
He should investigate what is available now. I too have severe-to-profound loss and get good benefits from my Naidas
I'm 41 and I never had anything less than 85 db loss, and I've STILL always been able to wear HAs, and well at that. I'm now at 115 and I STILL wear HAs. I'm amazed at how well they work. So that audiologist saying past 70 db doesn't know what he/she is talking about. Time to find a new audi!
I lost most of my residual hearing a few years before turning 40. My hearing dropped past 110db with most freq not even registering. I was 70-90db prior to that and doing well with HAs. There are options for you still. Go back to your Audie and maybe get a second opinion. Insist on trying a HA as well. Might be surprised.

Of course, once it's all gone you might consider a CI. But that is an invasive surgery and not for everyone.
I am feeling pain in my left ear; it’s been six days and improvement in my hearing power. I used some home medication for my ear but sounds are muffled. I went to doctor and he asked me to get a hearing aid for listening. Am I getting deaf? I am from Atlanta, Should I consult Atlanta hearing doctor for full clarification?
I am now 29 years old. I went completely deaf at the age of 20 ( well, not completely deaf; I can still hear a little sound, but I am not able to hear when people talk to me, not even when they are up in my face.) It is pretty sad for us who were born hearing and lost it eventually. But I gave up my hearing world for the deaf world now and enjoying it. I still need to be improved using sign language, but I know enough signs to bring my points across clear enough ;-)
Yeah, I think hearing loss problem is increasing day to day. One must go for hearing tests regularly in good hearing centers. I am also finding a Atlanta hearing test center. Please share some more options over here.

atlanta hearing doctor