Destroy America

gnulinuxman said:
I'm not responsible for it...

Heh. Okay, one person down, 6 billion others to point blame at.

Since it's not you, WHO ELSE do you possibly believe could be at fault for "we have laws that were passed NOT in the interest of the people but in the interest of big corporations. We have laws that allow dangerous food additives in the name of big business, the most restrictive copyright/patent laws on the planet, and the government thinks they're the world police force."
I don't agree with everything Heath says, but I do believe this country is headed downhill at a dangerous speed.
Oh lord.....did you know that backin the old days there were people who claimed that our society was going to hell in a handbasket?
And the diffy between you and Heath is that he's blaming librals for everything, whereas you think it's the fault of the huge corparations.
Heath, our society has NEVER been this perfect little conserative utopia. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! Society changes! Those of us who are libral aren't anti conseravtive......we're just arguing that our legal policy needs to be NEUTRAL.....not favoring race, religion etc......How is that being anti con? It's not.....We live in a world with many many differences.
Heath, our society has NEVER been this perfect little conserative utopia. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! Society changes!

Exactly! That's something people just don't get it.

But not only that, our society is actually GETTING BETTER! Our society becomes more tolerant of differences (with an exception of Heath and Askjo and religious extremists) and our society produces a lot of wealth. We have long lifespan than ever. We have great medical technology. We have great computing technology. We provide a lot of help for the poor. We helped many people become comfortable.

Such a thing wasn't possible just a century ago!
If Heath said that liberal is destroy America then its totally nonsense but he can't tell to USA what doing because it's biggest system enough for treat us equality, not for Heath. Government and religion are separated, it's order in laws to protect us from crazy people thinks that would 100% rights but not true. FAF is totally bullshit right now but Ford is gonna keep strong also boycott aren't help at all time because many republicans don't care about them then still to buy new cars or trucks.

Now, I'm get out and not want listen to Heath's shit then it's obiviously that Heath views are followed himself, not our problem but let him to talk over and over then it's all bullshit at all time. I'm gonna be peaceful and browse forum without any trouble then we are still discuss about welcome Heath in our ignore list. Now, time is enough and don't worry about him but USA would always normal and equality, also great life based on civil rights. :)

Now, my tolerate is over... :whistle:
deafdyke said:
Oh lord.....did you know that backin the old days there were people who claimed that our society was going to hell in a handbasket?
And the diffy between you and Heath is that he's blaming librals for everything, whereas you think it's the fault of the huge corparations.
Heath, our society has NEVER been this perfect little conserative utopia. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! Society changes! Those of us who are libral aren't anti conseravtive......we're just arguing that our legal policy needs to be NEUTRAL.....not favoring race, religion etc......How is that being anti con? It's not.....We live in a world with many many differences.
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a set of laws that let companies have stronger copy control. Is this in your best interest? You'd probably rather be able to do what you want to with DVD's, but under the DMCA, it is illegal to use unlicensed software to play a DVD. Is this really in the people's best interest? Probably not. Is it in the best interest of people who license DVD software and Hollywood? You bet.

More info on this:
The Hollywood liberals are freaks---no argument (hilarious the level of passion against this; god forbid attack the movies!!). But does anyone take anyone or anything that gets puked out of Hollywood seriously? It's been all shit for a long time.
Askjo i was a conservitive repuiblican.But its george bushs fault is now im a radical left winger now.Im gonna support the democrats this november because of the stem cell reserach and hopefuly democrats get this clown impeached out of the white house so the villege in texas can get their idiot back.
heath got a point about corporations, you only have tio watch "The Corporation" DVD at least twice, seriously its a cool, enlightening movie

thats right deafdyke society changes, however, i still agree to heath that it IS the GIANTs that's playing 'gooble up money from the masses' been like this for quite some time, rules do changes though i reckon. I disagree that there's 'room for little guys' to set up business, for all i reckon, it is only allowed as long as the big boy gets the final stack of cash from the 'chain of the market' --- its more complex, than 'buying out', far more complex ( i know you (deafdyke) didn't say that, i did.

as for hollywood LOL, its always been crap, and not every movie is that bad, but hell i do recall a documentary once about unbelivible pressure scrip writers, producers balance the cost and running of the LA's micro-economy!!!! - quite alarming, (actaully I DO Wish i remember the name of the show - and the figures but sorry gangs i don't) but concept of the reality in hollywood is quite disturbing though, its absolutely chaotic, that no wonder most of the films all except of the very BIG budget, or small-time/devoted try hards with a clue seem to be able to outwit and come up with something wonderful (we all know this too, once they break big time, they donmt stay afloat on top for long, - must wonder why -corruption perhaps?)

lastly , all over the world, everybody equates the word 'hollywood' as meaning 'not real' LOL no body ever hesitate on that one

that why when someone says to 'stop being a hollywood' its means stop pretending.

nuff rant
netrox said:
Exactly! That's something people just don't get it.

But not only that, our society is actually GETTING BETTER! Our society becomes more tolerant of differences (with an exception of Heath and Askjo and religious extremists) and our society produces a lot of wealth. We have long lifespan than ever. We have great medical technology. We have great computing technology. We provide a lot of help for the poor. We helped many people become comfortable.

Such a thing wasn't possible just a century ago!

I have to disagree about things getting better. We have more homeless, more people without health insurance, jobs going overseas, people are getting more unhealthy (fatter and other stuff), jobs that don't pay enough for people to afford their own places, mass transportation nightmares now that gas is averaging $3 with no relief in sight, political parties that prefer attacking each other than coming up with solutions, big business runs America without thought about the little guy, a judicial system gone amonk, and on it goes.

The best years of America in terms of everyman was in the 50's where all the above was at a minimum and opportunities were plentiful. We haven't seen that before or since....
Dennis said:
Heh. Okay, one person down, 6 billion others to point blame at.

Since it's not you, WHO ELSE do you possibly believe could be at fault for "we have laws that were passed NOT in the interest of the people but in the interest of big corporations. We have laws that allow dangerous food additives in the name of big business, the most restrictive copyright/patent laws on the planet, and the government thinks they're the world police force."

That's what I believe. And, even, many laws are extremely stupid and hurt our "little" people that sent to prison with a long term for small unimportant crimes.
Grummer said:
heath got a point about corporations, you only have tio watch "The Corporation" DVD at least twice, seriously its a cool, enlightening movie

thats right deafdyke society changes, however, i still agree to heath that it IS the GIANTs that's playing 'gooble up money from the masses' been like this for quite some time, rules do changes though i reckon. I disagree that there's 'room for little guys' to set up business, for all i reckon, it is only allowed as long as the big boy gets the final stack of cash from the 'chain of the market' --- its more complex, than 'buying out', far more complex ( i know you (deafdyke) didn't say that, i did.

as for hollywood LOL, its always been crap, and not every movie is that bad, but hell i do recall a documentary once about unbelivible pressure scrip writers, producers balance the cost and running of the LA's micro-economy!!!! - quite alarming, (actaully I DO Wish i remember the name of the show - and the figures but sorry gangs i don't) but concept of the reality in hollywood is quite disturbing though, its absolutely chaotic, that no wonder most of the films all except of the very BIG budget, or small-time/devoted try hards with a clue seem to be able to outwit and come up with something wonderful (we all know this too, once they break big time, they donmt stay afloat on top for long, - must wonder why -corruption perhaps?)

lastly , all over the world, everybody equates the word 'hollywood' as meaning 'not real' LOL no body ever hesitate on that one

that why when someone says to 'stop being a hollywood' its means stop pretending.

nuff rant

I watched TV on the cable for a few minutes last night - an interviewer invited a very important man who is a Catholic. I do not remember the name of the show so he said that Catholic and Jews teams work together to make movies at Hollywood. I think he was talking about manipulating our people's mind toward our reglious especially violent movies which cause our thinking about the problems in our country. I am not sure how difference what they wrote their scripts for the movies. We get used to watch the movies with the sad stories at the end of the stories. Don't you think so?