Describe your Tinnitus

Hmm.. I should ship TxGolfer some ProV1's... Tie Dyed in blue.

Two of them. Awesome.. Blue balls...
FF, the weird thing is that I can't distinguish what voices are saying. The sound is distorted like when I listen with my HA. It's annoying! If someone is in the room with me, I think that the person said it and I missed it. So, I go huh? Then, the other person says nuthin'. Hubby is used to it. lol At least the voices are clearly enunicating and telling me to do something. If that happens, hubby should be worried and sleep with one eye open. lol


Once, I was vacuuming and I heard what I thought was a man yelling. I turn off the vacuum and look in the other room where my hubby was reading to my kid. Freaked me out because I had thought something was wrong. I guess that the noise of the vacuum somehow "triggered" the phantom noise. Weird!
FF, the weird thing is that I can't distinguish what voices are saying. The sound is distorted like when I listen with my HA. It's annoying! If someone is in the room with me, I think that the person said it and I missed it. So, I go huh? Then, the other person says nuthin'. Hubby is used to it. lol At least the voices are clearly enunicating and telling me to do something. If that happens, hubby should be worried and sleep with one eye open. lol

If you ever ask me to repeat what tinnitus sound like, I can't. It's impossible because it is so distorted and far off. almost like seeing phantom colors when you close your eyes... You can't draw what you see.
I get a variety of different sound and more since I am total deaf. It's eerie.

There is a sound quite like steel ball bearings in an aluminum pie pan being spun around. That will make me dizzy and pass out.

I also hear voices and it is sometimes easy to understand but not often. most times, there is a constant roar that will increase and decrease in volume. I also hear music being played by different instruments. Right now, I have the roar, but there is also the Christian song, Precious Memories being played on a flute in my right ear and then the theme song from Hill Street Blues on repeats being played in the left ear. The freakiest was having Amazing Grace played on a pan flute in one ear and Pink Floyd's The Wall in the other. I have had where a song gets stuck on repeat and goes continuously for days on end. That will drive one insane.

Can't say I've heard crickets, since I've never heard them ever. I was 40 the first time I heard a frog. :eek3:
I never experience voice like sounds. Mine is a constant clicking or ringing. Once in a while I get the roaring sounds.

Certain sounds and environment triggers the tinnitus in my ears.
I hear a lot of rushing wind sounds sometimes. It's kind of like computer fan noise. Other times it is like a buzzing sound.
3 distinct tones plus

one like a refrigerator that never stops, one like a jet engine that never stops, one that is just a high tone that never stops, lately I get jingly music off in the distance. Lot of other stuff kicks in now and then just to fill in whatever gaps might be there. I learned early on not to focus on this mess very much.
Holy moly! Different songs in different ears?!? How can you tell what the songs are? Overwhelming to me.
I have different songs playing but not sure if they are in different ears. When one song has played over and over and just won't quit, I try to think of another song to overlap it. Just as I read someone "hearing" Amazing Grace, the song popped right into my head, and probably won't quit all day.
It's tiresome! Then again, I'm wondering if there were no songs, no tinnitus in my head, just "silence" 24/7. would I be able to "cope" with it?

I'm also "wondering" for those who have "musical tinnitus", the songs that play in ur head, does it affect ur mood?....If it's a sad song or a rock song.....even Christmas songs, as they make me enjoy the Holidays more (but it's not Xmas). Some songs do make me cry at times and I become sad.

I don't ever recall hearing "voices", but I can remmy how each singer sounded when the songs play in my head. But that's "just in my head".
So last night, I was awoken up by my weird dream. In my dream, I kept calling my son, he show up and then disappear. I kept calling him again, and he shows up again and kept disappearing. This kept repeating again and again that I couldn't take it anymore so I woke up from it and found out my ears were ringing again and it sounded like I was calling out my son's name in a dream.
Speaking of what, I have a tinnitus right now due to the loud music last night at Avery.

The sound is a constant light version of vibration that is produced by the high speed canning lines. That is if you know what the vibration is...

The funny thing is -- It feels like a sphere of sound. It seems to be like a feet around the brain. I even feel the sounds in my neck.
I have different songs playing but not sure if they are in different ears. When one song has played over and over and just won't quit, I try to think of another song to overlap it. Just as I read someone "hearing" Amazing Grace, the song popped right into my head, and probably won't quit all day. sorry about that.
It's tiresome! Then again, I'm wondering if there were no songs, no tinnitus in my head, just "silence" 24/7. would I be able to "cope" with it?

I'm also "wondering" for those who have "musical tinnitus", the songs that play in ur head, does it affect ur mood?....If it's a sad song or a rock song.....even Christmas songs, as they make me enjoy the Holidays more (but it's not Xmas). Some songs do make me cry at times and I become sad. I've not noticed if it affects my mood, but I will keep that in mind. My moods swing so much that it's hard to tell. Right now I have The Carpenter's "Top of The World" going non-stop.

I don't ever recall hearing "voices", but I can remmy how each singer sounded when the songs play in my head. But that's "just in my head".

I do remember how the voices sounded as well. It's amazing that I can still "hear" Donny Osmond before his voice changed. I can also still "hea" Michael Jackson as a child with the Jackson 5 and even Bruce Springsteen's gravelly voice. What I will miss, is when my son's voice changes. I still "hear" him as a child and he is now 15 and hubby tells me his voice his getting deeper and more like a man's voice. :(
There is a bird

There is a bird up here I used to hear in the summertime. I would be working at home outdoors and hear it. Its song sounds like a telephone ringing. I would hear it and run inside and check the phone. I never could see the bird.
I just figured that is what it was. Now looking back I wonder if there was a bird? Hmm.
There is a bird up here I used to hear in the summertime. I would be working at home outdoors and hear it. Its song sounds like a telephone ringing. I would hear it and run inside and check the phone. I never could see the bird.
I just figured that is what it was. Now looking back I wonder if there was a bird? Hmm.

Sorry to break this to you... Yer hearing things... :D
doggonit I was afraid of that

:lol: That dam bird really had me going too. Seemed like it followed me around. The weird thing is the only place I would hear it in the house was in the shower. Hmm. I haven't heard it for quite a while. I miss my potato patch by the creek. I used to go out there to weed and end up laying on my back between the rows looking up at the sky through the leaves on a sunny day. That is a life is good moment for sure.
Yes the music does go along with my mood most of the time. When I'm bummed its normally Pink Floyd, angry is Disturbed, when happy it could be almost anything. I once had Scotland the Brave (Scotland national anthem) played on bagpipe playing for 3 days. It drove me nuts!!!
Yes the music does go along with my mood most of the time. When I'm bummed its normally Pink Floyd, angry is Disturbed, when happy it could be almost anything. I once had Scotland the Brave (Scotland national anthem) played on bagpipe playing for 3 days. It drove me nuts!!!

HAHA! Don't remmy how the "bagpipes" sounded, but my ex was Scotch-Irish and loved to dance along with them.....even wore his kilt!
"Lady of Spain" is a favorite to pop into my head, and it's moreso like opera, very high notes thruout the song. It's playing now....finally took over "Amazing Grace".
Hmmmm, wonder if some people think we're "losing it"?