Depressed father drowned Deaf & Blind toddler

I 100% agree with this. I worked in a group house with elderly woman who were dumped at a facility as babies/children. They seemed to stuck in a child like state because that's how people treat them. They see them as less or child like even in older age.
There is also a lot of angels of mercy out there. This scares me more than anything.
I don't think it's a lack of support or love. I think it's guilt. I think some parents feel guilty for the child. What did they do wrong? Could they have found out earlier and ended the pregnancy? Can they give the child a life they deserve?
My family is full of high needs people. But I know I felt this with my kids. I have 3 kids that need a little more. I have an autistic adhd intellectually disabled 9 year old, a 8 year old going blind, and a 6 year old with extreme asthma and scared lungs.
I felt like I had messed up somehow. Like I didn't keep them safe. I know there is nothing I could have done to change this. But it's always there.
You're so busy! You are not guilty at all. I know you keep asking yourself question all the time, how did it happen? Does your 8 years child have a mascular degeneration? I have a 7 years old son with autism and adhd. He is improving after I made small adjustments in his diet plus he is on Nemechek protocol. He is interacting with his younger sister daily. She is neurotypical. She has been teaching him social and communication skills. Is it possible your 9 years old is capable of playing video games?
You're so busy! You are not guilty at all. I know you keep asking yourself question all the time, how did it happen? Does your 8 years child have a mascular degeneration? I have a 7 years old son with autism and adhd. He is improving after I made small adjustments in his diet plus he is on Nemechek protocol. He is interacting with his younger sister daily. She is neurotypical. She has been teaching him social and communication skills. Is it possible your 9 years old is capable of playing video games?
We don't know what is going on with my 8 year old. Her eye is completely health. It's the same as my sister's. Her eye is healthy and tracks perfectly but blind. They don't know why, just gave up when she was a child.
My 9 year old loves video games, we play Diablo 3 all the time together. She is a fun person, a little difficult at times. She goes non verbal more and more as she is getting older. She only sees the world in black and white. We were watching America funniest home videos and she was so upset. No matter how much her siblings tried to explain why it's funny. She just has a hard time.
We don't know what is going on with my 8 year old. Her eye is completely health. It's the same as my sister's. Her eye is healthy and tracks perfectly but blind. They don't know why, just gave up when she was a child.
My 9 year old loves video games, we play Diablo 3 all the time together. She is a fun person, a little difficult at times. She goes non verbal more and more as she is getting older. She only sees the world in black and white. We were watching America funniest home videos and she was so upset. No matter how much her siblings tried to explain why it's funny. She just has a hard time.

Yep, autistics are literal. My son always used to poke others' eyes all the time. He used to break everything. My son used to be nonverbal, aggressive, and very impulsive until I put him in private therapy/program and on Nemechek Protocol. He starts to say more words and words over the time. He is able to say a whole sentence. I homeschool him part time. He can write and read. We encourage him daily to express his feelings instead of self-harming. I spent years reading and reading researches and medical studies on my free times. My son loves video games. It made a huge difference for him and encourage him to speak more words. It soothes him. Can your daughter read and write? Does she have a tablet, and use Proloquo2Go? Proloquo2Go is my favorite communication app. My son still uses it despite he speaks. I make sure he is comfortable.

Try to remove all seed oils from your kids' diet. Sunflower oil, Safflower oil, Soybean oil, Canola oil, Peanut Oil, and Corn oil. I know it seems a lot, but it made a huge difference for my son and parents of autistics. They all contain high omega-6 oils that cause inflammation to the brain and gut. 70-80% immune system is in the gut. You may be surprised omega-6 oils are in almost everything, even restaurants. I can't take my son to fast food restaurants anymore because they all use omega-6 oils. I make all meals for him at home.

In the 80s, the restaurants and companies used animal fats to make cookies and meals. In the early 90s, animal fat used to be demonized at time, so they removed it and use omega-6 instead. Medical studies point out that many subjects develop mascular degeneration and blindness by consuming seed oils. Doctor mentioned that 170 million people develop mascular degeneration alone in the US. My dad was one of them. Try that approach and hopefully, blindness will slow down. If it didn't work out, it is a good chance she may have genetic predisposition.

If you are interested in hearing Nemechek protocol, I can be glad to send you links. There are a few facebook groups where you can talk to parents of autistic children.
Yep, autistics are literal. My son always used to poke others' eyes all the time. He used to break everything. My son used to be nonverbal, aggressive, and very impulsive until I put him in private therapy/program and on Nemechek Protocol. He starts to say more words and words over the time. He is able to say a whole sentence. I homeschool him part time. He can write and read. We encourage him daily to express his feelings instead of self-harming. I spent years reading and reading researches and medical studies on my free times. My son loves video games. It made a huge difference for him and encourage him to speak more words. It soothes him. Can your daughter read and write? Does she have a tablet, and use Proloquo2Go? Proloquo2Go is my favorite communication app. My son still uses it despite he speaks. I make sure he is comfortable.

Try to remove all seed oils from your kids' diet. Sunflower oil, Safflower oil, Soybean oil, Canola oil, Peanut Oil, and Corn oil. I know it seems a lot, but it made a huge difference for my son and parents of autistics. They all contain high omega-6 oils that cause inflammation to the brain and gut. 70-80% immune system is in the gut. You may be surprised omega-6 oils are in almost everything, even restaurants. I can't take my son to fast food restaurants anymore because they all use omega-6 oils. I make all meals for him at home.

In the 80s, the restaurants and companies used animal fats to make cookies and meals. In the early 90s, animal fat used to be demonized at time, so they removed it and use omega-6 instead. Medical studies point out that many subjects develop mascular degeneration and blindness by consuming seed oils. Doctor mentioned that 170 million people develop mascular degeneration alone in the US. My dad was one of them. Try that approach and hopefully, blindness will slow down. If it didn't work out, it is a good chance she may have genetic predisposition.

If you are interested in hearing Nemechek protocol, I can be glad to send you links. There are a few facebook groups where you can talk to parents of autistic children.
My autistic child can not write or read. She also have an intellectual disability making her mentally 5 and severe adhd, all hereditary.
As for my daughter losing her vision it is also hereditary. My sister has it too. Both of their eyes are health with no signs of disease or anything. But my sisters just 'died' so to say. She can still track and her pupils dilate normally but she can't see anything out of it. Same with my daughter. Perfectly normal and health except she can't see.
My autistic child can not write or read. She also have an intellectual disability making her mentally 5 and severe adhd, all hereditary.
As for my daughter losing her vision it is also hereditary. My sister has it too. Both of their eyes are health with no signs of disease or anything. But my sisters just 'died' so to say. She can still track and her pupils dilate normally but she can't see anything out of it. Same with my daughter. Perfectly normal and health except she can't see.

Is your daughter in a special education public school? I wish there is a charter school for autism near me, but there are several private schools for the low end of the spectrum not far from where I live. My son gets bored fast in a public school. He is strongly mechanically inclined, so he prefers to work with his hands. It is one of the reasons we put him in a private program to keep him engaged. In Arizona, there are charter schools for autism, which is nice.

What hereditary does your daughter have? I have read similar cases like autism and intellectual disability in Nemechek Facebook groups. Intellectual disability is not a cure, but the protocol help their kids function better. It is not perfect. Several parents mentioned that their kids with intellectual disability and autism were nonverbal or nonspeaking until they put them on protocol. The kids became more aware and are dealing with new emotions they did not recognize before. Actually, they are overwhelmed and become hysterical so hard. And some of them even start to speak. Parents have LOTS of patience to teach them how to deal with emotions.

Sorry about your sister. It sounds like you're a carrier and it could possibly be both of your parents, too.
Is your daughter in a special education public school? I wish there is a charter school for autism near me, but there are several private schools for the low end of the spectrum not far from where I live. My son gets bored fast in a public school. He is strongly mechanically inclined, so he prefers to work with his hands. It is one of the reasons we put him in a private program to keep him engaged. In Arizona, there are charter schools for autism, which is nice.

What hereditary does your daughter have? I have read similar cases like autism and intellectual disability in Nemechek Facebook groups. Intellectual disability is not a cure, but the protocol help their kids function better. It is not perfect. Several parents mentioned that their kids with intellectual disability and autism were nonverbal or nonspeaking until they put them on protocol. The kids became more aware and are dealing with new emotions they did not recognize before. Actually, they are overwhelmed and become hysterical so hard. And some of them even start to speak. Parents have LOTS of patience to teach them how to deal with emotions.

Sorry about your sister. It sounds like you're a carrier and it could possibly be both of your parents, too.
She is in a special class in school. 7 students max with 5 teachers. Speech at school and outside once a week each. At least 3 of her cousins are adhd and autistic. Plus her other parent is. They just aren't as severe as she is. Her cousins are in mainstream classes and doing great. We tired mainstream, it didn't work out. She can speak. She can say 3 word sentences that don't always make sense. Due to her adhd she never stops talking. But half the time is jumbled. Just as of late she has started going non verbal while being on medication.
Yep, autistics are literal. My son always used to poke others' eyes all the time. He used to break everything. My son used to be nonverbal, aggressive, and very impulsive until I put him in private therapy/program and on Nemechek Protocol. He starts to say more words and words over the time. He is able to say a whole sentence. I homeschool him part time. He can write and read. We encourage him daily to express his feelings instead of self-harming. I spent years reading and reading researches and medical studies on my free times. My son loves video games. It made a huge difference for him and encourage him to speak more words. It soothes him. Can your daughter read and write? Does she have a tablet, and use Proloquo2Go? Proloquo2Go is my favorite communication app. My son still uses it despite he speaks. I make sure he is comfortable.

Try to remove all seed oils from your kids' diet. Sunflower oil, Safflower oil, Soybean oil, Canola oil, Peanut Oil, and Corn oil. I know it seems a lot, but it made a huge difference for my son and parents of autistics. They all contain high omega-6 oils that cause inflammation to the brain and gut. 70-80% immune system is in the gut. You may be surprised omega-6 oils are in almost everything, even restaurants. I can't take my son to fast food restaurants anymore because they all use omega-6 oils. I make all meals for him at home.

In the 80s, the restaurants and companies used animal fats to make cookies and meals. In the early 90s, animal fat used to be demonized at time, so they removed it and use omega-6 instead. Medical studies point out that many subjects develop mascular degeneration and blindness by consuming seed oils. Doctor mentioned that 170 million people develop mascular degeneration alone in the US. My dad was one of them. Try that approach and hopefully, blindness will slow down. If it didn't work out, it is a good chance she may have genetic predisposition.

If you are interested in hearing Nemechek protocol, I can be glad to send you links. There are a few facebook groups where you can talk to parents of autistic children.
VERY glad that your son is doing so well. I think that's the key with autistic kids..... try to get them as independent and self sufficent as possible. And you CAN do that without going with a " kid needs to be normal" philsophy. Do you think things like diets and supplements and screening for rare disorders is a good idea?
She is in a special class in school. 7 students max with 5 teachers. Speech at school and outside once a week each. At least 3 of her cousins are adhd and autistic. Plus her other parent is. They just aren't as severe as she is. Her cousins are in mainstream classes and doing great. We tired mainstream, it didn't work out. She can speak. She can say 3 word sentences that don't always make sense. Due to her adhd she never stops talking. But half the time is jumbled. Just as of late she has started going non verbal while being on medication.
Glad she's in a special class. Glad too that you tried mainstreaming........I think parents of special needs kids need to explore all the options and possibilties. I also think that inclusion works better when the kid is more " grey area" special needs. (ie they may be strongly academic) And then again I've personally witnessed horror stories with " grey area" special needs kids not developing social skills in the mainstream.......(and the whole spectrum)
Deafnerdmommy and Barbaro...... B/c your kids may be more strongly affected I thought I'd post something I found. CSF Project to Analyze the Prevalence of,size of which is yet to be determined. You guys might need to check into Arnold Chari malformation, and it might help your kids.
This is a very interesting condition. I never heard of it until now, ps don't Google images it with safety off. Anyways it is definitely worth looking more into for my babe. We had her genetically tested for fragile x but she didn't have that. I'm always looking for help for her to make sure I crossed all my t. Don't want to look up and say, oh I didn't do that
This is a very interesting condition. I never heard of it until now, ps don't Google images it with safety off. Anyways it is definitely worth looking more into for my babe. We had her genetically tested for fragile x but she didn't have that. I'm always looking for help for her to make sure I crossed all my t. Don't want to look up and say, oh I didn't do that
I have a HUGE grin on my face. I do think that with more severe nereological issues, it's a good idea to look into everything to see if there may be treatment or whatever.....It may help her be boosted up a little.....You might also request for her to be screened for rare disorders that can have autism as a symptom. if you haven't already done may find out something. In a lot of states they don't have universal birth screening for this or that so it may be worth it to look into it.

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