Department of Rehabilitation

I remmy that test I took also...and it said I would be suited as a Police Officer or a Fireman...:giggle:...and was asked if I had any Military experience?.....I winded up finding my own job(s)...and made my career in Newspaper Advertising.
Those tests - aptitude, achievement, IQ, and interest - are wonderful assets and tools to work with. Of course those tests had no way of knowing the test taker was deaf. It is up to the counselor and the client to work together and decide what the client could not do.

The reason I took the tests was I did not know what I could do. She suggested I get a typing job, and I reminded her I had a college degree and was a teacher at one time.

The testing took several days, and it was narrowed down to (1) business, (2) radio and tv, and (3) law. Within each of these were subcategories of course. I decided on paralegal for the reason that my husband's job required him to move all over the country, and I felt my paralegal skills would be most transferable.

So I became a paralegal - and loved every minute of it. Without those tests, I probably would have ended up as a typist.
Speaking of forest rangers, my deaf cousin went to school to study forestry. VR advised him not to because of hearing requirements (radio, etc). He ignored them and after graduation, he applied and was told no. All those four years were wasted, and he had to go back to school to study something else.
Speaking of forest rangers, my deaf cousin went to school to study forestry. VR advised him not to because of hearing requirements (radio, etc). He ignored them and after graduation, he applied and was told no. All those four years were wasted, and he had to go back to school to study something else.

I remember a case where a deaf police recruit sued the academy because they said he couldn't graduate, for obvious reasons. I was watching it closely because I wanted to be a cop. He lost though and I soon learned how limited I'd be in my career choices as well.....I still think it's stupid to bar applicants based on a disability.
You don't need to ride a horse for that job, but you do need perfect eye sight, hearing and you must be under 37. God only knows why, most of the forest rangers I've seen wear glasses and are over weight. I would have liked a job where I wasn't tied to a desk, able to be outside and speaking with people.

It sure would help to know how to ride a horse as there are some places you can't drive a car in a forest . When I lived in Northern Calf. there where trails you could not drive a car . I saw a forest ranger and he was cute and not overweight. The guy stopped me as he thought I was a run away teenager and I was around 26 yo. I agree it sure does sound like a great job being a forest ranger. When I living in Northern Calf. A small boy got lost in the woods and I really wanted to help find him but I would never would had been able to hear the child . Some nuns lived in the woods and they where helping too and the guys told the nuns to go home and pray.
The nuns refused to do this and they where the one that found boy!
Safety comes first.

I was given a job at GE as I knew the vice president and I helped get care of kids when one was very ill . I had to take a hearing test and while taking the test the woman said to me " you raise your hand when you heard a sound!" I told her I took the test before and I know what to do and I am raising my hand when I hear a sound!" I was not allowed to worked near the loud machines for safety reasons.
Guessing the VR is much better these days than it was when I was in the job market....?? ....Anyhow, after waiting and waiting...I found my own jobs.

But anyhow, wishing you good luck, Lady!...Hope the job you find is a good one and you like it, and will be able to advance and bring the $$ home.

same with me
My VR Update: My counselor was very nice and understanding (it also helped that he is also deaf, made me feel great that someone knows exactly how I feel). He's more fluent in ASL and had a interpreter with him and I thought that was really cool. I explained to him I was raised oral, Never took ASL classes but I want to. No one in my family is deaf, that the little previous town I lived in I worked mostly fast food and cashier/customer service jobs. He understand why every job didn't work out for me and also feels that I was discriminated against in many jobs, as well as some interviews. I get the impression that he's been there done that and sympathizes with me on that level.

I told him I'm trying to learn ASL online because I really want to become fluent enough to use it and I know I do need it in my life. He did said while taking classes or learning online is a great idea, the best way to become more fluent is to get involved with the local deaf community. Not to be shy (which I am in person lol) and to just go out there, meet people. Unlike the last town I went to a deaf social that had all teenagers (awkward for me because I can't relate to them anymore), this is a bigger city and theres a variety of age groups so he encourages me to try.

What he wants to do is try to get me a state job (which I am all for that!) he said in my city theres at least 46 positions for the deaf/hard of hearing. There are programs to get me through an assessment and finding a job that takes about 2 months or longer to do. But because I've never been through VR, never looked for help, been through what I've been through and my unemployment is running out he wants to get the ball rolling faster for me.

There are also programs that can help me learn ASL, prepare for interviews, get help my my self esteem, and this program isn't open to the general public and is pretty pricey, but VR can take care of the prices which is really great to know I really need something like that.

They could help me with a hearing aid but because the one I currently have on they can only assist me with that if it is broken or I don't have one. Which I understand that. At least now I know where to go to if I have a hard time getting the next one.

All in all, I feel hopeful in this. It's really nice to know I can get help finding a job. Right now I'm just waiting on my overall approval (good thing I brought my audio-grams with me)

It sounds like you got a real good counselor. I had a good one and he was HOH and because he was so good he was made head of an office and he moved out my area.
Some nuns lived in the woods and they where helping too and the guys told the nuns to go home and pray.
The nuns refused to do this and they where the one that found boy!

Wow, talk about stupid and insensitive...thank God they were using common sense. Good for the nuns.

You'd be surprised but there's many a Border Patrol agent that doesn't ride horses, many don't. It's not always in the budget and using animals on the job - horses or dogs can be expensive due to the care involved. Neither is this a requirement for rangers, but if you work in a remote area - and their particular office has the budget for horses, it helps to be fearless and offer to ride on the job. I used to horse back ride as a child so I would have gladly done so, they're wonderful animals too and boy is it fun....:D I would like to find a job at some point where I could directly assist the public and protect animals as well. Hopefully that will happen for me's really tough finding a job you enjoy that also pays. Maybe it's the true impossible dream....
Wow, talk about stupid and insensitive...thank God they were using common sense. Good for the nuns.

You'd be surprised but there's many a Border Patrol agent that doesn't ride horses, many don't. It's not always in the budget and using animals on the job - horses or dogs can be expensive due to the care involved. Neither is this a requirement for rangers, but if you work in a remote area - and their particular office has the budget for horses, it helps to be fearless and offer to ride on the job. I used to horse back ride as a child so I would have gladly done so, they're wonderful animals too and boy is it fun....:D I would like to find a job at some point where I could directly assist the public and protect animals as well. Hopefully that will happen for me's really tough finding a job you enjoy that also pays. Maybe it's the true impossible dream....

The nuns where very cool , I was becoming friends with a woman and she committed suicide and the nuns invited all hippies to their place for a memorial for the woman . I went and people where able to talk about the woman . Yeah the women where cheering for the nuns as where the ones that found the child by using their brains. They went into the woods and listen to see if they could the boy crying for his mother instead of yelling for him.