Democrats vow to ban domestic violence as 'pre-existing condition'

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Jun 14, 2006
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Top House Democrats on Tuesday slammed insurers who claim that domestic violence is a pre-existing condition that can be used to deny coverage to battered women.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was among those targeting the coverage practice.
They pledged to incorporate a ban on the practice in the health care reform legislation winding its way through Congress.

Forty-two states have passed such a prohibition, according to a recent report from the National Women's Law Center. Idaho, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming and the District of Columbia have not, however.

"Think of this," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. "You've survived domestic violence, and now you are discriminated [against] in the insurance market because you have a pre-existing medical condition. Well, that will all be gone."

The ban would be part of a broader prohibition against the use of pre-existing conditions to deny care, a component of all the reform bills now under consideration.

Washington Sen. Patty Murray, a Democrat, told CNN that she heard about the issue several years ago while talking to women who trying to escape abusive relationships.

One of the women "told me that she did not report her domestic violence because her health insurance company would drop her. I [initially] didn't believe" the woman, Murray said.

Murray introduced an amendment banning the practice in 2006 but was unable to get the measure approved.

One Republican opposed to the amendment, North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, argued that it's "deplorable to deny coverage to victims of domestic violence. However, states should be responsible for regulating insurance markets."

On Tuesday, a spokesman for an association representing health insurance companies backed the proposed change.

"No one should be denied coverage because they are a victim of domestic abuse," said Robert Zirkelbach, spokesman for America's Health Insurance Plans.

It is unclear how many women are now being denied coverage because they are stuck in an abusive relationship. Women's Law Center Vice President Judy Waxman conceded that there are no current examples.

"We do not know the extent to which this practice actually happens," she said. "But our point is, it's the kind of thing insurance companies look to do. ... They will find ways in the current situation to deny people care if they find anything wrong with them."

Some reform advocates say the proposed federal action, though a positive step, does not go far enough.

"We have to go further and take affirmative steps to reach out to battered women who may have been denied coverage to let them know the landscape has changed and there may be insurance options available to them," said Shelley Senterfitt, a representative of the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

"We need to fix the damage that's been done," she said.

Democrats vow to ban domestic violence as 'pre-existing condition' -

To think that this practice actually exists is deplorable. Anyone with even a minimal concern for women's rights (and men's rights as well) needs to support this prohibition.
But who cares? Republicans only care about money. Capitalists should be left to regulate their own rules and don't like it? Find another one! Yeah?
The District of Columbia is one of the eight states that allow this foolishness. So much for a kinder and gentler nation. :roll: It will be interesting to see who supports keeping the status quo and who are against it.
Wow I didn't even know such a thing actually happened! These insurance companies are really despicable :shock:
This horrible! When women do leave an abusive mate ,the Asshole will try to find her so he bring her home or kill her! This is why there are safe houses for batter women! The insurance companies does NOT give a SHIT about people! It all about how $$$ they can made on us! Are insurance companies going to start saying being deaf or HOH or Blind or having poor eyes sight is a pre-existing condtion and stop paying for hearing tests and HA and eyes exam and glasses!
I never hear of this. And btw, are we talking about life insurance or health?
We have to remember what insurance is. If you have a nice house, you want to make sure it is covered. Insurance would not cover it if it is ruined already. That's why we began to have insurance in the first place. It is to protect our loss.

But I felt we should never depend on insurance to cover everything when it come to health. I think we should be able to pay out of our pocket instead, but that's very hard to do with all these cost of technologies and things like that.
We are talking about health insurance. Are you actually saying that an abused woman can be likened to a house that is falling down, and that she does not deserve to get health care because she is damaged goods? That is certainly what it appears you are saying.
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