Democrats' fault

Republicans spent $900 for US Worker labor
but Democrats spend $900 for sparkling toliet seats :crazy:
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Well you dont waste money!! Its my god damned money im giving to the god damn fucking IRS so dont waste it!! Ever wonder why voters starting voting republican? Because republicans dont commit wasteful spending unlike jimmy carter and bill clinton did. Ever wonder why rush limbaugh became a conservtive talk show host? Because the press tells one side of the story and hush up the other facts so voters would continue vote for democrats. Dan rather is a good example how he backs democrats by lying about bush military career and wont tell the truth on how bill clinton dodged the draft.
Clinton spent $43,000,000 on that one trip and took a total of 1,300 people with him. While in Africa, he promised to give them $900 million of taxpayers’ money without ever consulting Congress.
Y said:
Republicans spent $900 for US Worker labor
but Democrats spend $900 for sparkling toliet seats :crazy:
No.... Democrats spend $900 for US Work Labor but Republicans spend $900 for dog shit to eat :P

Remember that many of us, democrats voted against cheap labors and such. Most republicans are exciting about cheap labors in China where they enforce the children to work for 10 - 16 hours. That's many republicans' wet dream for you.

Edit: It is all up to you to detect which is sarcam.. which is not.
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Your State Taxes Spent

Public Schools - From $165,964,789 to $327,879,417
Medicaid - From $98,777,558 to $173,394,397
Public Universities - From $112,815,061 to $157,631,765
Health, Human, and Social Services - From $65,867,900 to $90,291,580
Protecting the Public - From $52,061,094 to $87,514,079
All the Rest to the State Government - From $93,127,409 to $77,031,502

I think that they should cut half of the Public Universities.
And create jobs for disabilities people, who can work.
TTT said:
Your State Taxes Spent

Public Schools - From $165,964,789 to $327,879,417
Medicaid - From $98,777,558 to $173,394,397
Public Universities - From $112,815,061 to $157,631,765
Health, Human, and Social Services - From $65,867,900 to $90,291,580
Protecting the Public - From $52,061,094 to $87,514,079
All the Rest to the State Government - From $93,127,409 to $77,031,502

I think that they should cut half of the Public Universities.
And create jobs for disabilities people, who can work.

That is so fucking stupid!! I hope someone slap some sense into your head full of air!

Univerisities also create jobs for the Deaf by giving them degrees and certificates!
And Libberal Senator Frank Lautenberg from New Jersey spent $50,000 on a hawaian vacation out of taxpayers expense. And Liberal Senator Ron Wyden from oregon who spent a $55,000 Lexus Luxury Sedan out of taxpayers expense. Gee i wish i didnt have to use my money to spend on a nice vacation or a great little luxury car.
Deaf258, college degrees worthless

A manager in industry with a MBA degree likely earns more money than a scientist in the same company with a Ph.D. degree.

A postman who delivers letters (only a high-school education) can earn more money than a school teacher with a Master's degree.

Entertainers and professional athletes in the USA earn much more than a scientist or engineer. Even in a university – which ought to have better values – the football coach (who is not a faculty member) receives a larger salary than any professor.

And more education does not make one more employable. Education beyond a master's degree commonly makes one less employable, as employers declare that people with doctoral degrees are "overqualified" for most jobs. Similarly, substantial experience in one specialty makes one less employable. For example, a hospital emergency room is unlikely to hire a physician who has ten years of experience as a board-certified dermatologist. Such a dermatologist can not go back to being a general-practice physician.

I got this FROM THE WEBSITE. :ugh2:
TTT said:
A manager in industry with a MBA degree likely earns more money than a scientist in the same company with a Ph.D. degree.

A postman who delivers letters (only a high-school education) can earn more money than a school teacher with a Master's degree.

Entertainers and professional athletes in the USA earn much more than a scientist or engineer. Even in a university – which ought to have better values – the football coach (who is not a faculty member) receives a larger salary than any professor.

And more education does not make one more employable. Education beyond a master's degree commonly makes one less employable, as employers declare that people with doctoral degrees are "overqualified" for most jobs. Similarly, substantial experience in one specialty makes one less employable. For example, a hospital emergency room is unlikely to hire a physician who has ten years of experience as a board-certified dermatologist. Such a dermatologist can not go back to being a general-practice physician.

I got this FROM THE WEBSITE. :ugh2:

People who don't go to school are idiots. I am sure you don't go to school, either!
TTT, that was only very small percent who successed in their careers without college or HS degrees...

It does not mean that you don't have to go to school. I agree with Deaf258 that anyone feel that they don't need to go to school are idiots.

Also, that's why Europe and Sweden have way higher education grade and levels than Americans in America because they (Europeans) didn't undervalued the education like you. I am a deaf and I am a doctor-student.. if you says that deaf couldn't do because of hearing issue (like ravensteve's ravings) then screw you. You limited yourself on your own, it is not our problem.

Edit: AD''ers included me trying to help you out in the past but you kept refusing to give it a try then you are on your own. Remember that Bush will cut your SS... Once he did, you better be prepare for that someday. Also remember that democrats are fighting to keep the SS for poor people and such. Not republicans. Not conservatives. It was them and Bush who did. So if Bush cut the SS, don't blame us. Blame yourself for voting Bush. You surely deserve this kind of shit.
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Magatsu said:
Wait a min...

TTT, YOU are the one of them too who is leeching the welfare. You absolutely have no way to talk nonsense about that. I do remember vaguely that you refuse to work or something... and want to live on 'free'.

Does it means that we can blame on you for wasting taxpayers' money too?


Thank you, Magatsu!


Think before you post .

Otherwise, you end up sounding like a hypocrite.
And please Provide the Link so I can see where the source came from too I am sure some other Ad'ers want to see it too.
Some people are pretty good at the blame game. *looking at TTT and ravensteve*

I remember $900 dollars per a toliet seat. It was back in 80's during Reagan/Bush era. It is old news.
Ravensteve, there is corruption yes, but there's corruption everywhere! Besides, you as a taxpayer probaly only paid like $1.00 to finance that Hawaiian vacation and the fancy car. As opposed to thousands of dollars you pay for a $900 toilet seat......and most of your tax money is going towards defense spending and corparate welfare......very little of it is going towards social services!
Thats why people like me are voting republican to stop all this horsehockey crap. Youre elected to do a very importaint job,,Not to act like a clown and fool around and abuse your powers. If i did that in my job id be fired.
Deaf258 said:
People who don't go to school are idiots. I am sure you don't go to school, either!
That is an offensive statement.

Not every one is "college material" but they can still hold a job and serve their community. There are many skilled craftsman who learned their specialties OJT. Not every skill requires a college education. In Charleston we have people who earn good money wroughting beautful iron gates, or weaving museum-quality sweetgrass baskets. They are not stupid people. A person with an MBA couldn't do their work.

There are many young people struggling in college for a degree in a major that doesn't interest them instead of learning and working in a vocational field that they could really love.

I have nothing against higher education. I think that anyone who has the ability and desire for a college education should go for it. I have a few degrees myself, and wouldn't mind a few more.

I work at a college where I daily see students of two different kinds. One group is motivated and working towards a career goal and an enriched life. The other group attends college because they were told that was the only way to get big bucks. They scoop in the grants and loans, and gripe about studying and attendance requirements. They have no real interest in learning anything; they just want to "get it over with" and study just enough to pass the minimum requirements. At withdrawal time, they drop like flies.

There will always be a need for non-degreed workers. We should respect people who do manual labor. It is not for every one.

I don't think it is right to call "idiots" the people who harvest our crops, clean our buildings, pick up our trash, make our cars, serve in our restaurants, and do all those other things that make life pleasant for the MBAs and PhDs.

If a person works hard and honestly, then we should respect that.

If a person has the benefit of a good education and does NOT use it, then that is a shame.
I recall Washington Post cartoonist Herblock drawing Reagan's SOD Caspar Weinberger wearing a toilet-seat-cum-horsecollar, with--if memory serves--a tag saying "$450".

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