Deafdude, people are different. They respond differently to you. Just because they have a less hearing loss than you doesnt mean they should have better hearing. There might be other factors into it. Or just because YOU think someone should do this or that, it's not YOUR right to tell people what to do!!
Also stop going on and on about Miss Kat, she is a child, her responses will be totally different
So you basically think I could hear great if I try different HAs? After all, you think everyones different so you think hearing loss doesn't matter that much? I discussed this with my dad and I plan to try different HAs soon. I only want to help Miss Kat, maybe her responses will be great for certain HAs, no one knows till she tries them! Maybe my response will be great to the right HA, I never know till I try!
Only 20% of spoken language is visible on the mouth. That is why lipreading is so difficult and unreliable.
How do you explain the fact I understand over 80% effortlessly of what my dad says lipreading(even when I don't wear HAs) even my dad agrees and he rarely has to repeat himself? I can read stranger's lips almost as well as my dad's.
But what do you understand? Can you walk up to a stranger and carry on a conversation. Just speaking clearly does not lead to understanding as well. I would much rather my daughter hear and understand speech than be able to say words clearly and not understand
I do that all the time lipreading. They think I am hearing and act surprised when they see I wear hearing aids! They then think my HAs give me 100% hearing! I don't bother arguing with them and just say im hearing impaired.
$0 Medicaid paid 100% They believe it is a valid surgery.
My dad doesn't believe that CI is covered by any insurance(he's wrong on that one) He also doesn't believe CI is worth $50,000 for anyone that can get sound awareness with powerful HAs(that I agree) since he considers CI risky surgery and is scared about the surgeons cutting your head open to insert CI. He's a huge fan of stem cells however and is excited to see the day I become less deaf with stem cells. All my family is hearing so this could have something to do with it.
Again with DB! Why is more important to hear extremly soft enviromental sounds than understand speech and COMMUNICATE???
My dad does consider speech understanding to be important but he knows I simply read his lips to understand and communicate. I often talk to him without my HAs. With stem cells ill get both improved speech and improved hearing soft sounds.
86% was the overall test. "Gun" and "gum" were just 2 examples of the words on the test. And it wasn't just between those two words, each word said had 6 choices. So the audiologist says "gum" you have to know if it was "gum", "gun", "comb", or 4 other words which all sound very similar, but I don't remember what they were.
Many words sound very similar to me, even dad admits this. With lipreading, very few words are similar on the lips.
You hear at 10 db at ONE frequency! That will not lead to good speech understanding.
Still an improvement regardless and better than nothing. I also hear more sounds as well. I need stem cells that can give me more residual hearing before I hear 10db(or better) aided at several frequencies or even across the entire audiogram. Very few get to 10db with CI. At 30db with CI, I would still understand more speech reading lips than listening. Ive shown that a 30db loss causes someone to miss at least 25% of speech. I miss less than 20% speech reading lips.
Did you know that for vowel discrimination you have to hear both the first AND second formant? The first formant of "u" and "i" are both at 250 hz, so if you don't hear the second formant for "i" at over 2000 hz, you can't hear the difference.
Well, you stand correct! Proof here and here I discussed this with dad and he does agree that even vowels aren't puretones but can range from below 250Hz to over 1500Hz depending on the vowel and that I am only hearing the lower frequency componants. But with lipreading, I understand them all anyway with little confusion. My dad says that hearing up to 2000Hz is important, anything above that isn't. He's correct since he himself has a high frequency hearing loss and can hear at least 90% speech anyway. I am going to be trying different HAs, one that can transport 2000Hz down to below 1000Hz so I hear all the higher frequency speech. I may have cochlear dead regions above 1000Hz so transporting to below 1000Hz should help alot. I never know till I try!
That is just one example of why hearing across ALL frequencies is important to speech understanding.
60% of speech information takes place at 500Hz and below(That's why I can understand more than half of what my dad says without reading lips) Another 30% takes place at 500Hz to 2000Hz. The last 10% takes place at 2000Hz and above. My dad's outside the speech banana at frequencies above 2000Hz, yet he hears 90% speech!
Does deafdude really think that people & insurance companies would spend up to $50,000 a pop for something that works as bad as he claims CI's do?
My dad doesn't even believe that CI is covered by most insurance.
I don't think deafdude really truly knows all the facts and info on implants, to tell you the truth. But then again, what do I know? All I know is I'm tired of his BS posts (and of his little groupie doing the same).
See my reply to you here: - View Single Post - Degrees of hearing loss and speech scores!
Also do you claim to be an expert on CI? You keep saying everyone hears and processes sounds differently so how do you know CI will work for you or anyone who hasn't tried CI yet? I am not gonna stop you from trying CI, it's your choice, ear(s) and money. I choose to try different HAs, maybe there will be one that works even better than the Phonak Naida V UP(which didn't work so well for you) You bet I will be trying many different HAs. How many different HAs have you tried so far?
I don't think he has a remote understanding of how amplification and CI's work or even a small understanding of we hear speech, and discriminate the different sounds
Well, I am here to learn! You can teach me what you know(even though you don't know what it's like to be deaf/hoh/hearing impaired) You taught me about 2nd formants of vowels. People say audiogram isn't everything so do you think someone with my audiogram has any chance of hearing decent if I find the right HA and have it programmed correctly? Do you think me or Miss Kat could benefit more from a different HA she and I haven't yet tried? If the answer is no, then why do people go saying audiograms aren't everything?

Then you don't have to read the posts or participate in the discussions if you're tired of them. No one's forcing you to do so. Others choose to stir lively debate about the various treatments involved for hearing loss, including hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate amplification. That's what a "discussion forum" is for, is it not?
I find it ironic she wants me to stay out of her threads but then she goes into my threads and makes rude remarks. When I ask her perfectly valid questions, she doesn't have any answers! If she wants me to learn, teach me please! She goes on saying that everyone is different but can't explain when I ask her questions about this! See my questions in my earlier posts!