Define Adultry (sp)?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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What does it mean to you and what you think of the laws.. what your state laws say about it?
WildKaTReSS said:
What does it mean to you and what you think of the laws.. what your state laws say about it?

I don't think there a law on Adultry not that I am aware of...

But, If a person is having an affair during the marriage then that person is at fault in divorce

A fault divorce is one in which one party blames the other for the failure of the marriage by citing wrongdoing. Fault divorces are most common where abuse is a factor. Abandonment, desertion, inability to engage in sexual intercourse, insanity, and imprisonment are other causes for fault divorces. In many states, the waiting period is shorter for fault divorces; however, fault divorces are not an option in 17 states. In those that do allow fault divorces, the spouse who proves the other’s fault might receive a larger share of the marital property or more alimony.
there is a law against adultry in the books just not enforced now a days i believe
Adultery is still against the law in the military, according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Adultery is when a married person has sex with another person that he or she is not married to. I don't know of any laws, but I do know that it can easily be grounds for divorce.
For decades, Adultery means a married person having sex with someone outside the marriage.

But in recent years, the definition has grown hazy thanks to Internet. Many married people are opting for cybersex. Is it adultery or what?

The legal definition needs to be vamped to fit with modern times and technology.

No clue what Oregon laws say but it most likely to be outdated like mnany other states.
Grrr my sidekick is acting up so bear with my posts repeating over.

::pounding the sidekick::
ahh no wonder Meg! i was like :wtf: and now i get it u were posting from ur SK :lol: forgiven :D
Meg said:
Grrr my sidekick is acting up so bear with my posts repeating over.

::pounding the sidekick::
yay, my hack is working! I rock your boat, baby!
To me, adultry is any act performed that is intended to arouse or satisfy a sexual or romantic desire in someone other than your spouse.

So it could be kissing, actual sex, cyber-sex or a number of other things.