Deer Accident


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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2 night ago, i got a deer accident, ughs! Im fine but my car isn't... i have some pictures to show..

here u go.






it wasn't so bad, and it's can fix ughs!
ouchies!!!! damn!!! geez! u should get deer so can clean it up and eat the meat... but not for me!!! :barf:
glad u are OK, Yea, ur car just need fix. have u report to the police or what? just curious, cooliefroggie.

Been involved in a deer accident back in aug 2000 in New Mexico. My roomate's van was some damaged but need fix. It was take about near 2 months for fix his van.

Also, after we hit that deer then pull into the shoulder of I-25. I run and check on the vehicle then that deer. Witnessed last breath come out suddenly. end up, i got a week of nightmare dream about that deer.
I have been in more than 6 deer accidents and all while my dad was driving. So I've gotten used to the feeling, the sight of wrecked vehical if it got wrecked. Cooliefroggie is luckier than those times I got involved except for one time the car was fine, but the deer wasn't. pffft
I have been involved in one deer accident. The deer survived, but I did hit the deer on its rear. It made my car's hood and headlight dented, and cost a lot to fix. Ugh...
Lasza said:
glad u are OK, Yea, ur car just need fix. have u report to the police or what? just curious, cooliefroggie.

Been involved in a deer accident back in aug 2000 in New Mexico. My roomate's van was some damaged but need fix. It was take about near 2 months for fix his van.

Also, after we hit that deer then pull into the shoulder of I-25. I run and check on the vehicle then that deer. Witnessed last breath come out suddenly. end up, i got a week of nightmare dream about that deer.

i don't get involded with police with this.. cuz i hit deer in county, my car runs fine..
I hit a baby deer the other day too. I thought it would go behind me, but it was running faster than I thought. It dented my car in two places (one from its head, another from its behind... then it must have scared so bad that it pooped on my car). Those 2 little dents will cost a lot of money to get it fixed. Luckily insurance will cover it but that will prob make my insurance go up even though its not my fault... not sure though

Sorry to hear about your car too.... everyone needs to watch out for them.
Ouchies...I saw a kangaroo being hit by a racing car during the v8 races a couple weeks ago -- the entire hood of the car was badly damaged.


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Ouchie Cooliefroggie, I am glad you are all right. Poor Deer :(

I have hit one raccoon before and a bird that fled down to my windowshield.

I do stop if I see animals run in the middle of the street out of nowhere. Some people do not care thinking oh well the animal ran in the street, But we also are drivers that need to pay attention on the roads and everywhere around us. Sometimes accidents do happen that it isn't our fault, But if we knew the animals were coming then we should stop.

My mom went to Maine a month ago, she hit a moose. lucky her suv didn't damage that much but insurance covers it to repair the dents and replace the guard bumper on her suv...

She mention it was baby moose :(

PurpleRose71 said:
Ouchies...I saw a kangaroo being hit by a racing car during the v8 races a couple weeks ago -- the entire hood of the car was badly damaged.

I had a video clip show a hare being hit by a racing car. Its bumper was tore off. But hare dont made it.

Hit by animals? Never but few eastern box turtles. When it happens, my dad pull in and pick it off a road. Later, turtles were released to forests nearly.
Oh wait....I almost killed squirrel during driving lesson. Teacher pissed on me after I slaps brakes on. :crazy:

My friend from high school had a red Chevy Camaro '98 and once driving to his home thrus wild forests --got hit by male deer. Windshield and hood got damaged so bad. Short time, he had all damages repaired quick.
Don't feel bad. I've run over a lot of animals too. I've hit squirrels, racoons, birds, and armadillos! :eek:
VamPyroX said:
Don't feel bad. I've run over a lot of animals too. I've hit squirrels, racoons, birds, and armadillos! :eek:

:shock: I'll make sure you not driving my car.
huhh why did u have to post the dead deer on, that is so sad.. and the dead kangaroo, at least respect those animals that died.
I hit a deer last spring. It was so sad and scary. I couldn't stop. *sigh* The deer hit the side of my car and yeah it was dented and the door did not open all the way. *sigh* I was too scared to go that road again. I put a deer whistle thingy that you can buy. My aunt's friend said she had a friend that had those but still hit deers. Oh well, whatever can help save animals to go away I'll buy it for the sake of animals. I don't feel too good hitting any animals. It's scary and so sad. They have life and feelings. Insurance pay part of it, but I still have to pay part of it which I had to borrow from mom.

You don't have to stop to get a police report unless you plan to take the deer home for cooking. You ought to check with your driving booklet to see the rules in your state. I still got mine! :D I didn't stop. I kept going crying. It was so sad. I'll tell you that a boy in my high school wrecked his car because he tried to avoid hitting the deer. He was given a ticket for not killing the deer. I would accept the ticket because I am trying to save my own life, and I don't care. I won't kill an animal!
ack! poor deer... that is just sad. i put more value on life than cars. glad you were ok, froggie... really!

it IS a law in norway to report to the police if you have hit a deer accidentally so they can find the deer to put it to sleep if it has fatal damage and is wandering in the forest painfully. if you dont make a report, you get fined when caught.
God, damn it! You killed a deer. It's dead. You are a bad person!