December 21st, 2012

About those pictures of supposed pieces of wood on a mountain, they look like they could just be the rocks of the mountain, including the closeup because rocks can have layers that look like wood.

What is Planet Nibiru? Many People don't understand because Planet Nibiru did not been in our Solar System for near 5,000 years but Planet Nibiru is coming to our Solar System soon! NASA called this Planet "Planet X" or "Planet Nibiru"


Those pictures you say is Nibiru are really that of the star V838 Monocerotis, which is about 20,000 to 36,000 light years away from us. That means the light form it had been traveling for tens of thousands of years before we saw it.

The brown stuff around the star is a light echo made by the dust around the star reflecting light from the star's outburst. They've figured that the star has another star orbiting it close in, so the outburst may be from the interaction of the stars or from the collision of another orbiting star or a planet with the main stars. -- Hubble Chronicles Mysterious Outburst with 'Eye-Popping' Pictures
V838 Monocerotis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's an animation of 4 images:
Image Display

Here's a much better picture of the star and light echo.

Image Display.

Notice that there are stars in front of V838 Moncerotis and the light echo. That means it's far away and nowhere near our solar system. :D

Here is a Google Sky link to show where the star is in the sky.
I thought so.

Right, the link I posted to the star is in a different place in the sky from that blank place that was posted before, which was claimed to be a censored patch of the sky. The sky maps are made of lots of smaller pictures put together and sometimes they could miss a spot or two. For other gaps, look at the infrared coverage and zoom out to see the gaps that the infrared telescope haven't covered.

Looking at the infrared and microwave coverage of the sky reveals nothing unusual in the blank rectangle. I'd think that a planet like that would give out plenty of infrared like Uranus and Neptune do even if they're far away.

uranus infrared - Google Image Search
neptune infrared - Google Image Search

People like to take random astronomy images and claim that it's the planet that's gonna destroy us. I've seen that done with a Hubble image of Io.

Post 21 claims that the planet had not been in the inner solar system for almost 5000 years then post 73 says 3600. Which one is it? Or does it just not exist?

If that planet is going to dive into the solar system so soon, we'd already see gravitational effects on things like KBOs and comets. Modest telescopes (realistic ones, not cheapo kiddie ones) can show you Uranus and Neptune, so amateurs would've seen it by now. The blank spot on the map is next to Orion, which is up at night in the northern hemisphere now, so you can take a look now. I didn't see anything unexpected the last time I looked at that part of the sky and enjoyed the view of the Great Orion Nebula.
I wish Id see the night, but it is 2:40pm down here in the southern hemisphere :laugh2:
I don't believe that the world is going to end in 2012. The Bible is written by man (you can tell - tiny fonts, etc) and can be altered any way - therefore, it's all a fairy tale.

I look outside and it's snowing right now (love it, btw). Do I think God caused all the wind, rain, and snow? No, because science explained where wind, rain, and snow come from. If you seriously think wind is actually God blowing air outta His mouth ..... you seriously need help.

If God doesn't want anyone to know where stuff come from, then He should've made it so that anyone wouldn't research on stuff, ie open up a human's body to find all bones, muscles and other guts. He should've made education seem trivial. He should've learned His lesson and make things more secure from the Devil.

Yet, He allowed it to happen, so whose fault is it, really?

The Bible is just a book telling others how to lead their lives (like love, not hate and etc), that's it. It should NOT be a base of a religion. Just my opinion, but I think someone later appended the homosexuality part in the Bible and made it "illegal."

That's why I hated "Bible thumpers" when it comes to major issues in particular, ie gay marriages. They are nothing but religious snobs who overthrow the government - like Proposition 8 in California (which btw, is exactly what God would NOT like in the first place, anyway!).

I've said my opinion. Please don't bash it or put me into your religious ideas/fantasties, because I won't - and must I repeat with emphasis, WON'T - follow them at all. Thank you.
I don't believe that the world is going to end in 2012. The Bible is written by man (you can tell - tiny fonts, etc) and can be altered any way - therefore, it's all a fairy tale.

I look outside and it's snowing right now (love it, btw). Do I think God caused all the wind, rain, and snow? No, because science explained where wind, rain, and snow come from. If you seriously think wind is actually God blowing air outta His mouth ..... you seriously need help.

If God doesn't want anyone to know where stuff come from, then He should've made it so that anyone wouldn't research on stuff, ie open up a human's body to find all bones, muscles and other guts. He should've made education seem trivial. He should've learned His lesson and make things more secure from the Devil.

Yet, He allowed it to happen, so whose fault is it, really?

The Bible is just a book telling others how to lead their lives (like love, not hate and etc), that's it. It should NOT be a base of a religion. Just my opinion, but I think someone later appended the homosexuality part in the Bible and made it "illegal."

That's why I hated "Bible thumpers" when it comes to major issues in particular, ie gay marriages. They are nothing but religious snobs who overthrow the government - like Proposition 8 in California (which btw, is exactly what God would NOT like in the first place, anyway!).

I've said my opinion. Please don't bash it or put me into your religious ideas/fantasties, because I won't - and must I repeat with emphasis, WON'T - follow them at all. Thank you.
We're not allowed to discuss religious topics at AD, so your post should be deleted. If your post is not deleted, I will know that I will be allowed to respond.
We're not allowed to discuss religious topics at AD, so your post should be deleted. If your post is not deleted, I will know that I will be allowed to respond.

Champing at the bit, eh? :hug: I agree that the post should have been deleted. Looks like there are still a few bugs in the system. :(
That Earth will be struck by an object from space is inevitable. The thing is, should we fear it? Death is inevitable, yet it is feared, which is rather interesting. There is an asteroid due to hit/have a near miss with Earth in 2028, and we will probably have the technology to "nudge" it from its path should it be on a direct course to us. However, nudging it to make it miss us would upset the balance of our universe, so should we sit tight and take it for the greater good? To me, religion has nothing to do with it. I do not fear the outcomes since they are all the same to me. :)
We had a rock near miss us about couple of years ago, thanks to the technolgy at NASA :cool2:
I don't believe that the world is going to end in 2012. The Bible is written by man (you can tell - tiny fonts, etc) and can be altered any way - therefore, it's all a fairy tale.

I look outside and it's snowing right now (love it, btw). Do I think God caused all the wind, rain, and snow? No, because science explained where wind, rain, and snow come from. If you seriously think wind is actually God blowing air outta His mouth ..... you seriously need help.

If God doesn't want anyone to know where stuff come from, then He should've made it so that anyone wouldn't research on stuff, ie open up a human's body to find all bones, muscles and other guts. He should've made education seem trivial. He should've learned His lesson and make things more secure from the Devil.

Yet, He allowed it to happen, so whose fault is it, really?

The Bible is just a book telling others how to lead their lives (like love, not hate and etc), that's it. It should NOT be a base of a religion. Just my opinion, but I think someone later appended the homosexuality part in the Bible and made it "illegal."

That's why I hated "Bible thumpers" when it comes to major issues in particular, ie gay marriages. They are nothing but religious snobs who overthrow the government - like Proposition 8 in California (which btw, is exactly what God would NOT like in the first place, anyway!).

I've said my opinion. Please don't bash it or put me into your religious ideas/fantasties, because I won't - and must I repeat with emphasis, WON'T - follow them at all. Thank you.

You say to please not bash you but it's okay for you to bash others? Yea, that's fair alright. :roll:
I don't believe that the world is going to end in 2012. The Bible is written by man (you can tell - tiny fonts, etc) and can be altered any way - therefore, it's all a fairy tale.

I look outside and it's snowing right now (love it, btw). Do I think God caused all the wind, rain, and snow? No, because science explained where wind, rain, and snow come from. If you seriously think wind is actually God blowing air outta His mouth ..... you seriously need help.

If God doesn't want anyone to know where stuff come from, then He should've made it so that anyone wouldn't research on stuff, ie open up a human's body to find all bones, muscles and other guts. He should've made education seem trivial. He should've learned His lesson and make things more secure from the Devil.

Yet, He allowed it to happen, so whose fault is it, really?

The Bible is just a book telling others how to lead their lives (like love, not hate and etc), that's it. It should NOT be a base of a religion. Just my opinion, but I think someone later appended the homosexuality part in the Bible and made it "illegal."

That's why I hated "Bible thumpers" when it comes to major issues in particular, ie gay marriages. They are nothing but religious snobs who overthrow the government - like Proposition 8 in California (which btw, is exactly what God would NOT like in the first place, anyway!).

I've said my opinion. Please don't bash it or put me into your religious ideas/fantasties, because I won't - and must I repeat with emphasis, WON'T - follow them at all. Thank you.

Uh..... He did give us a brain to use along with free will. :)
I tell people at work that I'm just hanging around to watch the world end in 12.12.12.

I also tell people it is so nice of God to wait to end the world until we could watch it on blu-ray and HDTV.

And the end of the world better come with captions! :laugh2:
We had a rock near miss us about couple of years ago, thanks to the technolgy at NASA :cool2:

how? i wasn't aware of asteroid-deflecting technology :scratch:
It was about 2002 or 2003 I think? I am not sure HOW they did it, but the rock missed the earth eventually.
It was about 2002 or 2003 I think? I am not sure HOW they did it, but the rock missed the earth eventually.

we didn't do anything. it was just praying for miss and our prayers have been answered. :cool2:
I watch History Channel everyday and I believe Nibiru is coming and collide the Earth. I agreed with DLOP posts and I want see the truth about 2012. You know the Pyramids in Egypt, UFO hunter said UFO did build these for purpose.
I watch History Channel everyday and I believe Nibiru is coming and collide the Earth. I agreed with DLOP posts and I want see the truth about 2012.

the truth is.... nothing's gonna happen. everyday is gonna be same. you wake up with the feeling of self-worthlessness.... go to your job & get nagged by coworker/boss... and come home, watch your tv and eat your shitty tv dinner... and repeat that process until your death occurs.

I agree with Jiro. Technology can avoid this if this occurs, but for my thought -- "Aw, not this shit again!"
the truth is.... nothing's gonna happen. everyday is gonna be same. you wake up with the feeling of self-worthlessness.... go to your job & get nagged by coworker/boss... and come home, watch your tv and eat your shitty tv dinner... and repeat that process until your death occurs.


No arguement. Why goverment put black cover in because government don't want people get panic or freak out. That's mean Government and scientists already know that will happen in 2012. How did people build the Pyramids 100,000 stones without machines, technology, vehicles in 10,000BC? obviously UFO did build pyramids. I think Alien come here Earth from Nibiru or another universe.