Sweet_KJ said:Why don't we go back to the Code of Hammurabi? If you steal, your hands shall be cut off. Etc?
No, that's just inhumane. Stealing is very different from taking a life.
Sweet_KJ said:Why don't we go back to the Code of Hammurabi? If you steal, your hands shall be cut off. Etc?
How ironic! I was just giving a presentation on the Code of Hammurabi a few weeks ago! In that presentation, I was discussing liability issues. Basically, it said that if a man builds a house and the owner of that house dies by something related to the house, then the builder of that house is put to death. If the son of the man, who owns the house, is killed by something related to the house, then the son of the builder of the house is put to death. It goes the same for the slaves and females.Sweet_KJ said:I agree with the part that the punishment should match the way the crime was committed -- however I disagree with the raping part by a bunch of gay musclemen -- maybe they should put in a machine dildo thingie so that an actual person does not do the raping part. It would just be a total mess if they had actual people doing the raping -- they might get diseased, or even punished themselves. Remember sodomy is a crime, so those musclemen shouldn't do it neither.
Why don't we go back to the Code of Hammurabi? If you steal, your hands shall be cut off. Etc?
dont forget that he destoryed the daycare building which has tons of kids thereDefee said:Yes you right about Andrea Yates..she had severe depression and was on several medications..in a way, it was her husband's fault too, he should have put her in mental hospital because she tried to commit suicide a few times and she had called him at work, screaming that she is gonna kill herself, etc., if he had done that, those poor kids would have been still alive.
As for Timothy McVeigh, he did confess some, but not fully..he blamed the ATF agents for that incident at Waco, Texas..that is one of the reasons he blew up Murrah building in Okla City..and he was a militant too..he is so against the United States government..yeah, he had easy death too, not fair to 168 people he killed..at least hes gone so he wont kill more people!
Banjo said:No, that's just inhumane. Stealing is very different from taking a life.
PiercedPixie said:im all for the death penalty..but...people in prison and on death row..have it easy....i think their deaths should be harsher...not simple lethal injections etc...if they blow up a building.they should have a stick of dynomite shoved up their asses and someone light the fuse..just so they can feel it... if someone was shot....shoot them......someone was chopped into pieces..chop them up...
has me thinking abt the many thousands of tax dollars wasted for a inmate thats a lifer for this kind of homicidical behavior and they get 3 square meals a day AND being able to live for years and possibly have a natural death (IF the other inmates hadnt managed to beat him to death before a corrections officer would break it up) -- i personally dont think thats agreeable to me -- like PiercedPixie had said, if they blew up a building with many victims then have a dynamite shoved up his ass and let the person blow up to deathLasza said:Should giving him life sentence so we can wait till his ultimate confession for why did he murdered 168 people and cause people get more injuried.
Cheri said:I believe in Death penalty Only If there is Enough Evidence to proof that he or she is guilty for the crime committed. Therefore, there are some people are put on death row that are innocence with no evidences proof to committed the crime.![]()
CyberRed said:How old do you think a death sentence should be upon young children who are criminals ? Give or take for opinions here.![]()
Defee said:As for Timothy McVeigh, he did confess some, but not fully..he blamed the ATF agents for that incident at Waco, Texas..that is one of the reasons he blew up Murrah building in Okla City..and he was a militant too..he is so against the United States government..yeah, he had easy death too, not fair to 168 people he killed..at least hes gone so he wont kill more people!
has me thinking abt the many thousands of tax dollars wasted for a inmate thats a lifer for this kind of homicidical behavior and they get 3 square meals a day AND being able to live for years and possibly have a natural death (IF the other inmates hadnt managed to beat him to death before a corrections officer would break it up) -- i personally dont think thats agreeable to me -- like PiercedPixie had said, if they blew up a building with many victims then have a dynamite shoved up his ass and let the person blow up to death
Steel said:I heard here in NC that they made a law upon whoever murdered someone at the age of 16 would be put on the death row and I thought that's crazy...16 yrs old to be put to death?? c'mon that's too young, you know. maybe 18 is old enough since they have FULL responsblity to themselves and dont live with their parents, etc... but 16?? I think they should've had second thoughts about this
kuifje75 said:I disagree with the death penality. The criminals should have to rot away in a jail thinking about what they did in their life.
With family members working in the correctional facilities, I am throughly disgusted with what we provide for these inmates. I think there SHOULD BE no cable TV, no gym facilities, no cook-outs, no liberal dress code, etc... They have to "suffer" in the prison. Make them read books, etc... Provide the only basic living conditions for these inmates. Last I heard was that each inmate cost the State about 6$ a day to "take care" so if one inmate was sentenced to jail for 50 years, that is 109.500$ to take care of the inmate. The inmates should pay for it themselves through labour and if they want cable or whatever, they should pay for it too!
Cheri said:I Opposes the Death Penalty for Young children before the age of 18....I think they should stay in Juvenile Prison until the age of 25 Like most cases... But I do not like the facts that sometimes they Charge Young Children the same way they Will Charge an Adults.. However, children placed in isolation cells are at a high risk of committing suicide....When a child grows up under adverse circumstances, there is a chance that child will become violent....child is in need of mental health services, a healthy, caring, intelligent parent recognizes that and fills the child's need. The problem is, thousands of children are living in homes in which members of the family are marginally functional, anti-social, substance-abusing, and/or criminal...
Actually, it depends on what happened with that murder. If it was cold-blooded and they can prove that the kid knew what he was doing, then they can treat him like a 18-year-old. However, if they can prove that the kid was still "too young" to understand. They can lessen the punishment and consider the kid a minor.Steel said:I heard here in NC that they made a law upon whoever murdered someone at the age of 16 would be put on the death row and I thought that's crazy...16 yrs old to be put to death?? c'mon that's too young, you know. maybe 18 is old enough since they have FULL responsblity to themselves and dont live with their parents, etc... but 16?? I think they should've had second thoughts about this