Reba said:
God is the Author of the Bible. God does NOT lie. God is wiser than you and me. God makes the rules.
I was in God's office the other day and he was complaining about how publishers have never respected his copyright on the Bible. He said he's going to start suing religious organizations for copyright infringement.
Yeah right. The Bible was written by man. Under influence from God, possibly, and that's contingent on beliefs, but by man nonetheless. There is *nothing* in the Bible that indicates that God came down and handed a holy book to someone. Contrast that to Islam, where it is believed that the Qur'an was dictated to Mohammed by an angel, when he himself was illiterate. Humans are fallible, it is their nature. When you write something you were inspired to right, possibly inspired by God, you add your own perspective to it.
Reba said:
Yes, I follow God's Word.
Or, rather, you follow what you believe God's Word to be. You're not the only person who believes this, but that said there are many different interpretations and beliefs as to what God's Word is. Therefore, you need to acknowledge that your beliefs are not the only ones in existence, and acknowledge that other beliefs and religions have some philosophical Truth to them, even if the beliefs themselves are incompatible with your own. If you can't do that, you're just a fool.
Reba said:
Like I said, you can have your opinion but that doesn't change the facts of law.
The Bible only ever suggests the death penalty for crimes of murder. And it's ambiguous enough that it's open to multiple interpretations.
Reba said:
Rare means exactly that--rare! That means DNA errors do NOT happen often
Correct... DNA fingerprinting is about a thousand times more accurate than checking fingerprints or handprints/footprints, etc. And the latter are accepted as incriminating evidence in most US courts.
Reba said:
ONE thief accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior; the OTHER thief mocked Jesus, and did NOT accept Him as Savior. ONE thief went to heaven, the OTHER thief did NOT.
This story is only in one Gospel... Two of the other three make no mention of any thieves on Golgatha, and the other one says they both mocked him. It is known that the Gospels were not written down on paper until 50-100 years after the death of Jesus, so the question becomes, why the ambiguity? Which is right, which is wrong? We'll never know the answer.
Reba said:
God said that He is the Author of the Bible. If you deny that God is the Author, then you are calling God a liar.
God said this? Where? When? Did I not get the memo?
Reba said:
If you want to know the original meaning you will have to do some research into the original language, or go to someone you trust who can translate the original words for you.
Do you know Biblical Hebrew?
Reba said:
For example, Victor Hugo wrote his books in French. He was the original author, and the original manuscripts were in French. If he dictated his stories to clerks who wrote the words down, Hugo was still the author. Translators took the author's original printed French words and put them into English for me to read, and into German for you to read. Translators are not authors.
If you know Biblical Hebrew, or indeed any ancient language, you would know that it's very difficult to translate into modern languages because of a significant number of homonyms. The Talmud chronicles rabbinical discussions on the subject of how to interpret the Tanakh since the beginning, when people actually spoke the language used therein. But Christians regard such as heresy. Irrationally, indeed, considering Christianity's Jewish roots. There's a lot of things you could learn from it.
Reba said:
If you don't believe the Holy Bible is God's Word, then where do you find God's Word?
I find it interesting that I am frequently accused of judging other people's spirituality but it is perfectly OK for you to judge whether or not I am following God's Word.
Other holy books? Surely you're not so foolish as to think Christianity is the only religion with a holy book.
Y said:
Is is Less Worse OR More Worse to think of
this same guilty Murderer/Rapist were
fooling around with your own daughter/son
on your own backyard... forcing/raping and
murdering an innocent little girl/boy.. only
because this murderer was taking a little
vacation time off from his prison and/or
he just got released or "escaped from the
The judicial system was established to punish wrongdoers, not to prevent future transgressions. Leave criminology to the experts.