Dealing With Idiots Who Ask for Rude Signs

There will always be people who do that. :)

I remember when I was in high school. I was working as a bagger at a local grocery store.

Other co-workers would keep asking me how to sign swear words, then they would go around giggling as the signed it to other people.

Employee 1: "How do you say fuck?"
Me: *signs FUCK*
Employee 1: "Okay, thanks. Hehehe!"
*employee 1 walks to employee 2*
Employee 1: *signs FUCK*
Employee 2: "Huh?"
Employee 1: "Hehehe! Hahaha!" *giggles*
*employee 2 walks up to me*
Employee 2: "Hey, what's this?" *signs FUCK*
Me: "Oh, that's sign language for FUCK."
Employee 2: "Oh, hahaha..."

This would go on and on all day long. :)
:nono: I am all for not telling them at all...

Believe me, I don't use them much either (though I have my days where it's more frequent), but it's always good to know what you're being called, but LDNanna said the guy was gay, and like to eat something that started with a "P," so it kind of fit, and I have seen signs that mean that and look a little like pizza :| I'm not around Deaf people often (though I know several people who are HoH), so it's a little difficult to know for a fact that I'm correct, and it's confusing when I don't see it in action.
I am surprised this happens as much as everyone says it does! How annoying! I am still just learning sign but the few times people have asked me to teach them something it's 'I love cupcakes' or 'I would like a coffee'- nothing vulgar. I think I'd just shake my head and dismiss anyone that just wanted to learn a dirty word- I'm not a dictionary for immaturity. If I was going to learn a snippet of someones language I'd want to learn greetings or something, not dirty words. To each their own I guess!
Am I the only one that thinks its fun/funny to teach adults share words?

This reminds me of when I was still in college and working at Arby's. One guy there wanted to learn sign language so he would ask me from time to time for a new sign. One day he came up to me and asked me to give him a sign. So I outlined in the air a square sign on a stick, grabbed the stick and handed it to him saying "here's your sign". He got such a kick out if it that he carried that sign around with him the rest of the day. I bet he took it home with him and could probably tell you exactly where it is today. One crazy guy, but such fun to work with!
It is in your very best interest to hang with live deaffies and try your vocabulary face to face. It is ever so much more entertaining. The best entertainment comes from learning ASL only to sign a "good" word incorrectly - such as "coffee" or "soda pop".

Ya know, like walk up to your mama and say "mama, what does sh*t mean??" If she slaps you - you know you said it right. Sort of the same with deaf folks.... except you may expect gales of laughter if you sign it wrong.

Hey- waves hand - did you hearing kids every try lip reading?? OOOh, ya gotta see this and see if you can get it -

[ame=]"Rick Perry"[/ame]
It is in your very best interest to hang with live deaffies and try your vocabulary face to face.

Unfortunately, there isn't much of a Deaf Community in my area if at all. There are some deaf and hard-of-hearing people (such as my dad), but NONE of them know even basic sign language because of technology, and a lot of people treat deafness like it's a burden. So, it's really difficult for me not only to learn, but practice without getting a lot of heat. :tears: