Deafs be allowed to marry?

I am in American Sign Language, as it is my major. The reason it is so important is because that is what my teacher assigned as my topic to write about.
The teacher teaches ASL and gives an assignment like that? Unbelievable! I thought ASL courses are for the students to learn ASL only, not doing written assignments which are required in other courses such as Deaf Culture. BTW, those questions would not be given in those courses, either.
That would be like asking if you should give a deaf dog with no legs a name, No matter what you call him, He just wont come. But he is still lovable to hold and cuddle with.
That absurd. Married 39 years to my wife and both deaf but 2 of ours kids are hearing.
You should be writing about gays.
You've got to be kidding me...
I suggest you sterilize yourself.

this is the most insulting and moronic thread by a hearie I've come across in a while.
I am actually 18 years old studying at a University. I am hearing and doing a research project on my question. I am quoting you guys and using this page in my paper. That is why I am asking the questions.

by all means feel free to quote my response...
I am doing a research project of deaf people and marriages. Can I have some opinions on a couple questions?

1. Should deaf people be allowed to marry other deafs?
2. Should deaf people be allowed to reproduce if they know that their children will be deaf?

Thank you all so much!!!!
I feel as a hearing person that there should be no discrimination towards deaf people. Just because their ears do not work does not mean in any way shape or form they are any different than you or me. As far as your questions go I am sorry that your teacher put you in this place and that you are getting a hard time about them. I do think it is really messed up these are your questions because they are disrespectful towards the Deaf Community. But here are my answers since this is for school.

From a hearing person's point of view
1. I feel deaf people should be able to marry other deafs. I feel it is the same as asking if a Mexican can marry another Mexican. There is a language common ground, a culture common ground. When two people come together and share the same backgrounds and language they tend to fit better together, they have a total understanding of each other. (not saying anything bad about hearing to deaf marriages, because they work as well)

2.I feel people can have kids if they want kids and if they understand the responsibility that comes with kids. I have strong feelings when it comes to they type of people that are having kids in today's world. Deaf people having kids is not where on my list of people that shouldn't have kids. I feel deaf adults and couples that want the joys of having a person they created looking up at them with total love and trust is fine with me. (I'm a mother and know how great that feeling is). Like I said before just because someone's ears don't work doesn't mean there is something wrong with them. Doesn't mean they are any different than you or me. Stick you head phones on turn your music up to where you can't hear anything else at all. Then go and try to talk to someone, try to live a day like that. I know it isn't the complete same but you get an idea of what it is like not to hear the things around you. It is hard to communicate when you can't hear someone talking to you but it doesn't effect your ability to live a normal life like all the hearing people out there.

Hope this helps with your paper, and again I am sorry your teacher didn't think how others would react to you asking these questions
Well depend on person. From wht I knw from my area deaf didn't marry because SSI or SSDI reason. Not base on love. In my opinion they can if not thinking so much money. Love survive on all things.
i can allowed marry im deaf since i was baby that my answer says YES both that! But no matter if my kids will become deaf or hearing..

my boyfriend and me is deaf but my boyfriend is 39 im 31
No offend, kid, when I read those question.. I want to say.. WTF? Why are you asking us these stupid questions even it matters for your assignment. Everyone has the right to do. It has been around for centuries. Got to think hard there, kid.. even before you ask. Why don't you research online to get the answers before you ask us that. It is like asking us "Can you drive?", "Can you read?", etc.. WTF.. But hey, good luck on your assignment if I am not too late.
what the... the person I last see posting was Maker.. and I see nothing after my last post. ? ? ?
Well I got married and I'm deaf and my husband is hearing and we both get ssdi every month



I am doing a research project of deaf people and marriages. Can I have some opinions on a couple questions?

1. Should deaf people be allowed to marry other deafs?
2. Should deaf people be allowed to reproduce if they know that their children will be deaf?

Thank you all so much!!!!
Do your hands work? Legs? If yes, you can work if you wanted to. Apparently you don't want to. Being disabled/disability doesn't mean you can't work.

Or they have cognitive disabilities?

I am deaf and I have a career.

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