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Dec 29, 2007
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How old were you when you found out you was deaf or you was told or had you always known? I mean you would have probably thought it was normal not to hear until you was told . I hope you know what I mean.
Same here I think it's because we were deaf all our life i.e. from birth or before 1 year. I always was told what my HA were although I dont remember. I was told I had a profound hearing loss at 14 by my mum, before this I just knew I was deaf but did not know the severity. From a very early age, I'v always been told about my deafness, my early birth and my deceased sister, so it is something they'v never withheld and not let me know
I dont remember, but I do know I was born hearing and became ill at age 3 which cause my deafness. At least that's what I was told.
I don't remember but I do remember my first day of school and that I was different from the other kids.I didn't know at the time that I talked funny and I didn't get my first set oh HAs till I was 7 :roll:
I don't remember.... but I remember that I thought everyone was like me, not being able to hear without CI or hearing aids... lol
I was a baby when my parents found out that I was deaf but they accepted it and mom learned to sign and supported and loved the way as an average parent would.
I don't remember when someone told me I was deaf.
I dont remember being told that I was deaf.
Not sure, but my mom told me it was becasue of the family generation and some of my family claimed that it was from my nerves from my ear that are not strong enough to receive the sound waves.
I was born hearing and then lost my hearing due to Auto Immune Hearing Loss at the age of 3. My parents actually explained how i became deaf. But I was young at the time.

When i was a little girl, I'd always ask my parents if my hearing would ever come back. They said they would try if the steroids would help (not the muscle building kind of steroids, the kind where they help you get your hearing back a little bit) It was a treatment for me to try and get my hearing back. The steroids made me, well lets say a little chubby, but i lost weight when my parents realized that it wouldn't work for me anymore.

But then i also found out that my mom was talking to my grandma on the phone, and My grandma was talking to her family realitives from Sweden, And my grandma was talking about their family history with her realitives, just jotting some family history stuff down. And then we found out something intresting about it, My grandma's realitives said that a long time ago, my grandma's ancestors became deaf around their 30s or 40s. And My mom wonders if that was the reason why i got Auto Immune Hearing Loss and that it might be genetic. I noticed my mom having the IPod stereo on too loud when i put my Implant and Hearing aid on one morning, and when my mom tells me about the story about the Deafness Genetic passing down our family, She thinks it might happen to her. And I do actually wonder if thats the reason why i became deaf. But I lost my hearing at a early age, not in my 30 or 40s yet..I don't know why i became deaf at the age of 3.... ::hmm::
I was about 5 or 6. My kindergarten teacher noticed I was exceptionally quiet, so she asked my parents if they'd considered if I was deaf or hard of hearing (they never really thought about it. The doctor who delivered me told mom to watch out for hearing problems because one ear was smaller than the other, but after that, they didn't think much of it). They took me to the Audiologist upon my teacher's suggestion, and they confirmed I was hard of hearing and got me set up with hearing aids. Susan was my audiologist then and I still have her almost 17 years later, lol.

I still remember the wonder the day I got home with the package of hearing aids and after mom helped me put them on, I ran around the house clapping my hands and telling mom to "listen! Listen!" to the sound echoing off the walls. Probably one of the brightest moments of my life.
We suspected that Jason was deaf when, bringing him home from the hospital, we had to pull over for an ambulance, police car and fire truck...and he didn't wake up. He was officially diagnosed as an infant.
I was born hoh and I failed my hearing test at school when I was 5. No one in my family ever suspected.
I didn't actually know I was deaf till I went deaf... 'cause I wasn't meant to go fully deaf. Anyway, about 16.
my parents got to know abt my deafness when i was 3 years old, when they noticed that i was exceptionally quiet, and always stay cling on dolls
i was first told tht i was having radio in my ear..(funny) but only found it after 10 years old....
but it is like i have known it from rest of my life!