

New Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Well, I have no problem acceptin' HoH, deaf, or what have they. I am happy with the way I am. ;)
I has no problem to accept my deafness... I´m happy what I am and what I have.
:shock: some handy PhotoSHop work done here :shock:
im me thats all i rather be, if they can't accept that then theres the door!

im Deaf and i accept myself for that, i'm half blind i accept myself for that, i have glaucoma i accept that, i had a heart sugery when i was little, i accept that, its all part of my life's ACCEPTENCE sure i can speak, but i also can sign too, i respect my peers, and if *DEAFHOOD* demands we live in the Deaf world, hello, wake up and smell the roses, we are intergrated in BOTH worlds, there is no your world and my world, we learn to accept ourselves before we learn to accept others, i see too many negtive about this, they need to stop relize and accept we are our own person we're not going to conform to THIER NEEDS. Deafhood is just a fucking word used to make us look like we need to be in a cult, we have our history books, we have our schools we graduated OR WILL graduate from we have our own pride, learn to live with it. don't tell us how to live our lives in the deaf communitys needs. Theres a key factor why not many will be part of the deaf community irl, backstabbers and people coming up with stories that arent even true, even the internet world's still the same in both aspects of life, same idea with the hearies, they have backstabbers and poeple who make up stories for thier own graficication. that is a life's cyle. live with it. be urself.!!!

i for one am deaf, and proud of it. if they dont like the way i live my life. then theres the door! simple said simple done.
I like your kokonut pundit blog when I enjoy reading.

My feelings about deafhood seem to push me into a deaf group because I am scared about losing my culture. Remembering when I chatted with a Hispanic deaf man at the café, he asked me if I knew about Hispanic history. I answered “No , I never studied Hispanic history.” He said, it was very important to have knowledge while I felt lousy about myself. Some Hispanic deaf are proud by themselves and some African deaf are too. So, I notice they never mentioned Hispanic deaf culture and African deaf culture, but I may not see the other side. I had to write the same story from RidorLive blog

I have seen the deafhoodism book that is new to me.

I admit that I don’t have a concept about deafhood which hasn’t been clearly explained to me. It seems to me that idea has been distorted. It sounds me like a persuasion into believing in deafhood. It is hard for me to answer. I guess that I do not belong to deafhood because I am truly a deaf foreigner in America. I have doubt in mind about whether Paddy Ladd is deaf. I wonder if he was ex-oral.

PS. I am a proud deaf Hispanic. I’d rather choose my decision, and I can live without deaf community.
This may be of interest to some about Deafhood. - vid clips

Pretty big movement there...

In and all, I'm keeping an open mind. Changes are good, if they include unification of all differences especially in the deaf community, personally.. I never really put much stock on those who try to divide and confuse others with hostility and sarcasm, though. Shame on you, koko!
Joey has put out Part One vlog of the Deafhood workshop that was recently held at at the 2006 NAD Convention. Unfortunately, despite Deafhood proponent's claims of 'inclusiveness', the vlogs are still not captioned/subtitled.

In a nutshell, Part One covers the history of Deaf people prior to 1880 (The infamous Milan Conference) and that of 'colonialism'. From a historical perspective, Deafhood does have a persuasive argument for its 'relevancy' in 2006.

Click at the following link for your edification;
Deafhood Workshop, Episode I

About time Joey has 'blog-ified' his vlogs... My RSS reader can now pick them up automagically!
Liza said:
This may be of interest to some about Deafhood. - vid clips

Pretty big movement there...

In and all, I'm keeping an open mind. Changes are good, if they include unification of all differences especially in the deaf community, personally.. I never really put much stock on those who try to divide and confuse others with hostility and sarcasm, though. Shame on you, koko!

Liza, you have it wrong. I'm not here to divide but offer my opinion on the subject from my own perspective and experience. You call that hostility? That is a new one though incorrect. Just because I offer a different opinion with a different perspective that people (mostly Deaf people?) do not like is not in the same realm as of me being "hostile." Far from it. I simply find the word "deafhood" a terrible, terrible label describing the newest status quo. This is a status quo where I've accepted others a long, long time ago. Basically, nothing is new here. Just a newly repackaged "concept" in the midst of a "unity" fad in a Deaf culture movement where everybody is excited. A least they are discussing it however long overdue it was. Shaming me just because I provide a different opinion on how I express myself even though you think it's a hostile one? You have no idea.

Oh, also, please provide examples on how I am "confusing" others.


Also, you can read my comments in that blog piece of mine.