Check this out... deafdrivethru.com
Culver's, a popular Midwest restaurant chain has taken a step in making their drive thru accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. With the installation of a system called OrderAssist, customers can use the drive through without having to worry about getting good service. OrderAssist is a product that is slowly gaining acceptance in the restaurant industry as a way to serve all customers. You will get a better idea of what the system does from the news video when you visit www.deafdrivethru.com. Also, there is a list of the locations where it is installed. There are 14 Culver's locations with OrderAssist in Wisconsin, 4 in Chicago area and several locations in 4 other states. I tried several times at Culver's in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. It's really nice because one night, there was a long line at drive thru. I wouldn't use the drive thru if they don't have the OrderAssist system. When my car was at the speaker position and I used the OrderAssist, it was good to know that the employees know I'm deaf that can't talk through the speaker. Also, it was nice to receive a menu with a blank paper & pen from them at the window. If there is a location near your home, why not give it a try. It would be nice for every drive thrus to have that system. We need to use it often to let them know that we need it in other restaurants.
Check this out... deafdrivethru.com
Culver's, a popular Midwest restaurant chain has taken a step in making their drive thru accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. With the installation of a system called OrderAssist, customers can use the drive through without having to worry about getting good service. OrderAssist is a product that is slowly gaining acceptance in the restaurant industry as a way to serve all customers. You will get a better idea of what the system does from the news video when you visit www.deafdrivethru.com. Also, there is a list of the locations where it is installed. There are 14 Culver's locations with OrderAssist in Wisconsin, 4 in Chicago area and several locations in 4 other states. I tried several times at Culver's in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. It's really nice because one night, there was a long line at drive thru. I wouldn't use the drive thru if they don't have the OrderAssist system. When my car was at the speaker position and I used the OrderAssist, it was good to know that the employees know I'm deaf that can't talk through the speaker. Also, it was nice to receive a menu with a blank paper & pen from them at the window. If there is a location near your home, why not give it a try. It would be nice for every drive thrus to have that system. We need to use it often to let them know that we need it in other restaurants.