Deaf woman sentenced for making harassing phone calls.


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Apr 18, 2004
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Halifax, The Daily News: News | Deaf woman sentenced for making harassing phone calls.

A 21-year-old deaf woman was sentenced Wednesday for making numerous harassing phone calls to her ex-partner.

Kathleen Paula Foshay made the calls using a telephone service that allows one to type a message which is then relayed by an operator to the recipient.

Foshay was sentenced Wednesday to a suspended sentence with 18 months probation for the Jan. 8 incident. Judge Michael Sherar admonished the woman for using a phone service important to deaf people to make the harassing calls.

He noted that those calls took up the time of an operator. Sherar asked the woman how she would feel if there was an emergency with her daughter, but the phone system was tied up.

“Quite frankly, your abusive use of that service perhaps put other lives in jeopardy,” Sherar said.
That bitch got what she deserved!

I don't understand why people are so obsessed with harassing others... as if it makes them feel or look superior when it actually makes them look inferior and immature. :roll:

This reminds me of those annoying people who have to IM others using multiple screen names just to say, "Hahaha... you can't block me! You bitch! I know everything about you!"

Whatever... :sure:
I'm same here with Vampy.

What's bitch? not cool...
“Quite frankly, your abusive use of that service perhaps put other lives in jeopardy,” Sherar said.

Abusive of that service! Hah! That's nowhere near the real abuse that's allowed to go on through relay service.

I've never heard of a hearing person getting probation for making harassing phone calls, so where's the functional equivalency? If you're going to punish her for abusing this service, then fucking punish the thousands of kids making sexually expicit prank calls and thousands of Nigerian scammers ripping off unsuspecting victims.
Abusive of that service! Hah! That's nowhere near the real abuse that's allowed to go on through relay service.

I've never heard of a hearing person getting probation for making harassing phone calls, so where's the functional equivalency? If you're going to punish her for abusing this service, then fucking punish the thousands of kids making sexually expicit prank calls and thousands of Nigerian scammers ripping off unsuspecting victims.

Yeah, guido but I don't know if it makes any difference but this incident occured in Nova Scotia...
I had that one guy who harrassed me constantly thru Instant Messenger. I had to block him. I couldn't stand the word " obsession ". I just want my own fookin' room ( space ).
Maybe she has a history of harrassing people.
Then again, from my experiance maybe this case is one of those goddamn soap opera shit stuff. (Vampy, I think you having been an RA, know kinda what I'm talking about.Some people DO abuse the complaint system for "revenge" purposes)
Oh man, she deserved that!!

That reminded me of my ex who kept harrassed me for 2 yrs till I finally blocked her and now I am so much peace!!!
That bitch got what she deserved!

I don't understand why people are so obsessed with harassing others... as if it makes them feel or look superior when it actually makes them look inferior and immature. :roll:

This reminds me of those annoying people who have to IM others using multiple screen names just to say, "Hahaha... you can't block me! You bitch! I know everything about you!"

Whatever... :sure:

Oh my gosh, I have been a victim of someone harrassing me using several IM screennames. It wasnt funny because I was frightened since I had no idea who it was. *shudders*
Abusive of that service! Hah! That's nowhere near the real abuse that's allowed to go on through relay service.

I've never heard of a hearing person getting probation for making harassing phone calls, so where's the functional equivalency? If you're going to punish her for abusing this service, then fucking punish the thousands of kids making sexually expicit prank calls and thousands of Nigerian scammers ripping off unsuspecting victims.

Oh yes, hearing people do get in trouble for harrassing phone calls. Hearing people who violate NCOs (no contact orders) or restraining orders can end up on probation or in jail for that. I'm not speaking from personal experience but I know of other hearing people it's happened to. Happens all the time. Makes sense that the deaf woman ended up with probation if that's what she was doing. (I'm deaf myself so this post is NOT defending hearing people.)
Oh my gosh, I have been a victim of someone harrassing me using several IM screennames. It wasnt funny because I was frightened since I had no idea who it was. *shudders*
Yeah, happens to me from time to time.

Someone IMed me out of the blue like I was her best friend. When I asked if she wanted something, she said she wanted to be my friend. I asked where she found my screen name and she never answered my question. So, I stopped talking to her. Later, she IMed me again like nothing happened. This time, she yelled at me because my friends were spreading rumors about her. I don't even know who she. I asked again where she got my screen name and she started telling me lies about where she got my screen name. I then told her that if she wasn't going to tell me the truth, then I don't want to talk to her.

30 minutes later, someone else IMs me... yelling at me for being a horrible friend. She then blocked me.

Know what's weird? I think both are the same person just looking to be "my friend" and scam me or something. After all, both of them had the same number and similar nicknames in their screen names.

Well, I'm not worried. Neither of them are my friends. I don't know who they are. :)