First of all, WTF? The news mentioned "MUTE" which is not necessary. Those news people must be small-minded.
Second of all, for years and years, all pitbulls' owners say that their dogs are sweet, BULLSHIT! Pitbulls should be banned because they are killers like wolves.
Third of all, thank God, two guys helped the deaf woman who was attacked by the pitbull which tried to tear her apart. The owner should be arrested.
Last of all, it's time to make pitbulls obsolete.
Sometimes ignorance is such a pain in the ass when one says its a bliss. This is saying a certain race of people should be obsolete just because one murdered someone else.

I got bit by a small dog and I dont like small dogs. I think they all should be obsolete! No more taco bell dogs! No more bug eyed pugs so cute! No more cocker spaniels.
Calm down and hate the owners of the dog not the dog breed itself. Its been conditioned to do that as apparently eating the persons parts rightaway is not a normal dog behavior of ANY breed regardless. This is a sick dog and their owners ought be thrown in jail for life for letting a dog get loose.
And quit comparing pitbulls to wolves. It is an insult to the wolves as a group of species. Pitbulls were domesticated by man, wolves are not. Its comparing apples with oranges. Anyone with wolfdog or wolf hybrids can tell you they're totally different from the dog, any dog to start with in behavior alone. In my state any wolf hybrid or any dog with wolf ancestry is BANNED. Pitbulls have a role in the human society. They were bred not to bite people, they're the loyal dogs anyone can ask for. Hardworking dogs. They will work their heart out. They are the WORST guard dogs, for the good breeding lineage it'll be true. There are bad breeders out there that don't care about the dog just to make money off breeding dogs like many other dog breeds suffering out there in quality.
And yes I agree ANY dog regardless of the breed needs to have responsible owner. I personally believe many dog owners HAVE NO BUSINESS owning a dog to start with. I only believe 20% or less of Americans are responsible enough to own a dog and ensure the safety of the public. I've had too many neighbors breeding dogs left and right and walking my dogs are a nightmare at times.
Seriously encourage your friends/family/neighbors to get their animals fixed, and don't support pet stores buying a puppy there. And if you feel passionate about it, get some dog owners together and look into more stricter rules for dog ownership. Educate yourself, dont get all caught up over the pit bull hysteria. They've been around for a very long time in history. It's just misfortune thing that bad people exploited them and now its a status thing. I honestly think too many stupid people own dogs no matter what breed they are. Many bite cases could have been prevented easily with responsible dog ownership. Especially innocent people like Shirley.
I do personally support mandatory spay/neutering for many pitbulls and all other dogs. As we have TOO MANY breeders out there that dont give a damn.