Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!
so, you can understand mainstream's language?
well, my primary language is English and also oral. Every time I try to talk to hearing people, they do not even bother to face me directly. That doesn't mean that I am proud to be disabled. People need to be taught through education rather than showing pride.
Deaf way III?? Not till Gally out of the big storm theyre in and it may not be until after 2008. Unless it happens at calmer seas like say...CSUN?
Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!
Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!
well, my primary language is English and also oral. Every time I try to talk to hearing people, they do not even bother to face me directly. That doesn't mean that I am proud to be disabled. People need to be taught through education rather than showing pride.
Why deaf way? I am living in mainstream world. I heard about disability pride, jeez! we are just human beings!
Hey, Do you to listen about Deaf WayII in Washington D.C. before??
to me, YES!
I did heard about that. Deaf WayIII should be in Europe, but hard to decide about accept this place and where will get support for money? so I hope they wouldnt forget about Deaf WayIII. I am still waiting.