Well I can see it from the mkrajnak point of view and I understand it from sorenson point of view. mkrajnak is right we are not in 3rd grade and don't insult our intelligence. However I can see it from sorenson point of view- There has been too many terps complaining about view issues and some terps try to tell them they cant see but not allowed to say that whats causing problem but call tech support. slow speed, not enough light, vp zoomed all the way in and you sit all the way back (big one) and wear clothes or have busy background moving that makes vp try to decode too much sending more data then needed eating up the upload bandwidth etc, etc,etc.
I think sorenson should stop the videos training and let the terps send a flag. Everytime the terp is in a call with a deaf person and the video isnt clear for some reason, after ending the call, they should be able to click a flag and add personsonal comments if needed then go on to the next call. Sorenson have to have a record of the calls anyways for billing to get money for the minutes used so why not collect data about the end users from terps? IF there is alot of flags in a short time, then you know that person needs help, less tech support calls, less waiting time, automatic assignment of a tech support or installer, etc.
I can't remember how many times I try to explain to someone that there is poor lighting when they ask why thier video is dark. If I had a nickel for every person I talked to on VP with poor or no video because of a issue on THIER end, not THE VRS hardware (sorenson,purple, CSD etc) I'd be retired millionare by now.
This message is NOT for the intellegent deafies- GET OFF the computer when making a vp call! it eats the video bandwidth! you say you have alot of lights, THEN MOVE IT CLOSER!!!! you zoomed all the way in and sit way back there just because you
have the zoom feature and you dont want to move chair or tv closer?! Then what can you expect for video quality?!
Sorry ladies and germs, just had to rant here.