deaf single connect (debates)

Hey mookie you don't know what hella going on in mo cuz I was there wit cheri and rest of guys cuz there 2 creepy stalk on us fook god sake! Good thing rr and dd are portect (sp) us as long feel safe so I agree with cheri that u was not there when happen pfff at mookie!
LovelyBlkGal said:
Hey mookie you don't know what hella going on in mo cuz I was there wit cheri and rest of guys cuz there 2 creepy stalk on us fook god sake! Good thing rr and dd are portect (sp) us as long feel safe so I agree with cheri that u was not there when happen pfff at mookie!

ohh 2 creepy stalk ? thought one wow
damn i wish anyone who have some respect that AD cerus is ONLY for the AD members sheesh

i hate DSC period cuz what i have heard bad things about that site :ugh:
moonflower said:
damn i wish anyone who have some respect that AD cerus is ONLY for the AD members sheesh

i hate DSC period cuz what i have heard bad things about that site :ugh:

yeah :ugh: that is what I wish they have to repect there AD Caucus not for DSC. :)
Cheri said:
You're missing the point, She is also a member here at AD, with an zero post count, She might had said she was interesting in attending the AD Caucus, and an email was send to her, But that doesn't give her any right to copy the email and posted it into another place on the Internet. Do you see my point?

And DreamDeaf did stated numeric of times that this AD Caucus is for Alldeaf members only.

i was just saying that snowleaf got the email from alldeaf . what if she didn't come in alldeaf to check the thread and didn't know it was for ad people only?? she got email and said oh cool so share with others in dsc? who knows??

what bad things in DSC? huh? i am member of DSC and i do go in there to read the MB almost every day.. They got many good tips on dating and so on. I dont see nothing wrong with that? I have made many good friends there? I met feistychick there? I was the one who told her about alldeaf and told her to come join alldeaf. there are alot of good friends in DSC. yes scammers are in there but scammers are in Alldeaf, too? so your point?? moonflower?
yeah DM i read what some of them said about stalkers shudders
lucky i was not there to see that
if i have i would go MAD and bash at them to leave us alone

never know if they are rapists or murderers

i am grateful for RR there to protect the ladies WHEW
i know it is scary for all of you who were in STL
i am glad all of you are home safe

HUGS all of ya that were in STL
smiley please don't bash at me
that all i heard but i don't believe that bad crap
but i don't trust dating in online my bad expence

i got scammers trying to get me i know but i didn't said about scammers ok
i know AD is online but it is not a date site ok

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: sheesh that is my opion SIGHS
moonflower said:
yeah DM i read what some of them said about stalkers shudders
lucky i was not there to see that
if i have i would go MAD and bash at them to leave us alone

never know if they are rapists or murderers

i am grateful for RR there to protect the ladies WHEW
i know it is scary for all of you who were in STL
i am glad all of you are home safe

HUGS all of ya that were in STL

Yeah that is very true!!!! I agreed with you :)
moonflower said:
smiley please don't bash at me
that all i heard but i don't believe that bad crap
but i don't trust dating in online my bad expence

i got scammers trying to get me i know but i didn't said about scammers ok
i know AD is online but it is not a date site ok

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: sheesh that is my opion SIGHS

then dont say bad things about DSC ,.. if you have proof, fine..

thats ok if you dont trust dating online service. i undy due to bad experience..
snowleaf is lurking here still ongoing..
Last Activity: Today 08:51 PM

Pretty interesting.... Why can't she come and post it here.. ? Bet she is lurking!
LovelyBlkGal said:
Hey mookie you don't know what hella going on in mo cuz I was there wit cheri and rest of guys cuz there 2 creepy stalk on us fook god sake! Good thing rr and dd are portect (sp) us as long feel safe so I agree with cheri that u was not there when happen pfff at mookie!

Excuse me, two creepy stalk at AD Cacucs? I do not get it at all?
How do you know two creepy stalk at AD Cacucs?
Did you caught them, why don't you tell us ?
GalaxyAngel said:
Excuse me, two creepy stalk at AD Cacucs? I do not get it at all?
How do you know two creepy stalk at AD Cacucs?
Did you caught them, why don't you tell us ?


didn't know there was stalker.. cuz I was another side of the train..
One of member who did stated me clarifty.. No wonder I wasn't there..
Forget about my comment.. *thrown it out* :D
And the good thing is we made it home.... :angel:
Cheri said:
I do remember those two couple who stated that they got an email about a party in St. Louis, And I'm surprised this was copied and pasted in Deaf Single Connection. Do you think we should hide the next 2008 where about in a hidden forum so there would not be any copy and pasting out of this forum into another place on the Internet?
hey you dont have to hide this info. next time be sure to make it clear that its for AD cacus only.. not outpublic to outside of AD cacus..
GalaxyAngel said:

didn't know there was stalker.. cuz I was another side of the train..
One of member who did stated me clarifty.. No wonder I wasn't there..
Forget about my comment.. *thrown it out* :D

It ok ur forgiven not worry :)
SmileyGin said:
i was just saying that snowleaf got the email from alldeaf . what if she didn't come in alldeaf to check the thread and didn't know it was for ad people only?? she got email and said oh cool so share with others in dsc? who knows??
Tell me something here, How come her last login in date was July 13th 06, The day of the AllDeaf Caucus, Which is a Thursday where we all showed up? If she really only gotten from an email, Why came in here without posting, only searching the forum? That doesn't make no sense. I did talked to her today and you know what she told me? She told me we cannot stop other deaf people from going to any deaf event.
Cheri said:
Tell me something here, How come her last login in date was July 13th 06, The day of the AllDeaf Caucus, Which is a Thursday where we all showed up? If she really only gotten from an email, Why came in here without posting, only searching the forum? That doesn't make no sense. I did talked to her today and you know what she told me? She told me we cannot stop other deaf people from going to any deaf event.

and also she was here today without posting
LisaMarie said:
hey you dont have to hide this info. next time be sure to make it clear that its for AD cacus only.. not outpublic to outside of AD cacus..
DreamDeaf did, Alex did, and so did Roadrunner, did stated that it was for alldeaf members only, Check onto all the threads of the AD Caucus, You'll shall see how many times that have been said. And out of blue, Deaf Single Connection had a copy of the AllDeaf Caucus's announcement up there.
Cheri said:
DreamDeaf did, Alex did, and so did Roadrunner, did stated that it was for alldeaf members only, Check onto all the threads of the AD Caucus, You'll shall see how many times that have been said. And out of blue, Deaf Single Connection had a copy of the AllDeaf Caucus's announcement up there.

wanted to state something: if a person registered with, that means that person is already a member even with a zero post- am I correct or do you guys have another standard that wasn't mentioned in the announcement about being part of the alldeaf event besides paying for it? I'm not trying to start another argument just wanted to make it clear

and another thing I was curious about were the alldeaf members allowed to bring their families/guest as I'm not sure about this as I didnt read the announcement as this thread piqued my interest :)

It sounds like you guys had a blast, and of course every event has their flaws but, we always can learn from those mistakes and make the next event more awesome than the last and so on