Hi all, I'm the head organiser of Deaf Rave - Chinaman from London, UK
Just want to say Aj died in car accident after a BBC tv (national tv) Dancing competition against hearing top dancers in the country. No deaf person ever in the UK manage to achieve what AJ did.
A barrier that this world think we can't enjoy music & life. He spirits is still with us!
He just recently qualified to a be dance teacher, sadly he never received the award. He death was not relate to Deaf Rave, but was Deaf Rave number #1 dancer and motivator (encourge to have a good time). He has inspire many deaf worldwide that Deaf people can dance.
So we Deaf Rave crew from London love music and get together, it very rare these days we get together as much as hearing people.
Deaf Rave has over 5000-7000 deaf people worldwide and all over UK to come our fantastic deaf rave parties.
Deaf Rave is now become a name that will become more famous than ever in Deaf world as we bring you our deaf culture and entertain all people!
1 Love to Aj in Heaven and to all deafies who likes to dance and enjoy meeting new deaf people!
Peace Chinaman - Deaf Rave organiser
To French people, Reims Arts/Film festival was the lick! 2600 internationals deafies united once again!! Fantastic event, checkout our website out