Deaf Psychosis?

I also applied at a local weekly newspaper company in Syracuse for a Graphic Designer position. They refused to hire me because I couldn't hear on the phone, they claimed. :ugh3:

Email, pager, video phone and internet relay. The technology nowadays are awesome for the Deaf people who work for the Federal Government and Private Industries.

I do not understand why they refuse to hiring you due to communication barrier. That is bull-shit. It is not 1950's right now. It is year 2007 right now, hello Hearing people... We can do everything expect speak and hear.

If hearing people are misguided, then we need to guide them... not sit around accusing them of being ignorant.

I'm doing a thesis paper on communication with deafness in the workplace. One issue that is often brought up is that a lot of deaf people quickly "assault" their employers or various businesses when specific accommodations are not provided. However, the real issue is that accommodations vary on the individual, position, and location. That's why we (as deaf and hard of hearing people) should communicate properly and guide them to helping us better.

There are always exasperating moments when a hearing person, without an interpreter and without a pen and pad to the Deaf people. Most hearing people have lost patience with the Deaf people to look for pad and pen to writing down. Sometime Deaf people give their nasty attitude when the hearing people did not understand their communication in gusture and writing.

The communication barrier cause misunderstand and frustrate for the Deaf and Hearing people.
Yes, sometimes they are stubborn.

I'm referring to times when it could be done by guiding them.

For instance, I've heard of deaf people getting all pissy about their employers not providing them accommodations. So, I'd ask them... "Did you tell them what you need?" Their response is usually, "What the hell for? It's their job to know what accommodations to provide me! Sheesh!"

Other times, there will be deaf people who are in line at a local fast food restaurant. When they approach the counter, they start signing their orders to the cashier. However, the cashier can't understand a word they're saying and the deaf customer refuses to use the picture menu or the pen-&-paper method. Yet, the deaf customers get frustrated because the cashier can't understand them. The only way a compromise can be done is if there's another customer who can interpret (which often ends up being me since I'm the one standing there watching the 'show').

The world doesn't revolve around deaf people. The world doesn't revolve around ANYONE.

You're right, I have noticed that several deaf people expect hearing people to know what they're doing communication-wise yet they do not realize that hearing people are often not educated on the ADA regarding the part about equal rights for all deaf people. I have told the employer at the newspaper company that I could use the phone via TTY but she claimed having a TTY would only slow down production. :roll: How is that slowing down production if it takes less than five minutes to call a client company?

You're right about the world.
Email, pager, video phone and internet relay. The technology nowadays are awesome for the Deaf people who work for the Federal Government and Private Industries.

I do not understand why they refuse to hiring you due to communication barrier. That is bull-shit. It is not 1950's right now. It is year 2007 right now, hello Hearing people... We can do everything expect speak and hear.


Yeah, and making a call on TTY takes less than 5 minutes and Videophones, like ONE minute.

Don't worry. I'll get a better job where I won't be treated like a piece of meat.
Mmm, I'll treat you like a tender steak with A1.
Can't eat nothin' without the A1, baby...