Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

Just read this on FB...

There will be another protest in Washington, D.C. October 15 - 17. More info to follow soon.
No national or local tv news about deaf protest except CNNi report. :roll:
Just read this on FB...

There will be another protest in Washington, D.C. October 15 - 17. More info to follow soon.

If this is true... Oh lord... The notice of time are way too short for us, especially after the protest is over.

I want a source of this though, if possible!
Yeeees! This girl get it and her video explained it beautifully!
Yes, she got it but you don't. I read your post #190 that shows no solidarity. There are some more posts you made that are negative about the protest. Period. Sad!
Yes, she got it but you don't. I read your post #190 that shows no solidarity. There are some more posts you made that are negative about the protest. Period. Sad!

Why are you force everyone to support the deaf protest with their own agenda and a lot of misinformation? Do you think that we are dumb and low function? Do you think that you are smarter and know about everything than us do?

You told us that you don't vote and you are basically clueless about everything, also you are very brainwashed - you have no idea about what are you talking.

Zeo knows about deaf unemployment is abysmal but this deaf protest isn't going fix those issues.
Why are you force everyone to support the deaf protest with their own agenda and a lot of misinformation? Do you think that we are dumb and low function? Do you think that you are smarter and know about everything than us do?

You told us that you don't vote and you are basically clueless about everything, also you are very brainwashed - you have no idea about what are you talking.

Zeo knows about deaf unemployment is abysmal but this deaf protest isn't going fix those issues.

Ahh, this kid you just quoted is still going on about me?

Seem like the protest coming up on October is true and it seem to be going for in a right direction now but like few people say, it's too short of a time notice.

If you want to know about it, go and look up 'Thedesfsociety' on Facebook and you should find one of the posts.
Why are you force everyone to support the deaf protest with their own agenda and a lot of misinformation? Do you think that we are dumb and low function? Do you think that you are smarter and know about everything than us do?

You told us that you don't vote and you are basically clueless about everything, also you are very brainwashed - you have no idea about what are you talking.

Zeo knows about deaf unemployment is abysmal but this deaf protest isn't going fix those issues.
Are you that negative? Are you saying they are there for nothing? Do you know why millions of deaf people live on SSI? You lived on SSI, why? I liked one of your posts that pointed out that you had a hard time to get a job due to your disability. You have two faces or what?

I forced people to support the deaf protest? No, like Hoichi said, be a part of the teamwork (solidarity) and don't talk **** about the protest. You, deaf, Zeo, deaf and I, deaf so lets work together. That's what the girl said in the video. OMG!
Ahh, this kid you just quoted is still going on about me?

Seem like the protest coming up on October is true and it seem to be going for in a right direction now but like few people say, it's too short of a time notice.

If you want to know about it, go and look up 'Thedesfsociety' on Facebook and you should find one of the posts.
Your quote;

"The sad thing is... The owner of DeafNation fell for their trick which led him to think the deaf protest was set as a purpose to help the jobs, educations, and ADA."

Why is it a sad thing? I am glad that DeafNation is involved. Why isn't it a good thing?
Are you that negative? Are you saying they are there for nothing? Do you know why millions of deaf people live on SSI? You lived on SSI, why? I liked one of your posts that pointed out that you had a hard time to get a job due to your disability. You have two faces or what?

I forced people to support the deaf protest? No, like Hoichi said, be a part of the teamwork (solidarity) and don't talk **** about the protest. You, deaf, Zeo, deaf and I, deaf so lets work together. That's what the girl said in the video. OMG!

No, I'm not negative about deaf people but I'm saying that Charlton's agenda on deaf protest is embarrassing to deaf people and make us look idiot, also I prefer NAD president or professionals to organize the protest, not someone with lack of professionalism. Charlton's protest remind me of Tea Party and Pro-Life protest - they lacked of credibility and quality.

I live on SSDI, not SSI and I worked before and I had to resign due to worsen vision issues. My SSDI pay more than minimum wage job.

Zeo and I want to have high quality demonstration with professionalism.

Also, pay attention to SneakerNet's post and many deaf people lacked cognitive thinking process - that's major problem, along with communication barrier.
Ahh, this kid you just quoted is still going on about me?

Seem like the protest coming up on October is true and it seem to be going for in a right direction now but like few people say, it's too short of a time notice.

If you want to know about it, go and look up 'Thedesfsociety' on Facebook and you should find one of the posts.

Who is this kid?

I just checked the FB and found that deaf protest II will be about CI and Audism.
No, I'm not negative about deaf people but I'm saying that Charlton's agenda on deaf protest is embarrassing to deaf people and make us look idiot, also I prefer NAD president or professionals to organize the protest, not someone with lack of professionalism. Charlton's protest remind me of Tea Party and Pro-Life protest - they lacked of credibility and quality.

I live on SSDI, not SSI and I worked before and I had to resign due to worsen vision issues. My SSDI pay more than minimum wage job.

Zeo and I want to have high quality demonstration with professionalism.

Also, pay attention to SneakerNet's post and many deaf people lacked cognitive thinking process - that's major problem, along with communication barrier.
Your point is that the protest should not be occurred because the low-functioning people planned it? Are you aware that NAD which is a part of high-functioning people supported it? DUH!
Your point is that the protest should not be occurred because the low-functioning people planned it? Are you aware that NAD which is a part of high-functioning people supported it? DUH!

You don't understand about what I'm saying so you need find someone to interpreting about what I say.

You interpreting incorrectly.
You don't understand about what I'm saying so you need find someone to interpreting about what I say.

You interpreting incorrectly.
I didn't misinterpret it. Your quote;
this deaf protest isn't going fix those issues

Is not it a negative thing to say to those protesters? Are you really deaf? If so, why did you say that? You show no solidarity. Hopefully many deaf people who are not ADers read your post look you down.
I didn't misinterpret it. Your quote;
this deaf protest isn't going fix those issues

Is not it a negative thing to say to those protesters? Are you really deaf? If so, why did you say that? You show no solidarity. Hopefully many deaf people who are not ADers read your post look you down.

You are interpret my post incorrectly. :aw:

Don't rewrite my statement into ridiculously and idiotic comment and you should take several minutes to think about what is problem with deaf protest that leaded by Charlton.
Who is this kid?

He is referencing CrazyPaul.

I just checked the FB and found that deaf protest II will be about CI and Audism.

Interesting. The Audism part I get- no issue with that as that is a big problem. But the CI? If there is to be solidarity in the deaf community, ALL deaf need to be included (as the young lady said in the video I posted)- those deaf with CI are being marginalized with this next protest. There are quite a few deaf teens/adults with CI who do have ASL as their primary language. One of the former Gallaudet Art professors was one of them. Now if they are talking about babies/children being implanted- I can see why they are against it (even though it's the parents' responsibility not other people). Better direction would be to create outreach programs to these parents to encourage the addition of ASL to the child's education/learning.
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I didn't misinterpret it. Your quote;
this deaf protest isn't going fix those issues

Is not it a negative thing to say to those protesters? Are you really deaf? If so, why did you say that? You show no solidarity. Hopefully many deaf people who are not ADers read your post look you down.

There's nothing negative about his comment. First- he isn't directing that comment to protesters- it's solely his opinion. He isn't saying "Don't have any protests" but rather setting up a protest and having is not totally going to solve the issues at hand- it feels like many of the protesters think that holding the protest(s) will fix these issues. It's going to take a LOT more than just a protest walking down the street. It's a start though.

I'm not sure how people who 'aren't ADers' going to see his posts unless somebody (you?) directs them to the forum as guests. Doubt many will have an opinion one way or another or 'look down' on him or snub him- maybe they will but I doubt that will affect Foxrac very much. You're already doing that by looking down on those who aren't attending the protests or still have questions or want more information about the protests.

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