Turns out there was only 200 at most at the protest today...the park looked empty.....
wow.. quite a bit of a difference from the estimate of 800.Turns out there was only 200 at most at the protest today...the park looked empty.....
Of course, few people made vlogs recently to exaggerate on some things such as 'omg wow 10k deaf people here at the protest, I am so proud of you guys!!"
I'm surprised that deaf protest is successful.
Deaf Protest is not newsworthy. We already have ADA law and related program that help deaf people with their education and employment goals. Why fix law when it aint not broken? Most of the protesters are cultural deaf people and their sympathizers who are complaining that they cannot find job desipite the fact that they are the one who were under qualified for the job, lacks of adequate education, or not meeting with reasonable position requirement for the job (ie. secretary job with telephone work). They just want something their way without actual invest their time by going back to school for more training. Majority of them are living off Social Security Disability Income. Communication access is fine as it it. The government already provide Video Relay Service, VRI, and fund state programs to deal with deaf people. They are protesting based on unreliable statistic reports on deaf employment. Also a Deaf Protest started by a man name Charlton Edward LaChase who is a felony and is not recognized by whole deaf community as leader.
After watching the video Rockin'robin recently posted... I saw some mistakes in there, especially with one poster where it say at least 50% deaf people didn't get the job... Which we all know are not true. Even with all the videos, I still have this same impression that some of the deaf people are demanding to be handed everything on the platter.
Charlton are just good at taking things out of system and changing them to make it seem like it's true.
I'm going to have to copy one of the wise commenters because he have made lot of good points in this.
Source: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1268662
Last year, 17.1 percent of people with disabilities were employed, according to the Bureau for Labor Statistics. The BLS only started tracking such stats in 2008.
This is quite an embarrassment... Take a look at the comments in this link.
Some deaf people are pulling the ADA/deaf/discrimination card just because CNN didn't spread the news about deaf protest. Few of the deaf people are shaming on CNN and tried to claims that CNN are not respecting the ADA law...
Pfffft, that's really laughable.
50%? Are you serious?
I believe that 70% of deaf people are unemployed and many of them live on SSI or SSDI, but deafblind is probably about 90%. That's guessing statistic because we don't have any official data about how many deaf people are unemployed so guessing is based on size of deaf people with SSI and SSDI. My VR told me that many, many, many deaf people live on SSI and SSDI.
ADA isn't successful law because most Americans with disabilities are unemployed and it is basically water-down version of law.
You got it quite wrong about the 70% deaf people because it's actually about 70% of the disabled people are not working. Charlton did a good job on turning the disabilities into deaf because he saw the statistics for the disabled people, not the deaf people but 70% of the unemployment for deaf are not true at all. 50% seem bit more reasonable but that's still pushing a bit.
Yes, you are right on the ADA law. It's not powerful enough but it could use some tweakings. I do support the protest for good causes but as I have stated several times, the deaf protest are doing this only for their own personal agendas, not because of ADA.
How I'm wrong? Do you have any statistic or data about percent of deaf unemployment isn't 50% or 70%? When I was student at Gally and student showed about 70% of deaf people are unemployed in presentation - the communication barrier is major reason for employers to not hire them.
The deaf is part of disabilities, no matter if you don't like.
See data in my other post - for overall with disability, the unemployment is 83%. Deaf people could be 70% at best or 80% at worst.
I only said you're quite wrong because 70% as of right now for the deaf are impossible. I'll try to explain more clearer. The unemployment rate for the disabled people are 70% to 80%... I already took a look at your link. However, you have to realize that does not define ALL the deaf. All type of disabilities are included, which mean cerebral palsy, handicap, blind, deformation, genetic/health disease, and the list goes on.
Like I said again, 70% is quite impossible, especially for the deaf, considering you count all the disabilities... however... 50% is more reasonable and it turn out to be true about 50%, not 70%. I found a link which round it up to about 50% for the deaf unemployment rate in 2012/13.
Just click on the Table 2.3 to see the data table.
I perfectly understand about disabilities cover deaf, blind, CP, medical related, etc but that's not what I means. It is depending on categories.
70%+ unemployment is true for born deaf (severe to profoundly) who use ASL.
50% unemployment (possibly less than 50%) is true for late-deafened or born HoH with oral language.
The communication barrier is major factor.
Don't forget about real unemployment for general population so it means for people with hearing loss can be ridiculously higher - see U-6.
There is problem - if you live on SSI or SSDI so you are not employed or unemployed, but it means you are basically not in labor.
Unemployment means people who are actively looking for a job.
Combine with unemployment with not in labor for deaf people can be very high as 70%+ - that's reasoning.
If you combine the unemployment with not in labor, it can be considered at least 70% so you do have a point there. It's hard to find the data/statistics for more of a specific category of deaf, such as born-deaf or a person who became deaf later... Since the statistics usually involve all type of deafness.
I don't know who you are. Do you speak well? Do you wear a HA or CI to be able to hear others? After you answer them, I would like to discuss more with you. If you don't want to answer them, alright all of your posts are invalid.I only said you're quite wrong because 70% as of right now for the deaf are impossible. I'll try to explain more clearer. The unemployment rate for the disabled people are 70% to 80%... I already took a look at your link. However, you have to realize that does not define ALL the deaf. All type of disabilities are included, which mean cerebral palsy, handicap, blind, deformation, genetic/health disease, and the list goes on.
Like I said again, 70% is quite impossible, especially for the deaf, considering you count all the disabilities... however... 50% is more reasonable and it turn out to be true about 50%, not 70%. I found a link which round it up to about 50% for the deaf unemployment rate in 2012/13.
Just click on the Table 2.3 to see the data table.
I don't know who you are. Do you speak well? Do you wear a HA or CI to be able to hear others? After you answer them, I would like to discuss more with you. If you don't want to answer them, alright all of your posts are invalid.
OK, if you didn't answer my questions, it could be that you got a job because you are able to hear through a HA or CI and speak well so it indicates that you can't speak for others.I do not wear the HA/CI, however, I can speak okay but due to my personal preferences, I prefer to use sign.
However, I do not see why not answering your questions would make my posts invalid though.![]()