Deaf persons only: What annoys you the most about hearing people?

Reminds me of an exact phrase/quote by someone-who-shall-go-unnamed who referred to us deaf on this forum as "those people" as well! :lol:

Wish I remembered who. :hmm:

I posted over in the above thread. LOL:giggle: Having been a 'hearie' for most of my 42 years...and now I am a 'deafie' (hard of hearing the last 4 1/2 years and now very nearly completely deaf) is a very interesting change of perspective I have gone through. You never know what you got until it's gone and you have to deal with the changes that loss brings. I had some hearing left as little as just 3 months what residual is left to me is mostly an annoying buzzing my voice makes when I talk. (I rarely talk anymore because I usually end up with a sore throat for my efforts.)
this whole divide between deaf and non deaf is kind of absurd...since this isn't a culture or biological difference...any hearing person can become deaf...and this sounds like we are lamenting about all 6 billion hearing people based on a few jerks...

:) btw I myself am cochlear implant user,

6 billion hearies? NO...that's way lot less than 6 billion. Deaf, HOH, and hearing loss population must be well more or less than a half billion.
There can be a great difference, depending on whether or not one is Deaf (in both the physiological and the cultural sense) or merely deaf (unable to hear). Yes, any hearing person can become deaf, but that doesn't mean that they will choose to immerse themselves in Deaf culture.

Very well said. I am, myself, beginning to realize the difference between being merely deaf and being Deaf. While my hubby can hear just fine, because I have become deaf we are finding out what being Deaf is like. It is very different. :ty:
When they continue to talk to me after I tell them I cannot hear and I cannot lipread. They just keep on talking and talking to me and I can't understand a thing. That is so annoying. :roll: What part of "deaf" do they not understand?