I know the feeling. I admit I am bad at it. I am an asl user. The large number of deaf people (deaf community) that i tend to go after someone I can chat as just be myself. If there is small number of people then I do check with someone who just learns ASL. But it depends on how they are, who they are. That's why i really like ALLDEAF where there are tons of oral deaf or HOH here that I dont mind meeting since i know a little from online and then meet them in person that will work for me. I don't do well with stranger (oral deaf or hoh) who just learns ASL. same for hearing people (who wants to be interpreter).
remind you that large number of deaf people that I tend to look for old faces that i grew up with and try to catch up with news to chat rather than meet a new people who just learn ASL.
i feel awful for saying the truth.
EXCEPT alldeaf so i am half bad at it.