Deaf Peeves


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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We have threads talking about what we hate about hearing people, I am creating one about deaf...DO NOT BASH HERE.......It is not being anti deaf. we can speak freely after all we are deaf ourselves.
One: i dont like how some deaf dont like if you are oral or tend to walk away when they find out you are oral.
BabyPhat21 said:
One: i dont like how some deaf dont like if you are oral or tend to walk away when they find out you are oral.

BabyPhat21, I agree with you on this one wholeheartedly.

I could never fathom why deaf people reject deaf orals.. When I meet deaf orals, I make a effort to get to know them and help them learn sign language. They need acceptance and it was never their fault being raised up as oral. :squint:

What else the deaf peeve do I have, hmm...

Oh yeah, I don't like it when deaf people cannot accept the difference in others. They're like a clique, or rather lemmings.

Also they're not broad minded.

One last thing: GOSSIP! oh boy... *shakes head* Need I say more?
mm, i'd say those who had problems, made a world biggest deal out of it and never really move on. some would keep talking about it for years. i had to stay away from them, not because im afraid of them, its definitely not my type to hang with people to deal with that way. :ugh:
It really bothers me that some deaf people do not know how to treat each other with respect and it affects the reputation of deaf community. :-(
sometimes it bothers me to know that this many deaf people would be so immature and self involved...while few are mature and responsible...that's my opinon, after all
e said:
mm, i'd say those who had problems, made a world biggest deal out of it and never really move on. some would keep talking about it for years. i had to stay away from them, not because im afraid of them, its definitely not my type to hang with people to deal with that way. :ugh:
Yeah it's not my style to be with people who don't even have a life.
I hate it when they remember something from 1998 and still bug you about it.
Soonersfan79 said:
I hate it when they remember something from 1998 and still bug you about it.
or worse..10 or 15 years ago! Ive known some deafies still talk about gossip that was so old that you have completely forgotten about!..i couldnt believe it when this person brought up this old crap that happened 14 years ago!! it was nothing really, just stupid shit...criminey! like they dont have anything new to talk about!.......
Defee said:
or worse..10 or 15 years ago! Ive known some deafies still talk about gossip that was so old that you have completely forgotten about!..i couldnt believe it when this person brought up this old crap that happened 14 years ago!! it was nothing really, just stupid shit...criminey! like they dont have anything new to talk about!.......

Oh yes. I hate that too. I myself am shocked at people who memorized with whatever it had happened and tell me what did I do in the past.

In my mind, """Hello, it's PAST, why do you need to bring it up and talk about it? it is such a waste of your time to obesse about soemthing that is my own personal.""" GRR
some deaf peeps act like they're on a playground. maturity and decorum doesn't count!

don't you just hate it when some deaf peeps automatically call you or others names like "idiot" - pinkie I handshape stamped on the forehead. STOP that shit, please. it's a big turn off. :evil:
One big thing I hate is how they take "Deaf Pride" too seriously. I've seen guys turn down gals or gals turn town guys because their parents aren't deaf. There was one gal I knew who was approached by this guy. He said, "You're not my type because your parents aren't deaf so it won't work out." He has deaf parents himself. There was a group of friends who ignored this guy because he wore CIs and he was still following deaf culture. But, of course... it goes against "Deaf Pride" if you have CIs. Jeez!
One of my biggest pet peeves is when a deaf person ask me what school I went to (elementary, high school and college), I would say this and that (never went to Galladuet or a state school for the deaf) and they would simply walk away.

It ain't my fault if my parents decided to send me to regular school or choose oral methods for me - I am an adult now and make my own choices. I made a choice to learn ASL and try to get involved in Deaf events etc so there is no reason for them to judge me harshly.

Very few deaf men would ask me out - they always say " Youre too hearing for me, blah blah" ...I wonder if black folks ever say to other black folks " Youre too black for me to date ya"
Another pet peeve is that when deaf people ask me when I tell them that I am divorced " Is he hearing?" and I say yes. Then they say " No wonder why".

I always am tempted to tell them that they are wrong - we got divorced for OTHER reasons, not because of deaf vs. hearing issues.

Lots of deaf couples get divorced as much as hearing couples does so there is no difference.
I hate when deaf don't want to learn sign language and they prefer to be oral, it's rare to meet deaf who only know oral and know nothing about sign language. Many deaf being gossip monsters... hearing do that also, anyway.
Liza said:
some deaf peeps act like they're on a playground. maturity and decorum doesn't count!

don't you just hate it when some deaf peeps automatically call you or others names like "idiot" - pinkie I handshape stamped on the forehead. STOP that shit, please. it's a big turn off. :evil:

LOL, I completely understand how you feel about that one. There was this girl who always called me an idiot for no reason. Whenever I see her, she call me an idiot.

I tend to shrug at her.
Meg said:
One of my biggest pet peeves is when a deaf person ask me what school I went to (elementary, high school and college), I would say this and that (never went to Galladuet or a state school for the deaf) and they would simply walk away.

Some people just don't understand that not all deaf people want to go to Galladuet. I've been told that I should go to the university so many times that I've lost count. I always told them, no... I will not.

Very few deaf men would ask me out - they always say " Youre too hearing for me, blah blah" ...I wonder if black folks ever say to other black folks " Youre too black for me to date ya"

Probably Michael Jackson.
Heres a good one that a deaf woman asked me after i got divorced from my deaf husband: "Why did you divorce your deaf husband" and my hearing husband was standing there!.....can u imagine? the fawkin nerve of her!
My husband was pissed so he asked her "why are u so dense?"......LOL!
she looked puzzled and then walked away...heh!