I'm just shy!Well gee - what's so interesting back there? Who ya hiding?
I will bring a date. He is bald and mine!! Watch out girls the party is on! I got cards, dominoes and Porch Swingers, which is white wine, lemonade and a sprig of fresh, crushed mint. We have chilled mugs here in the cooler. I hope it rains soon and we move to the patio and watch the young ones dance in the rain.
Tacos anyone?
Yup! We've had our share of attention over having cities named Embarrass and Fertile. And then there's Hermantown. The town was so full of men that there was a huge promotion over it to get women to move there. You could probably google it. It was a few years back.
Wirelessly posted (droid)
Poor Bott. Here's some tea with honey and lemon.
I caught a cold.. Maybe someone is sick in here.
Wirelessly posted (droid)
Poor Bott. Here's some tea with honey and lemon.
Here's some chicken and stars soup for you, Botts. My mother would serve that to me when I was feeling sick when I was little.
you got it from me, mines was worse, it was chills, you only got the cough, damn keep warms in case it get to be full blown...(chills) shiiite i hate it