Hello. I have been HH for my whole life but started teaching myself how to play piano/keyboards with my twin sis who is also HH. As our musical ability improved we gained more skills in improv and performance. Over the year (20 now) our hearing has become worse. Mine is at/around 90db loss which really sucks if you are a musician. I have been composing music since the age of 6 and find it real hard to manage now that things are bad, hearing wise. No matter what happens, we will still compose, play, perform until we can't anymore. We were on the news, radio stations, live performances around the city as well as special events.
Now we have blue-tooth enabled hearing aids Naida V UP/Ultra power hearing aids and I LOVE them. I use an iCom with it can connect it to my synths, keyboards, amps, EQ pedals, anything!
I cannot hear the bass or high ranges anymore and it makes me sad. I cannot play the bass guitar anymore unless its in great tune or I use an electric tuner and the violin is almost impossible to hear now.
The cello is awesome because its in mid-range and has a great, warm sound to it and I can feel and hear.
My twin and I put our music up on youtube under the channel name
MsMotif6 and thesynthfreq.
No matter what, music will be a big big part of my life and I think its awesome, as HH persons to be able to play still. The technology is awesome and I never would have imagines BT hearing aids!! LOL
Play on!