Deaf or Blind?

Which would you rather to be?

  • Deaf

    Votes: 76 96.2%
  • Blind

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters


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May 11, 2003
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Unlike many of you, ADers, I have experienced both deafness and blindness because I am Deaf and legally blind.

I know both pros and cons of deafness and blindness. I can make a list of pros and cons on both "disabilities." But first, I would like to see how many ADers rather to be Deaf or to be Blind.

Having experienced both disabilities, I can tell you that I rather to be Deaf.
I did rather to be Deaf to watch my two boys grow up. :D

I remember, when I meet a hearing blind Man. The interpreter told him, that lady is Deaf which is not able to speaking well. She watches an interpreter in the sign language. Blind man said, oh dear I am so sorry, you are Deaf. You miss alot of beautiful sound birds, music, etc... I was stunned because he did rather to be blind than deaf just the sounds.

He asked me if I could survive to be Deaf. I said oh yeah, I could walk without the cane or assistant. I could drive a car, go to food shopping, take care of my kids, without any assistant. I did rather to see by visual with beautiful flowers, blue sky, mountains, sexy men's butts while they jog, etc. etc.. Blind man was impressed because I have two children, work full time, able drive a car, etc...

He admits that he did rather to be blind than deaf. Is not it interesting ?

Blind man did not realize how beautiful out there in the enironvments. I watched the movie, it called " First Sight". Oh Dear, that movie was damn GOOD one ! It is very good anology as Deaf children or adult who get their first cochlear implant. Their brains were not funictional to connect with cochlear implant. Just like that movie "First Sight" to see with colorful and bright. It is really hurt to the brain due to not using with visual colorful and bright.

~ Sabrina
Aww yeah, I'm glad I'm only deaf and not blind. We should all count our fortunes no matter how small or insignificant they seem. :)

Well, blind people would usually say they'll rather to be blind than deaf....because their lives are adapted to being blind. They would be scared to purge into a disability that they have no clue about.

Same for deaf people though.
:werd: SG -- i remmy years ago i did an informal survey talking with hearie friends i had and questioned them which they prefer blind or deaf qq all but 1 had answered would prefer to be blind and the only 1 had surprised me by saying prefer to be deaf :shock: those who said prefer to be blind cuz they dont wanna give up their love for music!!! and the 1 that said prefers to be deaf than blind said he can still appreciate music by feeling the beats and etc (he had point) and want to see the beauty in life
i obviously prefer to be deaf - but i'd rather be born deaf instead of losing it later in life and always know what im "missing" out on. I think im better off not knowing :)
Originally posted by LadyDuke
Unlike many of you, ADers, I have experienced both deafness and blindness because I am Deaf and legally blind.

I know both pros and cons of deafness and blindness. I can make a list of pros and cons on both "disabilities." But first, I would like to see how many ADers rather to be Deaf or to be Blind.

Having experienced both disabilities, I can tell you that I rather to be Deaf.

I have night blindness - cannot see very well at night time, I'd prefer to be DEAF over being blind. Deaf people can do a lot more things than a blind person.
Like someone else in this forum mentioned a blind man preferring to be blind than deaf. It's interesting, but again, it was the man's opinion.

Yes, SilenceGold is correct on adaption part.

I was born Deaf and legally blind and grew up Deaf-legally blind. Actually, I have some good eyesight left while growing up until I lost a lot of them at the age of 15. I never lost my hearing because I was born "stone" Pinkster said, it's easier this way if I (or anyone) was born Deaf.

Being Deaf has both pros and cons.

Being Blind has both pros and cons.

I can write a long list of pros and cons for both deafness and blindness!
I would rather be Deaf than blind, of course. It's no brainer when you ask people who already are deaf which one they prefer. I'm sure if you posed this question the general public (hearing), you would probably get a much different result.

I would rather be Deaf because I am a visual person and love seeing things. How could I travel and "see things" if I were blind?! I couldn't imagine trying to travel without my eyesight, because it would be so difficult to know how the world looks like in different parts of this Earth.
I am Deaf-Blind and have experienced both worlds.

It will take me forever to write pros and cons of being Deaf and being Blind.

But I'll tell you what...

As a Deaf-Blind person, I move quickly in the dark than a Deafie can! I communicate at any hour and in any room regardless of brightness. I even can communicate in the car and in bed in the dark that most Deafies can't. Unless Deafies wanna practice TSL.

I can walk and crawl quickly in the dark while Deafies become very awkward doing them in the dark.

I don't need vision in some situtations like Deafies need.

What I have something Deaf people and Blind people don't have is I can communicate with hearing, hearing-blind, Deaf, and Deaf-Blind people in written English, Braille, and ASL.
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I am curious about Deaf-Blind can do.

I often wonder how Deaf-Blind can use computer. I understand that legally blinded people use large font software to help them "see" on monitor. I know two of them are vision impaired using the large format software.

But, I am very curious how Deaf-Blind person can "see" the websites if they are totally blind? Help me understand better.

Originally posted by Oddball
I am curious about Deaf-Blind can do.

I often wonder how Deaf-Blind can use computer. I understand that legally blinded people use large font software to help them "see" on monitor. I know two of them are vision impaired using the large format software.

But, I am very curious how Deaf-Blind person can "see" the websites if they are totally blind? Help me understand better.


I am curious, too. I work for 'The DeafBlind Association' here in Victoria, Australia -- it provides accommodation, services and computer services for the deafblind population of Victoria. You could find more information on this at:

Hope that helps.

Re: Re: Deaf or Blind?

Originally posted by WaterRats13
I have night blindness - cannot see very well at night time, I'd prefer to be DEAF over being blind. Deaf people can do a lot more things than a blind person.
Like someone else in this forum mentioned a blind man preferring to be blind than deaf. It's interesting, but again, it was the man's opinion.


I just found out that i have night blindness and bright blindness. whatever too bright (example bright sunny or flash or bright light) and go in dim room (inside house).. I couldnt see for couple hours.. At night, I couldnt see very well--I hate the most is that something movement.. I wasnt sure what it is.. make me panic or creep me out.. (runs inside to make sure i am safe) hehe..
Anyways, I would say I prefer to be Deaf.. since my life have adpated to be deaf (just like SG said)..

Be sure if you see Blind or Blind/Deaf person out in public, and look uncomfortable or look for help.. Help them :)
Originally posted by Oddball
I am curious about Deaf-Blind can do.

I often wonder how Deaf-Blind can use computer. I understand that legally blinded people use large font software to help them "see" on monitor. I know two of them are vision impaired using the large format software.

But, I am very curious how Deaf-Blind person can "see" the websites if they are totally blind? Help me understand better.


That's a good question.

Deaf-Blind (totally blind) people can read computers by using a special computer equipment called Navigator. It's like a Braille typewriter and reader. There must be some kind of software for the Navigator.

Some websites are programmed for these totally blind to read in Braille. Some websites are not.

A Deaf-Blind (totally blind) HAS to be fluent in Braille in order to use the Navigator.

Frankly, I don't know much about the Navigator. I was trained to use the Navigator for a short period when I was at Gallaudet University. I could've completed the training if I hadn't left Gally.

How do I read computers? I use a super magnficiation software called Zoom Text Xlra. For more information on this software, check it out at

Technology is developing rapidly day by day and year by year. That makes a life easier, even for Deaf-Blind people! :cool:

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