I agree, DD. It's not our place to decide who should have SSDI or not.
There is a phrase I see often: "Be kind to others, for you don't know what they are dealing with."
Sucking taxpayers money is not ok. As a US citizen, and a taxpayer, I want to make sure my tax money go for right reasons.
For SSDI, he or she paid $$$$ in SS tax when they had a job in the past, prior disability started.
Althorough, the hearing loss is very thin pie of overall SSDI's disability, also outside of high functioning deaf people, the hearing loss often to have multi-disabilities as well, even they didn't signing at all.
It isn't my thing to judge on someone whoever have SSDI or not since they have many problems that I don't know, so it is none of my business.
it is clearly that person do not have severe disability, now what?
What is HUD and what is SSDI?
Are you talking about the people who are severely multihandicapped and don't even have the mental abilty to sign? Not all people with multiple/additional disabilties are severely affectedFor SSDI, he or she paid $$$$ in SS tax when they had a job in the past, prior disability started.
Althorough, the hearing loss is very thin pie of overall SSDI's disability, also outside of high functioning deaf people, the hearing loss often to have multi-disabilities as well, even they didn't signing at all.
It isn't my thing to judge on someone whoever have SSDI or not since they have many problems that I don't know, so it is none of my business.
Are you talking about the people who are severely multihandicapped and don't even have the mental abilty to sign? Not all people with multiple/additional disabilties are severely affected
Hello there I need some help I'm on SSDI, and I am unable to get food stamp, and I am self sufficent, and can't get any help, but what I get from SSDI.
I'm trying to make my life easier can anybody help me figure out how I can have an easier life?
Most place charge 30% of your income, and I make 1,250 a month, and 30% would be over 300 dollars.
Most place are already at 300, and it is better than what most housing authorizing have, and it is more private at the same price.
I'm having to pay for my truck which is 240 a month included insurance, and I'm struggling month to month if anybody have any suggestion how I can have some release, or have some burden off from my shoulder so I can live more independently then please share with me.
Oh, too young.My ex-sister in law was hearing. She had a history of heart congestive. Her doctor told her to not work ever and not raise stress level. She was forced to be put on SSDI for the rest of her life. If she does work, she will have another heart attack. She did take care of herself, but her heart couldn't take it anymore. She died at 35 years old and didn't even work and left two kids.
As for food stamp, I am a bit behind food stamp policies. This OP cannot get food stamp unless he has children.
shel90, I am curious what do you think what will happen when our President decided to cut SSDI?
Jeez, I am sorry so many people in these threads are questioning the legitimacy of your disability and snarkily telling you to get a job instead of offering something that is actually helpful.
You asked for assistance with making your life easier because you are struggling to pay your bills on SSDI.
Is there public transportation in your area? You could sell your truck and take public transportation. It would cost a lot less and your disability would probably enable you to get a reduced fare. Trading your truck for a smaller used car doesn't sound like that would help much because what you are paying now isn't exactly a lot. If your disability prevents you from using public transportation then you can sign up for paratransit which is transportation for people with disabilities that prevent them from using the bus.
Can you obtain housing with a roommate so as to share the costs of living?
Did you know you are able to work part time while also being on SSDI? The monthly income limit is $1,170 a month and even working that part time job they will NOT reduce your benefits. You could try the SSDI ticket to work or Vocational Rehabilitation.
Are there local food pantry or food sharing organizations for food in your area?
I wonder what the homeless rate in these countries are or if they offer assistance in any way.I would recommend you to travel to Holland, Japan, Poland and many other countries where they do not have SSDI.
You are not wrong. That doesn't mean it's easy or abundant. Especially for folks that have multiple issues. You don't automatically get a job just because you have taken initiative and tried hard. There are many variables at play such as location, job skills, job availability and competition to name a few.They work, and find a way to get a living.
There are many deaf-blind employers work for US government. Many multiple disabilities individuals have jobs. Please prove me that I'm wrong.
You are absolutely correct that there are people that abuse the system. I would not judge someone solely on English literacy. I do agree with you IF this person has not taken any initiative to seek employment in their area. I would not assume that just because someone is seeking assistance, that they are automatically abusing the system. There are too many unknowns here for anyone to make that assessment. I am all for cracking down on abuse and making the system efficient. After all it is the taxpayers money that funds these programs. Eliminating SSI would hurt many people that truly need the assistance. Hopefully you would agree that not everyone on assistance is abusing the system.Based on my observation, wang is able to type English fluently on AllDeaf, and I am sure Wang is able to find a writing report, newspaper, social media jobs to pay expensive bills instead of relying on HUD, SSDI, etc. to suck taxpayers money. Get my drift?