Deaf Museum


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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I tried to find a national/international museum of deaf history and culture but all I found were small museums inside some schools for the deaf. I don't know if there's one out there; if you know one, then post it here!
If it's not exist.... There are a lot of museums of histories from all over places and different cultures. I think that this one should create because people need to learn about things that they don't usually see them around. Most people may not realize that there are a lot of great leaders who were deaf, blind, and or etc. There are a lot of stuffs about this culture we're in, you may not realize it and think about it. It is amazing that we stay together and keep the community/culture strong for years and years. Thanks to new tech, the internet helped us to stay close.
Anyway, what do you think that it should be build for education?
What about Gallaudet U? Don't they have a good Deaf Museum? If not, they should build one in their area!
I've not known any huge museums solely for the deaf culture and history. The only one I know about was a temporary one during Deaf Way 2 -- it was created only for the duration of DW2...then dismantled afterwards. Pity,they didn't attempt in finding a permanent home for it in Washington, DC. :(
:) This i can contribute to. My uncle is an avid Deaf Collectibles collector, he gets a lot of his stuff on ebay. I imagine he's spent close to 10k on that suff. (All of which will be mine when he dies, as he has no children and im the only deaf family member in my generation.) He says there is no national Deaf museum. If NAD were to erect one, the people who collect those collectibles will probably determine after it's built whether or not they want their things in it. If you build something to house those items, they will not give instant approval. And if they do approve, they'll "lend" the items to it, not give it all for charity. Lets mention that NAD can be a bit cheap sometimes, so I dont think we'll see this happening anytime soon ;)
pinkster said:
:) This i can contribute to. My uncle is an avid Deaf Collectibles collector, he gets a lot of his stuff on ebay. I imagine he's spent close to 10k on that suff. (All of which will be mine when he dies, as he has no children and im the only deaf family member in my generation.) He says there is no national Deaf museum. If NAD were to erect one, the people who collect those collectibles will probably determine after it's built whether or not they want their things in it. If you build something to house those items, they will not give instant approval. And if they do approve, they'll "lend" the items to it, not give it all for charity. Lets mention that NAD can be a bit cheap sometimes, so I dont think we'll see this happening anytime soon ;)

yea Jamie -- i agree NAD can be cheap sometimes LOL -- but as for the Deaf museum there should be 1 i agree with u guys -- heard theres a small one abt those victims of WW2 and Hitler's "racial cleansing" mission as there were alot of deaf victims killed as well as those who were gay/lesbians and of other race -- its over at the Houlocaust (sp qq) Museum in DC would be very nice if Deaf museum is established somewhere in DC. I want hearing people to get educated by learning Deaf history/culture including the unmentioned abuses. No offense. Look at holocaust survivors.. "same thing" with Deaf survivors of abuse of the kind.
Oddball said:
"same thing" with Deaf survivors of abuse of the kind.

true Oddball and i think we should have a Deaf museum somewhere -- particularly in DC but ahhhhh DC is getting a bit too crowded with other memorials being created
lets create a deaf univ or an ALLDEAF univ :) of course I take care of the sex materials/ subjects ;)
we already have a deaf unveristy baby phat, Gally univeristy is a DEAF unversity!