Deaf man wants sign language interpreter at nudist camp in Cayuga County

This is the statement on the RID membership form:

"NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct
By joining RID, a member agrees to adhere to the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct. The Ethical Practices System applies to current individual members who are providing interpreting services and not to organizations or non-practictioners."
I don't think a code of ethics can be legally binding... can it?

It can bite the interpreter in the butt. If one blabs to everyone that a surgeon castrated me, and even puts it on front page news, I could get that interpreter in legal trouble.
Not that I was castrated.
I don't think a code of ethics can be legally binding... can it?

It can be. But it is also intended as a guide for professional behavior that will prevent you from having legal problems such as lawsuits for discrimination. Ethical violations can result in discipline by the licensing or certification board, sometimes resulting in revocation.

Yes. I still worry about all the trees towering over our house. Our house is about 20 ft. tall, and at least a dozen of our trees near the house are twice that height. Every time the wind blows hard, I go downstairs to wait it out. A little PTSD from Hurricane Hugo. (It did a lot of tree damage around here.) :|

I've never been in a hurricane, but have 4 huge old trees in my front yard that tower over the house. I love them in good weather, because they help keep the house cool in the heat and warm in the cold. But I sweat out the storms! So far, though, I've only had to drag branches to the burn pile.
It can bite the interpreter in the butt. If one blabs to everyone that a surgeon castrated me, and even puts it on front page news, I could get that interpreter in legal trouble.
Not that I was castrated.

Psssst...come here you guys! Did you hear what happened to Beowulf?
Psssst...come here you guys! Did you hear what happened to Beowulf?

Hee hee.
I was talking with an interpreter yesterday and she was telling me about the possible difference between two hospitals. She loves working in one, since they REQUIRE interpreters for the deaf, while in another, sometimes they decide not to give one to a deafie who "speaks well." Furthermore, in the latter place, the deaf patient does not have the right to refuse and switch interpreters: when they assign one, that is it. Apparently it is up to the deaf patient to file complaints, since the interpreters cannot do it on their own. Just saying.
That is so weird. I could have given the agency my friend/terp's phone number, and she can do it at a nudist colony because she had done it before. She is an adventurous/retro gal.

It is inappropriate to force an interpreter to go to place when an interpreter doesn't feel comfortable.

IE: Long time ago, A Deaf teacher was supposed to show up to teach us at a school, but he could not come and his wife was having a baby. Anyway, he told us what happened that day. While his wife was giving birth, the interpreter fainted, hit some metal tray on the the back side of the head, and received nasty stitches. He tried to help his wife and interpreter at the same time, and it wasn't easy, but he was glad that everyone was fine. Since that incident, he usually contacts the agency requesting specifically for interpreter who isn't afraid of the hospitals.
That is so weird. I could have given the agency my friend/terp's phone number, and she can do it at a nudist colony because she had done it before. She is an adventurous/retro gal.

It is inappropriate to force an interpreter to go to place when an interpreter doesn't feel comfortable.

IE: Long time ago, A Deaf teacher was supposed to show up to teach us at a school, but he could not come and his wife was having a baby. Anyway, he told us what happened that day. While his wife was giving birth, the interpreter fainted, hit some metal tray on the the back side of the head, and received nasty stitches. He tried to help his wife and interpreter at the same time, and it wasn't easy, but he was glad that everyone was fine. Since that incident, he usually contacts the agency requesting specifically for interpreter who isn't afraid of the hospitals.

wow, interesting story
I would terp at the nudist retreat.
But then again, I AM an odd duck! I have been to a hippie/Pagan weekend that was clothing optional before, and was not uncomfortable.

Personally, as far as the terp being clothed..I would have to! I am SO fair skinned I sunburn very quickly. Plus the lack of contrast of hands next to skin would make my signs much less readable. (It's all about praticality!)
i doubt that shit will happen....... go use app that they can interpreting or translating for you without needing someone with you...

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